Media Training I - Basic training | Training | DW | 18.11.2021
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Media Training I - Basic training

If you publically represent an organization, you have to be able to deal professionally with the media. Our workshop gets you ready to step in front of the microphone or camera and deliver your message with confidence.

Few people are natural talents when it comes to radio or television interviews, and most find it a stressful experience. You often have just a few seconds to get your core message across, and blunders can be found years later on the Internet. But you can learn how to master situations like these and always appear competent. Our workshop shows you how.

We cover everything from how journalists and editorial offices work to how social media is changing the way information is distributed. We give you tips on how to effectively formulate statements as well as suitable body language.

Our hands-on basic media training is tailored to meet your wishes and needs. It features practice in front of the camera and at the microphone as well as in our television and radio studios.

This workshop enables you to

  • assess how journalists and editors work
  • understand the special features of various media
  • understand the basic principles of communication via digital media
  • deal professionally with the media
  • prepare for interviews on the radio and TV and for print and online media
  • develop your core message
  • communicate complex issues
  • use language appropriately
  • deal with awkward questions
  • use body language/nonverbal communication

Online registration



on request



Number of participants

Maximum 6


690 euros per person


Educational leave: DW Akademie is recognized as an institution for employees' further education according to §11 of the AWbG.

Please ask us about special rates for members of the German Federation of Journalists (DJV), the Ver.di trade union, and the Federal Association of German Press Officers (Bundesverband der Kommunikatoren e.V. (BdKom)). We accept education vouchers (Bildungschecks).

This workshop can also be offered as an e-learning format.

We would also be pleased to make you an offer for an exclusive workshop tailored to meet your needs. The workshop can be held at our Bonn or Berlin location or in-house, and as a group training or individual coaching.


For more information and registration

+49 228 429 3505

[email protected]
