Topical Encyclopedia In the context of the Bible, "tone" refers to the manner or attitude conveyed through speech or writing. The concept of tone is significant in understanding the communication between God and humanity, as well as interpersonal communication among individuals. The Bible provides numerous examples and teachings on the importance of tone, particularly in how it reflects one's heart and intentions.Biblical Examples and Teachings 1. God's Tone in Communication: God's tone throughout Scripture varies according to the message and the audience. For instance, in the book of Isaiah, God speaks with a tone of both judgment and comfort. Isaiah 1:18 states, "Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." Here, God's tone is inviting and redemptive, offering forgiveness and restoration. 2. Jesus' Tone: Jesus exemplifies a perfect balance of truth and grace in His tone. In Matthew 11:28-30 , Jesus invites the weary with a gentle and compassionate tone: "Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." His tone is one of comfort and reassurance. 3. Apostolic Instruction on Tone: The apostles provide guidance on maintaining a Christ-like tone in communication. In Ephesians 4:29 , Paul instructs, "Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building up the one in need and bringing grace to those who listen." This emphasizes the importance of a tone that edifies and imparts grace. 4. Proverbs on Tone: The book of Proverbs frequently addresses the impact of tone in speech. Proverbs 15:1 states, "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." This highlights the power of a gentle tone to diffuse conflict and promote peace. 5. James on the Tongue: James 3:5-6 warns of the destructive potential of the tongue, and by extension, the tone: "In the same way, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it boasts of great things. Consider how small a spark sets a great forest ablaze. The tongue also is a fire, a world of wickedness among the parts of the body." This passage underscores the need for careful consideration of tone in communication. Practical Application Believers are called to reflect Christ in their tone, ensuring that their speech aligns with the values of love, truth, and grace. Colossians 4:6 advises, "Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." This encourages a tone that is both gracious and wise, fostering understanding and respect in all interactions. In summary, the Bible places significant emphasis on the tone of communication, urging believers to adopt a manner that reflects the character of Christ and promotes harmony and edification within the body of Christ and beyond. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1. (n.) Sound, or the character of a sound, or a sound considered as of this or that character; as, a low, high, loud, grave, acute, sweet, or harsh tone.2. (n.) Accent, or inflection or modulation of the voice, as adapted to express emotion or passion. 3. (n.) A whining style of speaking; a kind of mournful or artificial strain of voice; an affected speaking with a measured rhythm had a regular rise and fall of the voice; as, children often read with a tone. 4. (n.) A sound considered as to pitch; as, the seven tones of the octave; she has good high tones. 5. (n.) The larger kind of interval between contiguous sounds in the diatonic scale, the smaller being called a semitone as, a whole tone too flat; raise it a tone. 6. (n.) The peculiar quality of sound in any voice or instrument; as, a rich tone, a reedy tone. 7. (n.) A mode or tune or plain chant; as, the Gregorian tones. 8. (n.) That state of a body, or of any of its organs or parts, in which the animal functions are healthy and performed with due vigor. 9. (n.) Tonicity; as, arterial tone. 10. (n.) State of mind; temper; mood. 11. (n.) Tenor; character; spirit; drift; as, the tone of his remarks was commendatory. 12. (n.) General or prevailing character or style, as of morals, manners, or sentiment, in reference to a scale of high and low; as, a low tone of morals; a tone of elevated sentiment; a courtly tone of manners. 13. (n.) The general effect of a picture produced by the combination of light and shade, together with color in the case of a painting; -- commonly used in a favorable sense; as, this picture has tone. 14. (v. t.) To utter with an affected tone. 15. (v. t.) To give tone, or a particular tone, to; to tune. See Tune, v. t. 16. (v. t.) To bring, as a print, to a certain required shade of color, as by chemical treatment. Greek 5456. phone -- a voice, sound ... a voice, sound NASB Word Usage blasts (1), cry (1), language (1), languages (1), outcry (1), sound (15), sounds (4), statement (1), tone (1), utterance (3 ... // - 7k 1640. elasson -- smaller, less 5509. chiton -- a tunic 2557. kakourgos -- a criminal 1069. geiton -- a neighbor 753. architekton -- a master builder 5045. tekton -- a craftsman, spec. a carpenter 2846. koiton -- a bedchamber 5130. touton -- this; he, she, it Strong's Hebrew 7984. shilton -- governor... 7983, 7984. shilton or shilton. 7985 . governor. Transliteration: shilton or shilton Phonetic Spelling: (shil-tone') Short Definition: rulers. ... /hebrew/7984.htm - 6k 8481. tachton -- lower, lowest 7623. shabach -- to soothe, still 6994. qaton -- to be small or insignificant 850. Eshton -- an Israelite 6873. tsarach -- to cry, roar 6996. qatan -- small, young, unimportant 3213. yalal -- to howl, make a howling 7983. shilton -- mastery Library Stichera for a Sunday of the First Tone. Seventh Psalm Tone Third Psalm Tone Sixth Psalm Tone Fourth Psalm Tone Fifth Psalm Tone Second Psalm Tone Eighth Psalm Tone A Sunday in the Week of the First Tone Idiomela in the Week of the First Oblique Tone. Thesaurus Tone (9 Occurrences)... 1. (n.) Sound, or the character of a sound, or a sound considered as of this or that character; as, a low, high, loud, grave, acute, sweet, or harsh tone. ... /t/tone.htm - 11k Sharp (115 Occurrences) Voice (651 Occurrences) Accent (1 Occurrence) A (102073 Occurrences) Key (8 Occurrences) Whisper (9 Occurrences) Flat (33 Occurrences) Trumpet (74 Occurrences) Tune (15 Occurrences) Resources Is questioning the Bible wrong? | GotQuestions.orgWhat is the difference between religion and spirituality? | What is gaslighting? | Tone: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Concordance Tone (9 Occurrences)Matthew 9:30 Mark 1:27 Romans 10:6 1 Corinthians 9:8 Galatians 4:20 2 Timothy 2:25 Titus 2:7 Hebrews 6:9 Daniel 6:20 Subtopics Related Terms |