sobre la red TOR


mira aquí ara mateix diu que no està funcionant, no obstant, fa cosa de quatre dies, on diu Running, deia YES això no significa que tot el rang pugui ser un node de la xarxa TOR, no obstant, es sospitós. --Breathe (disc.) 12:42, 12 feb 2010 (CET)Respon



T'he blocat per un dia perquè has eliminat un text en tres ocasions i sense consens al·legant que les referències de diaris catalans no són vàlides.--Lohen11 (disc.) 10:31, 23 feb 2010 (CET)Respon

No, nunca he dicho eso. Ni he eliminado texto tres veces. He editado, discutido en la pagina de discusion con otro usuario, y editado de nuevo. Tu has revertido a la misma edicion tres veces sin discutir el tema. Si alguien ha hecho algo en contra de la politica de este wiki, eres tu.

--Boynamedsue (disc.) 13:51, 23 feb 2010 (CET)Respon

Afegint recordatoris 1, 4, 5 i 12 emprant els Viquiestris.




Recorda: A l'inici de l'article, escrivim de forma estandarditzada el títol del mateix article en negreta. Pots veure exemples d'això als articles televisió, Girona o gos.

Recorda: No t'oblidis d'afegir els interwikis (enllaços al mateix article a la viquipèdia en altres idiomes). Pots consultar com es fa això aquí.

Recorda: Cada article ha d'estar classificat almenys en una de les categories existents a la Viquipèdia. De no ser així, costarà molt trobar-lo en mig de 761.970 articles. Pots aprendre com categoritzar un article aquí.

Recorda: Els enllaços externs (que apunten fora de la Viquipèdia) es posen tots reunits al final de l'article. Per a l'article, usam sempre els enllaços interns.

--Ferbr1 (disc.) 09:38, 25 feb 2010 (CET)Respon

Re: npov on the Cronologia de la repressió del català page


I had not read this article before and, to be honest, I haven't reviewed all your previous interventions in this or any other article that you have edited here. But, I have to admit that I didn't find anything particularly wrong with that last edit of yours, and that is why I decided to intervene. My suggestion would be to try to explain, as best as you can, and citing the source, why any text needs to be rephrased. Puigalder said he is willing to cooperate. And I will participate as well. Ask any user that reverts you to explain his or her reasons in the Talk page. Don't do it just on the edit summaries. This is just a recommendation, but at least you show proof of willingness to discuss.

Your comment about permitting Spanish in order to gain a worldwide perspective was rather unfortunate -or rather, I should say, it was unfortunate that people misunderstood a (sorry to say this) poorly expressed idea. But I do get your point (allowing users from other parts of the world and other languages to comment will help Viquipèdia). Given how things are now, I would strongly advise you to simply comment on what needs to be improved in the article and respond only to those questions related to the content. Ignore the rest. Do not fight fire with fire.

It is a recommendation, not a norm (unlike the English Wikipedia) to write in Catalan in Talk pages. Assuming good faith, comments in Spanish are accepted if all users involved understand Spanish (truly, not all do). I don't particularly think you need to write your comments in Catalan since you are proposing changes and aren't just complaining about the purported Catalan bias of the entire Viquipèdia, and all users involved seem to speak Spanish as well. But at least when editing articles I would recommend that you make use of online translators. Internostrum is probably one of the best available.

--Dúnadan (disc.) 04:41, 4 feb 2011 (CET)Respon

That sounds good. I would also comment on the Talk Page that you went ahead and reedited the disputed phrase because nobody responded. --Dúnadan (disc.) 18:36, 6 feb 2011 (CET)Respon
Given how controversial this article is, I would like to ask you to please go slowly on any changes by proposing a discussion first, and if no one objects, then proceed to editing them. Also, I strongly encourage you to make use of the online translation sites that I mentioned before. If you are truly interested in the Viquipèdia project (i.e. the encyclopedia in Catalan) then please make an effort by proof-reading your edits in Catalan. You can also proactively request the help of other users to review the grammar and spelling of your edits. --Dúnadan (disc.) 18:09, 12 feb 2011 (CET)Respon
First, I would suggest for you to continue asking him to participate in the discussion. Also, all users, you included, should be careful not to break the three-reversions rule. I cannot intervene or use any administrative powers (i.e. protecting the article due to possible violation of 3RR) because by backing your position up on a previous point, my actions can be interpreted as having a "conflict of interest". I can and will only participate in this article as an editor. If you still believe an administrative action is required request it at Viquipèdia:Petició als administradors. You may also request for Mediation (we do not have a formal process of doing so here, but you can try La Taverna, for that).
I would also strongly suggest that you try to reach a consensus by offering "compromise" solutions, here and in other Catalan-related articles you might be editing. Remember that Wikipedia is not about establishing "truth" (or what we perceive to be true) but by stating what is "verifiable" and presenting, if applicable, all points of view. I believe that if you offer compromise formulae in this or any other article related to Catalonia both here as well as in the English Wikipedia, other users will be more willing to accept certain changes. If you refuse to do that in the English Wikipedia people will be less willing to cooperate here.
Last but not least, I cannot but continue to ask you to use online translators and spellchecks. Your most recent edits/reversions were still written in very poor Catalan. Other users, who might not be following the entire debate, might find your editions more "serious" and less "trolling" if you do so. (I am talking about perception not about your intentions). And of course, this is an encyclopedia in Catalan... I have seen many an edit rejected in the English Wikipedia for the sole reason of being written in poor English...
--Dúnadan (disc.) 01:05, 16 feb 2011 (CET)Respon