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  Campaign 2024 Fmr. President Trump Attends Turning Point Action Town Hall...  CSPAN  June 6, 2024 10:54pm-12:26am EDT

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[cheers and applause] [applause] >> thank you very much. hello phoenix. hello phoenix. we love phoenix. we have done well in phoenix. i love this place. i even wore a special suit. because it represents this time. and there are thousands of people outside who didn't get in.
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i don't know if they will be so thrilled. i'm thrilled to be back in beautiful arizona with thousands and thousands of hard-working american people which is what you are. and i want to thank a special person charlie kirk for his tremendous leadership as well as everyone at turning point action for making this event possible. they really helped me with the election and are doing a phenomenal job and also a lot of real warriors here today thanks to certain members of congress with us. eli crane. [cheers and applause] what happened to eli? i just saw him back there. there he is. eli is doing a great job. and noncontroversial man and he loves your state and he loves our country. and andy. thank you andy. a great guy.
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a woman come i can't believe she's leaving congress preach he would have won by 99% but she's doing something very important. she's going to maricopa county board of supervisors and she has my complete and total endorsement. one of the greatest people. she was just a warrior. i just want to introduce a special woman debbie lasco. debbie, there you are. [applause] a great job. she has the important job. we have got to get them on our side debbie. they are republicans but they act like democrats. we have got to get them on our side. another friend of mine somebody that'sk incredibly healthy and strong. he loves you and he likes me a lot. [applause]
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paul, thank you. you have got a good location. thank you, paul. a great guy. the wonderful patriot. all of them are warriors and sometimes it's not easy. but they are really something very special. a congressional candidate who's doing a really terrific job. the election was rigged the last time. i will tell you that. let me tell you if we could have honest elections in this country i would have stopped campaigning two weeks ago. we would have had it made. but we don't have that so we are watching it very carefully and i'm working to make sure we get too big to reach. we want to be too big to rigged. it gets to point where they can't break it to be of expression. it's called too big to rigged. congressional candidates ava
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thank you very much and a friend of mine and a really incredible woman who has worked very hard and she had another one of those elections. which happened to be broke in. that was a strange situation lines going back to miles. you have to come back about 12:00 in the evening. the machines happen to be broken but she's out there and she's a warrior i will tell you and she's a very fine person and a great, she's a great family person and a great person who loves our country. you will be the next senator she is to be your next senator because she's running against somebody, she is running against somebody who is for open borders. do you like open borders? you have to collect kerry lake.
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[applause] thank you. she's incredible. you do a great job in the campaign is just beginning. on this day we remember and thank the immortal heroes of d-day who led at normandy. 80 years ago. i spoke to some of them today actually. they are in our hearts of this country. they are the heart of the country these great people. the greatest generation. thank you very much. and it's tremendously talk about great people and these are great people. i appreciate you being here especially with these numbers. we have a job to do when we have to make america great again and we are going to do it and we are going to do it better than them. we are going to do it better than ever before. we have the best economy of the best border in the best of
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everything and now we will do it all over again and do it even better. i just went through a rigged trial in new york. with a highly conflicted and i mean highly conflicted judge where there was no crime. it was made up, fabricated stuff but they didn't want to bring the case. they could have brought the case seven years ago. but they would have done that 7 years ago if not in my presidential campaign where we are beating biden by a lot, did you see? [cheers and applause] >> by the way after announcement more campaign funds was given to this campaign than any campaign in history. almost $400 million.
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400. [cheers and applause] but we are going to win the great state of arizona and we are going to tell fired, you'reg a lousy job the worst job, the worst president in history, joe, you're fired. [cheers and applause] >> how did he to today, does anybody have a report?
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do you ever see that it's about two minutes, he's reading a code, nbc, jim. and they ask him a question and he reads the answer. is anybody going to be watching the debate with this character? [cheers and applause] >> you know, they offered me this debate and they thought i wouldn't take it because it's on cnn, jake tapper. does anybody know him? they want it sitting audience.
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they want it to be short, i will take it, they thought i wouldn't take it being on cnn and dana bash is very throw, another beauty. they thought, we will offer him the worst thing that could be offered, dana bash, jake tapper, cnn, in audience, your children, your wife, nobody can be there. it's going to be interesting for him, isn't it? nobody can be there and they want you sitting down. i said, i will take it. i want a debate, we should have many debates frankly. we have to find out why they
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like open borders. who couldke want an open border, more importantly, we are the party of common sense as an example bigger than people think. why would anybody want to have men play in women's sports, why, why? who would want this? today we are saying to
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venezuela, we need your energy, please help us. it's so sad, it's so pathetic, we will lower energy costs by 50% by one year. we are going the drill, baby, drill and get the prices way down. first i want to talk about crooked joe southern border. they are pouring through your state at levels nobody ever -- two days ago joe biden signed executive order, largest border invasion in the history of the world. so this has been the largest invasion in history. we are being invaded, this is not people coming in, these are people coming in totally unchecked, unvetted, they are pouring into our country, far from closing the border, joe
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biden, he's getting killed in the polls. people say this is really what is happening on the border so they come up with something just like everything else they do, it's all fake. the impeachments are fake, the court cases are in disgrace to our country, everything is fake so they come up with this order, i won't say it because i don't like using the word bullshit in front of the beautiful children so i won't say it. i will not■n say it. but this thing allows billions of people. >> this allows millions of people into our country, joe biden's order is proinvasion, prochild trafficking, prowomen trafficking, prohuman trafficking, prodrug dealers and in all it's really that bring death and they bring destruction
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into our country. it's really proillegal immigration. it's great for illegal immigration. it doesn't to anything, it makes it worse than what you have right now. by the way, if you wanted to lose the border, i didn't have to two to congress. i had the best border we ever had. i had the most secure border we've ever had. border was really bad and fixed. when i ran in 2020, i want to talk about thean border, nobody wants to hear it, sir, nobody wants to s hear about the borde. i fixed it. it was so good we couldn't talk about it. the problem is this border is a hundred times worse than it was in 1 2016. 2016, beautiful by comparison but we will fix it again and we
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will make it right because weix are not going to have a country, you know, without borders you don't have a country. annual minimum of for 2 million illegal crossings. he's only going to allow to t to 3 million people into our country. where do they come from? not excluding the millions that will continue to pour throughlis got aways. you know those are unreported people, they got away. good name. they walk in to our country, nobody knows they are here, that's not even including, joe biden is the worst president in the history of the united states by far. the worst. he's destroying our country. the only good thing jimmy carter is a nice man, jimmy carter is a brilliant president.
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jimmy carter is a brilliant president by comparison. his administration by comparison is brilliant, he's a nice person. nice person but jimmy carter is happy now because heon says that his administration is brilliant compared to joe biden. joe biden is the worst president in history. we have to win november 5th which will be the most important day in the history of our country i'm telling you, it will be. in 2016 i'd say that, not with in 2016 and 2020i didn't have to say, we had a country that was just amazing, we had the greatest economy in history during theor short period of ti, greatest jobs, greatest tax cuts, maybe the biggest tax cuts in history, biggest regulation cuts, everything was good but i'm telling
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election coming up in november 25th, 2024 is going to go down as the most important day because we don't win, this country is issued. i really believe that. i think it's finished. in addition crooked joe's action expands biden migrant phone app. he has no idea what a smartphone is. that allows illegal aliens to gain free entry to a be released into the united states at the push of a button, pretty hard, welcome to america. biden's order is not a border security plan, it's a con decision to the fact that he las lost control over our borders, it's a really dangerous place. he's conceding at that time and
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defeat at the bored. on day one of the administration i he reascending crooked joe's outrageous executive order. i will terminate every single open border policy of the biden administration as soon as i take the oath of office. place. it'll take place on the exact same day. i don't need to wait weeks, it's got to be done on the same day that we take together, we all take the oath of office, okay. the result of biden's action this week will be more, moree children trafficked and sold into slavery and millions more illegal aliens pouring into our country and many will come through a very beautiful place known as arizona, arizona.
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and i tell y it's so sad what's happened here, right. is he here? [cheers and appla=use] >> i used to love that guy. where is sheriffjoe, come up he. get up here, joe. sheriff joe. no games, there were no games. there were no games being played with sheriff joe. i didn't know he was here. come here, joe. [cheers and applause] >> i don't kiss men but i kissed
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him, where he had a real border with this guy. people said he was too tough. ghnow they are saying where is sheriff joe. he's 170 year's old but we want him back. joe, say something. >> i want to see your birth certificate.elieve my age. he thinks i'm 73. i love this guy. he said john mccain you're a hero and i paused. four months before i woke up and told my wife, thank you for everything that you've done, never forget that, never. so i said about mccain, i'm not
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going -- served our country but when i woke up i told my wife, i finally found the onlyf hero i ever had in my life and that's him. [cheers and applause] i'm not a typical politician. we talk too much sometimes but you know what, you talk from the heart. unfortunately you get in trouble sometimes. what he did for my wife ava, i will never forget. my wife used to watch who i never watched except for here, and because she used to watch
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donald trump and when i told donald trump about my wife, that she had cancer, he's called my wife not once, seven times. you didn't have to do that. [cheers and applause] >> so all the media up there, they mad mouthed me every day. i like the media that bad mouthing me. you're doing him a favor too. keep mad mouthing him., mr. pree heart, by the jay, june 14th, you and i birthday same they.
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>> thank you, joe. thank you. [cheers and applause] >> grab the railing, joe. he did perfect. you don't want to pull a biden. [laughter] >> thiss guy did a some job in the border now he's appreciated, he did an amazing job, great wife, he had a great wife actually, thank you very much, i didn't know you were here actually, i'm glad that you were. if joe biden wanted to sign executive order to stop the invasion he only needs a single, a single sentence and it would say i hereby immediately reinstate every single border policy of a gentleman donald j trump, president of the united states. >> less than four years ago i handed joe biden the strongest most secure border in u.s.
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history. we built 157 miles and some people say 571 miles, we added 157, we are ready to get it up and was going to go to 200 and they didn't want to put it up but we built 571 miles of wall. we were going to add -- [applause] they ended up, all we had to do was flip it up and was going to go up very quickly and then we had horrible thing happened in the election andng you know betr than us and they ended up selling for fiveor cents on the dollar, they wanted concrete, rebarb, they wanted 7,000-pound concrete, they wanted hardened steel, very good stuff and they wanted the panel on on the. that was anticlimb panel and neverr liked it visually louis said itcl does work, we checked it. the same guys we hired mountain climbers from mount everest, that's pretty good and they
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couldn't get up when you had the anticlimb panel. i'm giving you trivia fact. the panel on top, i hated it bus it doesn't look good and when i founth the panel. let's put the panel. it looks just fine. we ended all catch and release. we shut down asylu fraud. we had remain in mexico, title 42, and we brought illegal immigration to the lowest level on record under the trump administration if you crossed our border illegally you got caught, we sent you back to the place from whicht you came. >> and you know, they weren't allowed to do that with obama and biden. when i first came in i said you have to get them out, ms13, we took out thousands of ms13 criminals, we sent them back to -- you had plenty of them here. we got them all out but i was so
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sure you are not going to be able to do that, why because honduras and el salvador, some of the other countries they wouldn't take them back under any circumstances they wouldn't take them back, i said what do you mean, we put them in buses, we put them in planes, they put big planes on the runway so you couldn't land, they won't take that, how long has that been going on for 10 years, 12 years, has been going on for a long time. how much money do we pay those countries, we give them 750 million a year for economic development, okay, 750, okay, effective immediately inform them they're not getting the 750 million. [cheers and applause] that was on a thursday evening. friday morning like early, 7:30 in the morning i got almost simultaneously 3 calls, not coordinated, separate calls from the heads of the 3 countries and
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i said what's up, early in the morning, sir, we understand that you're upset about something, please there mustab be a misunderstanding. i said, you won't take the criminals that you send over in caravans and they have a lot to do, they put the people that they don't want in those caravans. you won't take those criminals back then you're not getting money at all. sir, there must be a misunderstanding. we would be honored to take back ms13 criminals and we started sending them back by the thousands, by the thousands. but when crooked joe biden got in he took the most secured border in u.s. hiry and quickly turned it into the most nightmare in the history of the world. i think that's the real number as of now 18 million people.
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in april border crossings were up 1,000% compared to the same month last year. 1,000% compared to last year and by the way, last year it was a thousand percent compared, it is -- there's never been any -- a guy like sheriff joe must be going crazy when he hears this. if one person got in he'd go wild, one person. how do you feel about tens of -- how do you feel about millions of people, millions of people? >> in total, crooked joe, biden has imported more illegal aliens than the populations of 40 out of 50 states and soon that's going to be a much higher number. it could even -- i think -- i will tell you what, if this guy got reelected, the country is finished, your border is nifinished, you won't have -- yu won't have a country anymore. it would be a disaster. just on this one issue and we
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are not talking about nuclear proliferation. we are not talking about all the other issues that he has no idea what the hell he's talking about, if you think about it, ukraine being attacked by russia would have never happened. it would have never -- just wouldn't have happened. for a lot of reasons that energy was much cheaper and russia makes its money with energy basely but would have never -- would have never tone it. it wouldn't have happened and never did. for four years it never did. watch china and taiwan. -- watchwhat is going on. iran was broke. israel would have never been attacked and you know, i could say 30 different things but just to add one more, you wouldn't have had any inflation. we had no inflation. we were down, number so perfect
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and now you're suffering with numbers that nobody has ever seen before and it's also unsustainable but the biden invasion is no accident, it's a deliberate demolition of our sovereignty andve of our border, somehow, somebody is going to explain to us why they would want this to happen. i guess it's probably votes, they probably think these people are going to be voting and interestingly i don't know if youre just came across the wire, i'm leading with hispanic voters. he instituted catch and release across the southern border and releasing them into our country. i had catch and release too. you know what my catch and release wi released them in
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mexico. how about -- how about the remain in mexico? i started something that we never had before. remain in mexico and remain in mexico, tijuana, the fastest-growing city in the world, hundreds -- they couldn't come into our country until we checked them out and most of them didn't checkck out. remain many mexico policy which was not easy to get. when you go to mexico, listen, we want to have hundreds of thousands even millions of people standing on your border, do you think that was an easy thing to get, and i got it, 28,000 soldiers free of charge from mexico and i said if you're not going toha give them to, if you're not going to give them to me we will charge you a nice big beautiful fat tariff of 25%, 50%, it'll go up to 100% and they said we would be delight today give you 28,000 soldiers.
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last week i i heard they want to charge the united states billions of dollars, billions just forrs the purpose of sittig down with them and negotiating, can you imagine? can you imagine? they wouldn't be doing that with us. we willfully think of it, he terminated my agreements, safe third is a big deal. he rescinded title 42, peoe allowed into our country that are very sick with disease that can be easily spread and they are allowed into our country, that's a big problem too. he threw open the gates to millions of fighting-age males from all over the planet, you saw that. 29,000 people from china. everyone looks like -- i said, are we crazy or what? what the hell are we doing to our country? this guy is so incompetent, he's so bad and the only chance they have is all of this weaponization stuff, they go on
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after everybody, if they focused the same energy on making america great again, i probably wouldn't have even ran. i ran because i saw such stupidity and i won because you all agreed with me. [cheers and applause] and the very first bill that crooked sent to t congress to ge mass amnesty to millions and millions ofliens even if we don't know anything about them. and you know, they take care of them but they don't take care of our vets. i had 92% approval rating with our vets. the va. now it's -- if joe biden wins this election, he wants to turn every single illegal alien that he let in across the borders into a voting citizen. i believe that's the only reason this is happening because nobody could want -- no other reason that this is a good thing and
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for that, you know, it's interesting they cheat so much, i almost don't think that's the reason but it probably is, by contrast i want to send joe biden's illegal aliens back home where they belong, they have to go back home. [applause] >> because quite simply joe biden wants an invasion, i want a deportation. i want a deportation it's not sustainable. stand up. look at him. he's the greats. heist been to about 200 rallies. that's great, that's cool.
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on day one i will seal the border and stop tin vagues and we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in the history of our country. [applause] >> we have no choice. biden has given no choice. under crooked joe biden the world is asylums, mental institutions and emptying out in all of these places ats levels never seen and sending us the most vicious criminals, savage gang members, sadistic cartels are pouring into our country loaded up with horrible, horrible criminals and they're pouring into the countries at level, our country at levels never seen before. we've never seen anything like this before and h it's only goig to getet worse. you see what is going on in new york, they are having fistfights
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with policemen. fistfights. i've seen people get shot. it's horrible. nobody has ever seen. in their country they would be executed immediately if they did it. they know that it's taking them a little while to get acclimated. you're going to have migrant crime at nestles never seen before anywhere in the world. that's what's happening. i have told say, arizona is beig turned into a dumping ground for the dungeons of the third world. th're emptying out the jails all over the country, all over
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our country we are being affected and affected badly and all over the world if you look, the jail populations are at the lowests levels they maybe ever been, levels that nobody has seen for 25, 30 years. also mentall institutions, they are taking out very sick people and dumping them into the united states. congressulations, by the way, they are dumping them into the united states of ameri mental is throughout the world and i'mri t talking about south america, i'm talking about in africa, the congo, they're letting their prisoners from the congo rough guys come into the united states, congratulations. they're letting people come in from asia, they're letting people come in from all over the world, the middle east, they are coming in from yemen, they are coming in from all over, they are coming in by the millions and they are coming from the prisons and mental institutions and can you imagine the money they're saving and can you
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imagine how much nicer it is but venezuela, the crime is down 72% because they don't have their criminals that are taking gang members in a rough fashion and they are busing them into our country and is there any criminal from venezuela in the room, please raise your hand there probably is we just don't know about it. think how bad that is. and i do it, if i were the head of these countries, honduras, el salvador, i would do it in a heart beat, anybody, i have to say, i would be the first one that would have done it and i wouldn't be having 50% population, i would be down to zero. they'd all be in the united states of america getting money for all of the different things that they get, they get cell phones, they get hospitalization, they get education, even though they can't speak a word of english.
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there are a lot of languages that woe don't have people spea and they are sitting in a school taking a student's place that might be a hard-working citizen, the child of citizens and they are taking their place. our country is going to hell and we are going to stop it, we are going to stop it on■z■- r november 5th. just this week, two offices of the police department, great people by the way, new york's finest, and they are fine, they are fine people, they are great people, shot in queens new york by biden migrant who crooked joe released into our country. this monster ink filtrated from venezuela and quickly given
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administrative amnesty by joe biden along with tax-paper room. very nice room by the way. in palm beach county, florida last month illegal alien criminal who joe biden released into the united states was charged for kidnapping an 11-year-old from her front yard and sexual assaulting her in the back of a van and, of course, there was this horrific case of lincoln riley who is -- instead
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of apologizing to lincoln riley's family joe biden apologized to her killer for calling him illegal, do you i'm. oh, i'm so sorry i called him illegal. he actually apologized. this guy. and remember when biden could not even provide laken's name correctly in probably the wst state of the union anyone ever heard. under the trump administration we will not be apologizing to illegal alien criminals. we will be putting them behind bars and throwing them out of our country rapidly. [cheers and applause] >> with his actions on the border joe biden and is the ring leader of vile conspiracy of all time, aiding and abetting human traffickers, child smugglers and terrorists, that's what he's
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doing. they have no fear. more drugs are coming into theti country, times fiver or times six. we've never had massive amounts of drugs pouring into our country. we fought it like hell. we were fighting and by the way, you'll never solve the problem without the death penalty. [applause] >> when i was in china i was with president xi, 1.4 billion people, strong guy and we got along well until covid and i said, the hell with it. it wasn't what they unleashed on the world was incredible but we got along well and he was going to top the fentanyl coming into the united states but i said to him, do you have a -- first meeting, naive question but not so bad, do you have a drug problem, no, no, i do not have a
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drug problem. don't you have any, no, we don't have drug problem. why? what is -- they catch the drug dealer and they give him a swift trial, a very fast trial at the end of the trial if he's guilty they execute him. hevery drug dealer, every drug dealer in china said let's get the hell out of here and go to the united states where you don't get a slap on the wrist. i don't know that our country is ready first time. i will be honest with you, if you really knew the status a drug dealer on average doing the drug dealer's life will kill approximately 500 people. you know that, 500 people will die, family, family members, children, young children girls, boys, parents sometimes too.
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500 people on average. >> these people are really tough and smart, these cartel people run these things like the best corporations in the country. they say they run more efficiently, they know thousand do it. they are horrible people, they are killing hundreds of thousands of americans each year and i do it, i do it purposely. i mentioned the death penalty and without it, if you look at singapore, the only countries essentially that don't have a problem people with strong crime prevention or countries with the
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death penalty and singapore is another one. they don't even know what you're talking about when you have a drug problem. why would we have a drug problem? we have unbelievable drug problem. we lost 300,000 people, that's bigger than a war. so manyha times they're young people and so many times it was a mistake. they thought they weree. taking something else. if it's larger than the head of the pen you're dead, you no chance. this is pouring in from china and i had to deal with president xi, he was going to give the death penalty to anybody manufacturing fentanyl in china and selling it to the united states but then when the election was rigged and didn't turn out right he didn't have to do anything and d this group definitely didn't want to pursuy weren't going to be sending the fentanyl anymore. but we have to do something with
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mexico, 300,000 people are dying a year. those are the real numbers. they like to say a hundred, they like to say 90. it's been that number for a long time. 300,000 people and it's probably morere tha that. we can't let that happen. that's like being in a war. you take a look at the civil war, you take a look at wars that we've had where the numbers are so much more that. a war within our country and you take a look at this, we cannot let it stand any longer, we cannot take frit china, mexico or anywhere. we have to clean up the problem. the people that do it, the tougher they are, the lesser of a problem. very simple solution. crooked joe is also responsible for more women and children being sold into slavery than anyone else in modern history
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because we are so weak on the borders. we were so strong, this guy goes to the beach all of the time. you ever watch him in a bathing suit. somebody told him he looks good. joe, you look great in the bathing suit. you're 82 year's a old. he can't lift the chair, the chair -- the chair is aluminum. they weigh likein -- they are built for old people to lift and for children to lift. he can't lift. well, today he couldn't get up. what the hell happened to him today? what the hell is going on? but because of biden's policies, millions and millions of children have bes and pushed into the hands of the coyotes and cartels and 88,000, i don't know if it were me it would be the biggest story, 88,000
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children are missing you know that. 88,000. think of that. 88,000 children a missing under this administration and they have no idea and unfortunately many of those children are dead just like many hostagesel held by hamas are ded when they can't make a deal. you know, when they can't make a deal, that's a big problem and they're finding out that a lot of them are gone, a lot of these people are gone right now but there's the thing, again, it never would have happened october 7th israel the attack on israel would have never ever happened under the trump pplause] >> when i'm president i will use title 42 to end and we have to nddo this, end the child trafficking crisis by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries and we will do it immediately. have tol do it.
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we will save countless of women from slavery and servitude. you talk about all of the people who are essentially kidnapped, it's another word for it, most of them are actually women, most of them they put them in trunks of cars, they have cells, 100-degrees, 150-degrees, they put women to try to sneak them across the border and they can do it easily because we have an open border into our country but most of those people are -- just think of yourself, think of your family, moist of them are women. the biden border invasion is also all-out war and flat-out economic warfare on african-american and hispanic american families and workers. these people are taking the jobs of african-americans. they are taking the jobs of hispanic americans and tremendously affected and what
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else is affected, unions, unions are being absolutely slaughtered because people are coming in and taking those union jobs that i think you're going see unions start to speak up pretty soon. work permits to undercut american wages, people with jobs that have had for a long time of being fired all over the country, now income for african-americans is down more than 6% under crooked joe biden. think of it. that's theor african-americans e being -- it's one of the reasons, have you seen the polls. the polls for african-americans are loving trump because they're seeing, they're seeing what's happening and criminal justice reform and we -- i funded the colleges and black colleges and universities, nobody else did
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that, nobody else even thought of it and what we are doing is we are getting tremendous numbers, numbers that nobody -- i don't think anybody has seen before of african-americans coming over thebe vote for us ad we need those votes because we have to turn this country around. simultaneously illegalmu ng rent and housing costs tont skyrocket, absolutely skyrocket because we have 15 millionn new migrants, e we have no place to put them and that number isce building so tht we have absolutely no place in everything that he does joe biden puts illegal aliens first, he puts the cartels first, he puts thefi open borders, the lunatics first and betrays the american citizens, again i say it all of the time, he's the single worst president in the history of our country. you know, until i got indicted, i got indicted four times, can you believe it?
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i'm a politician. i can't stand the name. i ran and i won. the only thing i did wrong i beat somebody that i wasn't suppose today beat. we won the election in 2016. and then in 2020 as we all know i did much better than 2016. we have million of votes, they used covid to cheat, et cetera, et cetera. we are not going to let that happen again but as your etpresident i will put■t african-americans first, hispanican americans first, asin americans first, people with diplomas first, basically i will put all americans first. my loyalty is to the american people and starting from day one
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i will shift massive portions of federal law enforcement to immigration enforcement including parts to have dea, atf, fbi and dhs if you know what all that. i will deploy a u.s. navy to deploy, we will stop that, we already did and deny them access to the waterways of our region. we will put the cartels out of business and i will make clear to everyil federal department ad agency that we must use any and all resources to stop this invasion of our country including moving thousands of troops if necessary currently stationed overseas to our own border. we protect other countries but we don'tde protect our own country. before we defend the borders of foreign countries, we will secure the border of our country. i think that makes sense.
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we used the november fifth because that's the d chance likd years ago, we turned our country around. i wasn't going use the slogan in 2020 because america became great again. we were resctll over the world and now i can use that slogan because our country is a failed -- we are a failed nation. we need a victory that's too big to rig,or you know what that means. we need everybody to get out of.
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[cheers and applause] >> usa, usa, usa, usa! strong. if they would vote we couldn't lose. so we have to get the evangelicals, we have to get the gun owners, we have to get these people to vote and if they vote,
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nobody can beat the gun owners have to vote, the christians, the evangelicals have to go out, they have to vote, so i'm asking everybody to go out, you know the word swamp, i fired comey and a lot of people. i fired a lot of people. we were doing her job. this is a different strong. we have to go to swampthevoteusadump. i never liked the word swamp. the place went wild and i sort of liked it. frank sanatra never liked
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singing my way. we have to swamp the voteat's wd get the information to request your ballot, pledge to vote ouearly in person or even on nd you to watch your vote, these are crooked people. watch your vote. watch where it's going. if you want to volunteer to help us turnerut or target voters in your -- we have a lot of people that want to vote for us but they don'tfo vote. we have to get them to vote. we need with your vote we will end joe biden's nightmare and fire the worst ever administration, we will recess cueed the state of arizona, we will make america eat again. we will make it great again, greater than ever before.
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and now, we are going to do something a little different. we are going to take some questions. we don't do this often. whatever question you like l to ask, it can be a horrible embarrassing vicious question or it could be quite nice, i don't care personally because it's called you ask the question and answer the question, yes, darling, please. >> thank you, mr. president, for taking the time to answer this question. i am a mother, a wife and a woman and i also foster and adopt kids. growing up near the border i've seen firsthand how unsecured borders have impacted my family
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and our country. i worry about illegal drugs being brought into the community and what can happen to my children. what steps can be taken to reduce the drugs brought into the country as well and safety and well-being of families and the community. >> thank you, darling. good, very good question. very basic question. it's a little bit what we've been talking about but instead of being in a level that we have never seen in this country, even as soon as i did i created the safest border in history. we are going to make it so good. all biden had to do was let the people keep the same policies, we wouldn't be talking about this as an issue. i think in a certain way, one of the truly big issues. we are going to make our border very powerful, very strong, we will stop drugs from coming in and we will stop the whole thing with human trafficking which is we are going to make your
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homeland safe for you to stay with your family with thousands of people aren't pouring in and looking through your windows and what they're doing here in texas and by the way the governor of texas has done a very good job of closing it up but here they haven't done that,lo they havent done that and in california they haven't. the people are coming in through california, arizona, so we have to close it up. we are going to close it up and use federal powers to close it up. thank you, darling, good question. yes, sir. >> you're a good-looking guy. looks bike a banker from wall street. [laughter] >> i have grandchildren that i want to see taken care of and i want them to know that they can have the same life that --
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>> very nice. [applause] >> what are we going to do about that? >> we are doing to make sure that they havee the same. i can sigh how incredible you are by the emotion of that and the way you ask a question. we are going to make sure that you they had the same life or better. we have to give authority back to law enforcement so they can properly protect people because right now the law firm is not allowed to do their job because crime is so bad, crime is so bad in the cities and one of the ing immunity and we are going to guaranty people. you know, they lose law enforcement person they go and stop the people from robbing stories, you go to the department stores, 500 people walk into the store and they weak out with air-conditioners, they strip out the whole store and the go out of business and
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store is 25 years and the whole becomes a slump and if you do anything as a law yenforcement person they take away your house, they take away your family and pension, we are going to make it so that we give them essentially immunity we are going to make it so they are not going to be losing their pensions and be able to do their jobs and we are going to get life back, i know exactly the life that you're talking about. it was the life of common sense, it was a life where there was no crime, nobody else getting bumped over the head and getting pushed to railroad and horrible what has taken place, it's evil. we are going get it back to commonon sense, we will have law and order. thank you. great question. thank you. great question. yes, ma'am. >> thank you, president trump for coming■iown. >> thank you very much. >> i'm in the unique position of having two children that are under 30's and set of girls in
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that's are teenagers, i know what i did have to do with the 30-year-old and i know what i have to do with the teenagers by having trackers on those girls and talk evasive action when driving in the county because of high human trafficking. >> who would believe that you would think ofel doing that. >> i know that. >> how would you handle the criminal activities that is running ramp it because of this open border because of the open border. >> okay, strength and we are getting them back. we are bringing them back in here, some real bad ones that don't forget when we keep them here, they cost us millions and millions of dollars per person. it's so crazy. we are getting them the hell out of our country and we start with the criminals. [applause] >> and you know what, our local police know who they are, they know their first name, they have middle name, their last name, we have to give authority back to the local police, fantastic.
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thank you very much. we will get that stopped and soon yes, sir. >> trump, great to have you here. thank you for youron time. >> thank you very much. >> i am a father and husband and we have illegals crossing our border from countries like china, the middle east and other dangerous countries, how would you prevent all this national disaster happening in our southern border? >> so we can do things that nobody does. we have t tremendous economic power. by the way, if we are not careful we are not going to have that either. that's going to go down the tubes with everythingl else. if china and some other country is behaving badly, we have things called tariffs that are so severe, mexico, look at mexico, what they are doing. i can solve that problem, i believe, in one day, you send people through -- you allow people to come through your
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country with hundreds of miles, they have to walk -- by the way, those -- those caravans, i thought i came up with the name, somebody else did, caravans of thousands of people, the young woman in particular, but the people, the young women in those caravans suffer so there's so much death, so much death and this is all caused by biden where people think they are going to walk into the enunited states. it's justre another form of dea. we are going to be so tough and if a country is not going behave, we are going to tariff the hell out of that country because one of the things, one of the powers that we have and we have to we will do more than that but i don't think you're going to need it. i don't think you're going to need it. i had a good relationship with china, yet i took in hundreds of billions of dollars from china, no president, we wouldn't have any steel factories, any steel mills in the united states if i didn't do what i did.
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taxing them at 25, 50%, perhaps going up substantially but we wouldn't have industry, certain industry, they would have been gone and it's not only china it's every country tries to take advantage of us. the european union is brutal to us. they don't take our cars, they don't take our food products, they don't take anything. we have tremendous deficit. european union sounds so nice. they are very tough. hundreds of billions of dollars of deficits. we had that really going great then covid came in and i had to take care of that or we would have had a country that was 1929. if i didn't pour money at covid, we would have had a country that was 1929 depression. we handed over a stock market that was higher than just prior to it coming in but we are going -- we will be very tough on countries because either you can stop it at the source, if you stop it at the source it's much easier than really having battles at the border and we will stop it at the source and i will go back to president xi and
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he will honor it, i believe, death penalty for those people that send these horrible drugs into our country. and you'll see a stop very quickly. thank you. [applause] .. .. ..
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going to see a difference in the likes of which you've never seen befor we are going to bring that number down. we are going to bring it down. the biggest thing i hear is people going to the grocery store and they get the same amount ofuy money but they buy half of the products and it is the single biggest you asked
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this question. this is what inflation does. [cheering] not good, right? but there really is no kidding. people that had a comfortable life under trump making the same kind of money we had many more jobs and they bounced back they werere going to come back about peoplepe that made the same amot of money inflation is known as the country bolster. it busted up germany, years and years ago anytime you have inflation yet as a country bolster and it's going to bust up the country because we've
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never had inflation so bad so we are going to get the energy done and food prices down and do a lot of cutting and make our country very livable. we had almost no inflation and now we have record-setting inflation and it's killing people. thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. president. it is a perfect segue to the question. gas prices under the administration is sore andd we are no longer energy dominant. >> we have more i call it liquid gold under our feet to ban any other nationat in the world, sai arabia, russia. but we don't use them. because of these people that are
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absolutely crazy, we don't use it. i am a pastor and i'm watching my church over how much. it's to get to work and therefore my question is what are you going to do to help the everyday american that can barely afford and before you answer that i just want to say we want to thank you for tapping in to bring this country back to the greatness. you can be my any day. [applause] >> we can get energy started.
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didy you have the new england states that are the highest in the country. if they had a pipeline through w york but new york won't approve it if they had a pipeline, they would cut their numbers down by 50%. i predict and i will tell you i'm going to get energy costs down to much less than 50% of what they are now and that's going to have in unbelievable and once that happens, the interest rates are going to follow. it's not as complicated as people think and i did it. we had no inflation. we had to the greatest economy in the history of the country and we will do it again but even better. [applause] >> it is an honor. i enlisted in the army reserve
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national security at risk. rwhat is your plan to bring us back? >> that is a good question. when i ran against hillary clinton, i don't use the word crooked anymore. i don't use the word anymore because i removed that. sleepy joe i removed and i thought that it was more accurate, but we had a situation going with all of these people, everything. they wanted to say world war iii, look at him, he's a radical. i was a radical for not having wars. they said i want my people to be
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a hungarian. i don't want my shopping centers blown up eto cetera. they asked if you ago they said mr. prime minister, what is going on with of the world, blo. we have all these places at war with each other. what's going on and they said there is one thing going on. donald trump isn't president. if you use it will all end. they all respected trump and it's true. [applause] for 78 years it was 78 years until another president, it's a long time. i totally defeated isis and rebuilt the military and countries respected us. i totally rebuilt the military administration.
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i took good care of our vets. 92% approval rating. so, we are going to i call them wars where people don't even want us involved. ukraine is a very interesting case because we spent hundreds of billions of dollarswe and europe, don't forget we have a thing called an ocean in between us. europeet should be paying much more. i asked them to pay more for nato and they paid a lot more. that's where they got all the they were mostly delinquent other than eight nations but they would always say trump is going to get us into war. mymy attitude kept us out of wa. we defeated isis and got out of syria and out of iraq. i got out of these wars because i'm a big to spend our money in our country
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doing our country's great things. you've drive down our roads and highways, our country is falling to pieces, infrastructure and all they want todo do is spend money on the green new scale. at theng things they are spendig money on is like throwing money out the window lead we don't want to do that. we want to fix the roads and highways and get rid of the electric mandate for the car. by the way i'm a big fan of electric cars. i like him and i think a lot of people want to buy electric cars but you have to have a choice. some people needed to go don't r cars built in china. there are advantages and
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basically people have to have a choice. you have to have a choice also been education. you have a choice of education and choice on with you by and that has to do with electric tcars. i told them and i think that he agrees with me frankly but they don't go far. the same thing i met with the trucking industry the other night and they said they want us to switch to electric trucks. you're going to destroy the supply chain and learned everything. you put everybody out of business, so we are going to do things based on common sense. we are not going to allow men to play in women's sports or allow people to pull into the country. we are going to get the taxes down and save social security.
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biotin is putting your social security at risk by allowing all these people to pour into the country. it's a big risk and we are not going to stand for that. he is putting social security at risk with me, your social security is 100% safe. [applause] because of the disastrous economy, it's been tough. what is your plan to make sure other small businesses don't goe through the same? >> i poured money into the country and i'm sure you are a beneficiary at the time but i poured money into keep the business is going and to keep people employed because of covid when covid was a disaster and we were able to get through that
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without going into ang depressin but with biden, he's spending on the wrong things. he's spending money on things that don't work. he's got the most expensive forms of energy where everything is subsidized. he's got windmills all over the place everyy time you see a windmill going up you need tremendous subsidies. now it ruinsns landscapes and te value if you have a house and you can see the windmill your house is worth half but it's also the most expensive energy there is and we have to get back to the basics and be able to help people like you would not o help his friends who make all this. much of it is made. and you know a lot of it is made, most of it is made in china. there is something going on. why somebody would want to do these things where the product is made in china that goes for electric cars by the c way that the windmills are made in china. what the hell are we doing. we will take care of you.
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thank you. i understand exactly what you're saying. mr. president, thank you very much. it is anyo honor to see you aga. my wife would like to say hi to you. >> thank you very much. [applause] latinos really do love you, mr. president. >> i love them. [cheering] thank you. >> and we also pray for you, mr. [applause] my wife and i own the family mexican grill and since the administration took over, the
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price of everything a couple months after they took over so would you be helping us out and is there going to be some drill baby drill. [applause] what else do we have to do ntoday, the questions are basically about the border. they also want help on inflation. all this stuff has gone up at levels that nobody has ever seen before. but i believe the energy is going to bring it down. and once it starts to spiral, it's going to be a beautiful thing. when they say 4% now, they are not including the fact that you might be 45, 50% higher than you
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were years ago. so it's not 4%. we have to get it down. we have to bring it down. the best way we can bring it> down is with interest rates and energy into the interest rates are going to follow the energy down and that is going to follow the bacon and the eggs down. thank you. and you have a beautiful wife. i like that. >> thank you.■ >> thank you, very much. >> it is an honor to stand before you. i own a small business that provides services for special needs children and adults. thank you so much. and i have a question for you thisga afternoon. time and time again we come across paying american citizen families that are united
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services their child requires while on the other hand we see others rushing across the border freely and easily receiving assistance. what would you do, mr. president, about the influx of immigration, resources, because of this widespread and open border? >> so, we have to get them out -- look, it's not sustainable to have 20 million people that we have to take care of and it's just not sustainable. i know, the leaders i know them just about all. the countries are a doing this because they are smart. i would be the leader of the pack if iran honduras and el salvador andnd if i ran some of the countries that are sending vast numbers of people, i would be emptying out the prisons. i would say listen, send them into the stupid people in the united states that are led by idiots. send them into the united states and the kids have empty prisons and never let them coming back
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in. they are sending them out into saying you can never come back because they are letting the bad people in. we've got to stop that and we are going to depart and you have no choice. dwight eisenhower was the biggest deep a lot of people pouring into the country was really hurting the country badly. and in many cases people would say destroying the country because they are coming in and there is nothing like what you odare witnessing today by the w. but he did a very big deportation and a successful. if we had a choice it would be nice not to do what we have to do. because this is unsustainable for you were for any other business in this room. it's not sustainable for the country. so, we are going to deport and get it back and we are going to bring the country back and we are going to make our country
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bigger and better and stronger than ever before. [applause]an thank you very much. [applause] [cheering]g] i'met in army combat veteran. i've seen a fair share i'm a domestic violence survivor as well as sexual assault. i am a single mother and i willm worried about the safety of the communities and families. what steps are you planning to take to make the community safe again? to backup the law, give them their respect and honor and their dignity and they are great people. we have i to do it. the people that are most affected are the minority mocommunities. those are the people that are most affected and i think that eais one of the reasons we haveo many african-american people
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supporting us. nobody has ever seen anything. leaving the democrats in numbers that nobody has ever seen before because they have to be safe. thank you. that is a great point. that's a beautiful baby. can't doth better than that. go ahead. >> hi, mr. president. my name is emily. it's and nice and everything but also in a rural area. my concern is that the trauma hospital is over an hour and a half away. what can your administration do to give rurall americans better access? >> nobody is going too take that away. we started the process for
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building hospitals and other things in rural america and i'm going to keep that going. theyst ended in the biden administration as you know but they kept that going. it's the backbone the heart of the country. we will get it there. >> how about one more. i this is a good one. i'm an advocate for many senior citizens and that they are struggling financially. of the social security checks do not make it through the month. they have to sometimes pick between food and medications. they are concerned that they are not going to be able to survive four more years of biden. what can you say today to give them some hope and encouragement? >> vote for trump.■k [cheering] i think that is a good question. [applause]
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[cheering] that is a very good question. thank you. [applause] [cheering] s we will end by saying it's been an honor to be with you. so interesting though. everything was about the border and about inflation and of the economy. it's incredible. and every question some of us it was just from the heart and frankly it very much is about the board of the border is destroying theng country. being destroyed in many ways we arees not respected in the outse of thery country. i say we have the enemy from within and the enemy from the outside. and i'm telling you we are in more danger from the enemy from within both of these lunatics and fascists and communists and we are going to stop that also but it was interesting to get those questions because they all concerned the economy, inflation and the border and we are going to take care of it all and make
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america greatere. than ever before. thank you very much, everybody. [applause] ♪♪
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