Helping advertising tackle the climate emergency
The climate emergency is the most pressing issue affecting us all, and our advertising industry can play a huge role in driving positive change. featured image

The climate emergency is the most pressing issue affecting us all, and our advertising industry can play a huge role in driving positive change.

We want to help our industry deliver on its full potential to support businesses and people to deal with this emergency and build a more sustainable future. The climate emergency is a global matter, and as a global industry, we need global solutions.

Introducing: Ad Net Zero – the advertising industry’s drive to reduce the carbon impact of developing, producing and running advertising to real net zero.

Ad Net Zero in Ireland is driven by all the key trade bodies and organisations in the Irish marketing and advertising community: IAPI (Institute of Advertising in Ireland); AAI (Advertising Association in Ireland); MII (The Marketing Institute of Ireland); CPI (Commercial Producers Ireland); and IAB Ireland.

If you are an agency, production company, advertiser, media owner, online platform or marketer, we would love you to become an Ad Net Supporter in Ireland. Watch our video and PDF explaining how Ad Net Zero will work for you, or get in touch below and ask for a Supporters Licence Agreement.

It is crucial that we work together to continue the momentum. We need your support.

News and views Climate action news and views through the lens of Ad Net Zero Ireland

Make your personal commitment
to Ad Net Zero

Ad Net Zero is for every professional in our industry. If you want to help make a difference in the fight against the climate crisis you can make your own commitment to Ad Net Zero as an individual. We’d love you to join us!

Sign up here to commit to make every ad you work on a green ad. By this, we mean you will work to reduce the carbon footprint of every ad you create, produce and distribute and to promote sustainable products and services in legal, decent, honest and truthful ways to encourage behaviour change around the world.

In return, you will join our growing Ad Net Zero community. You will receive invites to industry events, learning and development opportunities around sustainable ad operations, information on what you can do to make a difference in your work, regular updates on our work, plus the opportunity to connect with fellow ad professionals.

Enter your email below to make your own commitment to Ad Net Zero and join the industry’s biggest sustainability community.


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