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Freehand – The all-in-one collaborative workspaceUnlock your team’s full potential – ideate, plan, execute, and track projects with Freehand There is something so natural about collaborating in Freehand. It feels like you’re holding a marker, and making ideas happen. I can’t imagine doing that in another tool. It captures that human essence of being in person and talking to someone that is right n
The Photoshop file format is over 23 years old, yet it remains one of the most opaque file formats out there. PSDs are very widely used, yet Adobe has never produced an easy way for developers to work with the format. Indeed, some developers have gone mad trying to parse PSDs. We know the feeling. For some time, we've been meticulously building a tool to open the Photoshop format. It's a Ruby libr
笑っちゃうくらい写真が見違える! 写真の管理・編集の神ソフト「Lightroom 5」レビュー2013.07.11 22:00Sponsored mayumine 写真管理・編集のための神ソフト、Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5の製品版がリリースされました。 いやね、実はわたくし、3ヶ月間の世界一周旅行に行って帰ってきて、撮りためた1万5000枚の写真の管理に途方に暮れていたんです。NASとFlickrに突っ込んでおしまい...という、今までのずさんな写真の管理方法から脱却すべく、いろんな写真管理ソフトを模索しました。アップルのデフォルトソフトiPhotoはNASに入れてる写真を読み込むのに毎回時間がかかるしなーと除外。あと、Apertureも気になったけど、今はトライアル版の提供が終了してしまっていたので試すにいたりませんでした。 そしてLightroom。写真管理
Here it is — my complete iOS, Android and Mac app design workflow, starting from the first time you open Photoshop, to the app release and beyond. Now seemed like a good time to document how I’ve been working, because my workflow is about to drastically change again, with the release of Skala. Start low-fi # I always start with a non-Retina, 1× document size that’s mindful of the smallest or most
Hipster-as-fuck perspectives for your designs. Photoshop Plugin to transform your work into a unique perspective. Mac & Win. Photoshop CC 2019 Ready Buy Now $19 Pure Fucking Magic Built by slave fairies and unicorn horns, this Photoshop Plugin couldn’t possibly be any more fucking amazing. Buy Now $19 Right there in yo face We’ve built this bad boy into a badass Photoshop Plugin so every time you’
Your pixels in an instant Create, use and share your own pixel collections. Whether it’s icons, buttons, ui kits or photos, Pixel Dropr lets you create your own 100 piece collections of the pixels you need and allows you to instantly drop them into any PS document while you work. Pixels are the fundamental building blocks of digital art, creating vibrant and engaging visuals in various media. In c
Photoshop is one of the most loved, popular and used photo editing software available in the market. Only with few clicks you can transform an ordinary image into a very interesting and eye-catching masterpiece. Photoshop lets you do wonders with your images. It boasts a plethora of features which can be used for spicing up and adding life to a dull photo. Even if the original photo has some flaws
CSS3Ps PhotoshopでデザインしたシェイプをCSS3に変換するプラグイン「CSS3Ps」 CSS3でちょっと凝ったオブジェクトを作りたい場合に、Photoshopがそのまま使えてCSS3にコンバートしてくれます。 CSS3で描画した驚きのグラフィックス、というのも、こうしたツールを活用すると驚きのCSS3グラフィックスでもなんでもなくなるのかも。 シェイプをデザインします グラデーションなんかもつけつつ プラグインのボタンをクリックで出力。そのまんま。 画像じゃないから軽いという点もポイントですね 関連エントリ CSS3でシャレオツなリストを作るチュートリアル アニメーションするバナーをCSS3で作るチュートリアル CSS3で出来たクールなLightBox実装チュートリアル CSS3で描かれたシェイプのサンプル集
Amazing Watercolor Effects in Web Designs and Tutorials June 26th, 2012 While designing you apply various photo effects to the photos, and watercolor effects that are among them have a great number of fans. The idea of each work is to impress the viewers, and it can be easily performed by using the mentioned above effects in your works. You can notice them here and there on the backgrounds of the