A few years ago I, like many people, began to hear more and more about Node.js. I had been building server-side applications in ColdFusion for over a decade but was always curious to see how other platforms worked as well. I enjoyed JavaScript on the client and using it on the server seemed fascinating. (Although not necessarily new. I'm old enough to remember when Netscape released SSJS back in t
Using the CSS border-radius property, we can create rounded shapes and circles. Add some gradients and they become spheres. Let’s try that, and add some animation to bring them to life. Flat design There are two ways we could approach making spheres with CSS. One is to create an actual 3D sphere using lots of elements. There are some beautiful examples of these. A potential downside though is that
These are the demos shown in the talk. More information on each CSS feature covered. Clock with Open Type LigaturesWebKit or Firefox Better Ampersand with Unicode RangeAny browser Wrapping text within a pathChrome Canary with 'Enable Experimental WebKit features` turned on via chrome:flags Flowing content across layout containersChrome Canary with 'Enable Experimental WebKit features` turned on vi
To get to the next page, use your finger, mouse or PgDn button. FYI, you are not using Opera Reader. It can be downloaded from the menu on the left! Around 2000 years ago, the Romans developed the codex. Different from scrolls – the previously accepted literary format – the codex had pages that were bound together into what we today call books. Image by Friar's Balsam. The codex gradually replaced
Tech Stack for the Backbone.js WebApp Before moving on to building the application, it’s a good idea to get to know more about the Tools and Frameworks we’ll be using. Backbone.js “Backbone.js is a Frontend framework which helps us in building web apps in a more structured way and helps us in writing cleaner and bug-free code.” Don’t worry if you do not understand the above definition, let’s first
新年明けましておめでとうございます。本年も宜しくお願いします。 さて、今年最初のPOSTは、僕が今一番興味を持っているAPIの "Web Intents" について取り上げます。 この、"Web Intents"は、Androidの "Intent" に非常に良く似た仕組みで、異なるWebアプリケーションを自由に連携することを可能とするAPIです。Webサイトの不足機能に対し、他のWebアプリの機能を利用することが可能になるため、スピーディーなWebアプリの開発を実現してくれます。利用するユーザーにとっても、手慣れたWebアプリを利用できるメリットが有ります。 このAPIの更に興味深いところは、 Device機能の利用 デバイス内の固有の機能(カメラや、住所録など)をブラウザから利用する。 Web of things スマートフォンやテレビなどのマルチデバイス連携サービスをWebで実現する