We create benchmarking software that helps you measure the hardware performance of your PC, mac, tablet and smartphone. Running our benchmarks regularly, and especially before and after making changes to your system, can highlight setup and stability problems. Comparing scores from similar systems can help you choose between upgrades and new components. We maintain the world's largest and most com
Leela Leela is a strong Go playing program combining advances in Go programming and further original research into a small, easy to use graphical interface. It is freely available, making it an ideal introduction to the game. Features Strong Go engine including support for multiple processors and GPU acceleration Strength over 9 dan on 19 x 19, depending on hardware 2008 Computer Olympiad Silver (
Note: When patching StarCraft, please use the ‘Run as Admin’ option; it is required during your first client run to migrate saves and avoid issues from Windows system admin changes. StarCraft: Brood War Patch 1.18 Patch Notes StarCraft and StarCraft: Brood War are now free. Follow the links here to begin installing: [PC] [Mac] General Added windowed fullscreen or windowed mode; use Alt+Enter to sw
Excelシート上にRPGの世界が! 作ったのは会計士さん2013.03.28 12:156,133 福田ミホ 見た目地味だけどたしかにRPGです。 今どきの会計士さんってみんなExcelを使いこなしているのでしょうが、キャリー・ウォーキンさんほど華麗なExcel使いの会計士さんはなかなかいないと思います。ウォーキンさんは、ExcelのマクロでRPGを作ってしまったんです。昔Excelに入っていたフライトシミュレーターみたいに画面が切り替わるんじゃなくて、Excelのスプレッドシート上でプレイヤーを動かしたり、呪文を唱えたりするんです。 そんなゲームはArena.xlsm、こちらからダウンロードできます。Windows版のExcel 2007と2010で動作確認できていますが、Excel 2013ではテストしていません(動くはずですが)。残念ながらMac版のExcelでは動作しません。 ゲ