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Isn't the name (and my atlas quotes Aserbeidjan?? Ben Bezuidenhout (kontak) 20:22, 29 Desember 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]

According to Bruce Donaldson's A Grammar of Afrikaans, it's Azerbaidjan: Google Books: A Grammar of Afrikaans. --Voyageur (kontak) 22:38, 29 Desember 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]
In the newest fully revised dictionary in Afrikaans, Pharos' Tweetalige Woordeboek, the spelling Azerbeidjan is given. The changing of the "z" tot an "s" when names are transliterated in Afrikaans is old-fashioned. Compare Kasakstan, which is now spelled Kazakstan or, even better and more correctly, Kazachstan. Winston (kontak) 23:11, 29 Desember 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]
But even Kazakstan lies at Kasakstan.Ben Bezuidenhout (kontak) 10:13, 30 Desember 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]
Both spellings are right. Same with Aserbeidjan and Azerbeidjan. (So, you can't be wrong.) Winston (kontak) 18:22, 30 Desember 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]
Afrikaans google search is very unreliable because it is too heavily influenced by English. Aserbeidjan reached 5000 hits while Azerbeijan almost 60,000. Equally Switserland made only about 400,000 but 190,000,000 for Switzerland and over 5,000,000 for Zwitserland: all on Afrikaans google search. Ben Bezuidenhout (kontak) 18:38, 30 Desember 2009 (UTC)[antwoord]

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