Q. eclipse の新規ソフトウェアのイ... eclipse の新規ソフトウェアのインストール(プラグイン追加)で、フィーチャーをインストールする前にそのフィーチャーに含まれているプラグイン+依存関係で追加されるプラグインを確認することはできま... 回答数:0 Q. eclipseで、特定の(フィーチャー... eclipseで、特定の(フィーチャーではなく)プラグインのみをインストールしたい場合、どのようにすればよいのでしょうか? あるプラグインのソースコードを読むため、ソースをダウンロードしてきてインポ... 回答数:0 Q. PHP・ASP・CGIの関係... PHP・ASP・CGIの関係 いままでPHPでWebサイト開発をしてきたのですが、仕事の都合でASPを学ぶことになりました。 初歩的な質問で申し訳ないのですが、ASPやCGIといったものの関係がよくわからないので...
Lately I’ve been working on a mobile web application using HTML + PhoneGap to create an iOS app. For Javascript I’ve been using Zepto to handle basic gesture events, but for more complex touch interactions I found Zepto lacking. So I created my first Zepto plugin called Flickable (jump to download). The plugin allows you to make any element touchable; useful for flicking between sections, or slidi
sqrt(cos(x))cos(300x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)(4-x*x)^0.01, sqrt(6-x^2), -sqrt(6-x^2) from -4.5 to 4.5
Episodes Archives The Changelog - Open Source moves fast. Keep up. Latest episode Episode 0.4.0 - Riak revisited with Andy Gross, Mark Phillips, and John Nunemaker Wynn and John sat down with Andy Gross and Mark Phillips of Basho to talk about Riak, Riak Search, and moving the community to GitHub. Go to episode The Changelog is a weekly podcast and blog that covers what's fresh and new in Open Sou
100 sets and 500 distinct button styles! Often times the standard Bootstrap buttons just don't cut it. The limited array of colors to choose from can be frustrating, especially when you don't want to dig into the internals. This pack is based on the top 100 color themes of all time on Adobe Kuler. Code Includes 500 distinct button styles divided into 100 color groups Compatible with Bootstrap 2.0.
Tech Stack for the Backbone.js WebApp Before moving on to building the application, it’s a good idea to get to know more about the Tools and Frameworks we’ll be using. Backbone.js “Backbone.js is a Frontend framework which helps us in building web apps in a more structured way and helps us in writing cleaner and bug-free code.” Don’t worry if you do not understand the above definition, let’s first
Twitterユーザーのフォロワー同士が激しくバトルするソーシャルゲーム!TwiitMonsters フォロワーズバトルTwitterユーザーのフォロワー同士が激しくバトル! 遊び方はカンタン!今すぐエントリーしてキミもツイモンマスターを目指そう! エントリー・バトルランキングあそびかた 自分のTwitterIDを入力してエントリー TwitterIDは@TwitterNameのIDを入力してください、ニックネームではありません。 はじめての方は上のフォームを送信するとTwitterへ移動しますので、ログインをしてアプリとの連携を認証してください。 認証後は自動的にこの画面に戻りますがデータ取得までに少し時間がかかることがあります。 COOKIE(クッキー)とJavascriptが有効になっていない場合はご利用頂けません。
RailwayJS is a nice framework built on the same principle as Rails. It is built on top of express JS : it looks easy to learn and provides a lot of helpers (localization, caching…) to build a solid web application. There is a small bad point : the ORM/ODM, called JugglingBD is weird because it claims to be able to manage both relational DB and non-relational DB. The good fact is that it allows t
CSS3 Fancy Box Monday, February 13, 2012 { 7 Comments } About two years ago I made CSS3 Action Framework and next step was to make the replica of the Fancy Box with pure CSS3, I haven't had the time to finish the project until one week ago when was "or now or never" for the project. So what is the purpose of this project? Modular CSS3 Fancy Box similar to original Fancy Box. By simply adding new c
Want to learn how to use PhoneGap, but don’t know where to get started? Join us as we put together “Sculder”, not only a tribute to an excellent science fiction TV series, but a fully-fledged native mobile application for the believer in you! Adding Camera Functionality We left off in the last tutorial in this series just after getting our application into the Phonegap framework and awaiting to ad