데이터 집합

BuiltWith Datasets는 2000 년부터 현재까지 인터넷 기술 사용 정보에 대한 대량 액세스를 제공합니다. 매일 업데이트되며 투자 연구 및 일반 인터넷 관련 연구 목적으로 사용할 수 있습니다.! 샘플 데이터 세트를 다운로드하십시오.

백 테스팅

BuiltWith는 자본 시장 고객에게 테스트 데이터를 다시 제공합니다. IP를 보호하기 위해 결과에서 웹 사이트 도메인 이름을 제거했지만 테스트 목적으로 기술 사용 내역을 유지했습니다. 문의하기 백 테스트 데이터 세트에 액세스하려면

Snowflake ❄️

BuiltWith 데이터 세트는 Snowflake를 통해서도 제공될 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 당사에 문의하십시오.

Entire Internet Datasets
Entire Financial Market Datasets
NASDAQ Listed Tech Companies
NYSE Listed Tech Companies
LSE Listed Tech Companies
ASX Listed Tech Companies
AMEX Listed Tech Companies
TSX Listed Tech Companies
ETR Listed Tech Companies
STO Listed Tech Companies
MK Listed Tech Companies
WSE Listed Tech Companies
AMS Listed Tech Companies
OTC Listed Tech Companies
SGX Listed Tech Companies
EPA Listed Tech Companies
JPX Listed Tech Companies
NSE Listed Tech Companies
Entire Country Datasets
Category Datasets
Sub-Category Datasets
Domain Extension Datasets
.com · .net · .org · .edu · .br · .uk · .nl · .in · .pl · .au · .de · .it · .co · .fr · .ca · .be · .io · .ar · .cz · .mx · .es · .ch · .hu · .se · .cl · .il · .nz · .dk · .ro · .no · .tw · .sk · .ua · .at · .fi · .za · .ai · .me · .us · .ie · .pt · .gr · .lt · .sa · .vn · .jp · .ru · .hk · .kr · .ee ·  See More...
Mega Technology Datasets - Technologies with more than 2.5 million active websites
Premium Spend Datasets - Websites with technology spend
$0 · $10 · $50 · $100 · $250 · $500 · $1000 · $2000 · $5000 · $10000
Website Traffic Datasets - Traffic Rank'd Websites up to 1m
1k · 10k · 100k · 1m

데이터 집합 스키마


최상위 범주 필드는 왼쪽 사이드바에 나열됩니다. https://trends.builtwith.com – 매일 추가된 새로운 기술로 지속적으로 업데이트되고 변경됩니다. 예를 들어 분석 및 cms가 있습니다.

Field Name JSON Name Description Example
Domain D Root Domain Name example.org
Subdomain SD The subdomain name for the result (blank for www. or none)
/* for internal page
Technologies T Grouping of current and historical technologies. Shown in table below.
FirstIndexed FI The date this website was first indexed in YYYY-MM-DD. 2011-06-30
LastIndexed LI The date this website was last indexed. 2024-10-05
Spend SP Estimated current monthly USD spend for this website. Supplied on top level domain only (based on all sub-domains). 2324
Sales Revenue ER Estimated current monthly USD sales revenue for eCommerce sites only. 123000
Page Rank A Page Rank up to 100m 123456
Tranco Q Tranco traffic rank up to 1m 123456

기술 데이터 집합의 범주(예: 모든 분석 관련 기술)의 범주 내의 사이트에서 발견되는 하위 기술입니다.

Field Name JSON Name Description Example
Name N The unique name of the technology. Shopify Plus
FirstDetected FD The date we first detected the technology in YYYY-MM-DD. 2012-12-28
LastDetected LD The date we last detected the technology. 2024-10-05
기술 지수

데이터 집합에 있는 기술에 대한 모든 정보가 있는 인덱스 파일입니다.

Field Name Description Example
Name The unique name of the technology. Shopify Plus
Parent If this technology is a subtechnology the name of the parent technology will be here. Sub technologies could be a specific version of a technology or a product variation. Shopify
Premium If this technology is considered premium or not. Values are Yes/No/Maybe

Maybe could be considered technologies where a nondetectable free/paid version is available.
Description Description of the technology. Shopify Plus is an ecommerce platform for high-volume and enterprise merchants.
Link Link to the website technology. https://shopify.com/plus
TrendsLink Link to our trends data for the technology. https://trends.builtwith.com/shop/Shopify
Category Top level category for the technology. shop
SubCategories (array) Any sub-categories the technology may be categorized as. Hosted Platform
FirstAdded The date the technology was first added to BuiltWith in YYYY-MM-DD. 2011-02-01
Ticker Related ticker symbol for the technology. SHOP
Exchange Related exchange for the ticker. NYSE
PublicCompanyType What we consider this technology in relation to its overall product offering.

Web Focused - Listed companies with a majority of their business on web trackable technologies.

Multi-Business - Listed companies with a a part of their business in trackable web technologies.
Web Focused
PublicCompanyName Name of the public company Shopify, Inc.
메타 데이터

메타는 웹 사이트에 대해 가지고 있는 비기술 기반 데이터와 관련이 있습니다. 이 데이터 집합에는 개인 식별 정보(PII)가 포함되지 않습니다.

메타 데이터는 보장되지 않습니다 - 우리는 웹 사이트 자체에서이 정보를 찾을 수 있습니다.

Field Name JSON Name Description Example
Domain D Root domain name. example.org
CompanyName CN Company name for the website. Example Inc.
City C The city of the website. San Francisco
Zip Z The Zip/Postcode of the website. 94105
State ST The State/County of a website. CA
Country CO The Country of a website in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.. US
Vertical CAT A IAB top level vertical for the website. Technology and Computing
Telephones (array) T Telephone numbers found on the website. +1-800-343-34343
Emails (array) E Emails found on the website. Role based. [email protected]
Social S Facebook website address https://facebook.com/example
People (array)
Names not included
P Titles of people found on 'Team' pages of websites.
Titles are simplified to C-Level, Marketing, Development, Other