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GoodSAM Instant.Help (GoodSAM) is a web-based video platform that enables secure, instant video and is approved for the delivery of virtual health across PHSA.

GoodSAM has been proven in health-care systems worldwide to improve workflows, including use by the general public (Linderoth et al, 2021).

GoodSAM has been proven to:

  • Alter clinical decision making in respect to upgrading or downgrading of a clinical response
  • Allow for quick implementation, enabling rapid access for participants 

When to use it  

GoodSAM has three approved use cases for BC Emergency Health Services (BCEHS):

  • In secondary triage, to provide video consultations with patients over the phone to aid in clinical decision making and improving health resource allocation.
  • At the CliniCall desk, enabling support for frontline paramedics by providing clinical consultations on scene.
  • Patient Transfer Network-facilitated provider to provider consult: Critical care support for pediatric consult for transport or advice from BC Children’s Hospital Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This is an interim virtual service launched in December 2022 to support the increasing number of respiratory illness cases among children in B.C.
  • For more information on the use of GoodSAM during critical care transports, please email [email protected].

Technical requirements

  • The GoodSAM interface requires a computer or mobile device with working camera and microphone.
  • Patients and on-scene paramedics require working smartphones with functioning cameras.
  • For providers: a mobile device with a camera, internet access and ability to receive SMS text messages.

Privacy and security 

  • Initial privacy and security review and approval completed January 2022. Second privacy and security review and approval completed December 2022. 

Risk and limitation

  • The GoodSAM platform is fully compliant with General Data Protection Regulation guidelines intended to protect personal data.
  • Video consultations are recorded and searchable for Quality Improvement programs.

GoodSAM Support materials

Quick reference guide (PDF)
BCEHS user manual (PDF)
For providers: Reference guide (PDF)

Get started using GoodSAM: For BCEHS administrators

1Review GoodSAM ProMapp and clinical update

Review the two-page Practice Update:
Introduction of GoodSAM video conferencing for Secondary Triage & Clinical Consults

Complete this LearningHub course to learn more.  

2Email BC Emergency Health Services

Send an email to kathleen.pascuzzo@bcehs or bradley.parlongo@bcehs for more information and GoodSAM guidelines.

3Get ready for GoodSAM

Do a practice call with BC Emergency Health Services by emailing kathleen.pascuzzo@bcehs or bradley.parlongo@bcehs.

4Get your live account

Email [email protected] to get an account set up. 

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