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Fabrizio Serra · Editore · Pisa · Roma

An Authoritative Independent Academic Press since 1928 and Internationally Pre-Eminent Publisher of over 150 Leading Peer-Reviewed Active Scholarly Journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences, all Print, Online, and Hybrid Open Access

Accademia editoriale · Pisa · Roma / Edizioni dell'Ateneo · Roma / Giardini editori e stampatori in Pisa / Gruppo editoriale internazionale · Pisa · Roma / Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali · Pisa · Roma





Letteratura & cinema / Literature & Cinema

Rivista internazionale / An International Journal

Archaeologia Iberica

An International Journal


Rivista internazionale di studi su Leonardo da Vinci


Rivista internazionale di letteratura italiana


Philosophical Papyri

A Journal of Ancient Philosophy
and the Papyrological Tradition


A Journal of Alternative Sexualities
in Ancient and Modern Literature and the Arts


An International Journal


Rivista internazionale

Favola & Fiaba

Rivista internazionale di studi e ricerche nelle letterature classiche e moderne


Rivista internazionale di studi su Niccolò Machiavelli

Philologia Philosophica

Rivista internazionale

Romana Res Publica

An International Journal

Scritture e linguaggi dello sport

Rivista internazionale di letteratura

Asia Minor

An International Journal of Archaeology in Turkey


An International Journal of Archaeomusicology and Archaeology of Sound

Ancient Numismatics

An International Journal

Occidente / Oriente

Rivista internazionale di studi tardoantichi

Artes Renascentes

Revue Scientifique Internationale · Rivista Scientifica Internazionale · International Scholarly Journal · Revista Científica Internacional · Internationale Wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift


An International Journal on Glyptic Studies


Rivista internazionale di studi storico-filologici sulle fonti

Oriens Antiquus · Series Nova

Rivista di studi sul Vicino Oriente Antico e il Mediterraneo orientale
A Journal of Ancient Near-Eastern and East Mediterranean Studies

Publish with Us

Editorial Rules (PDF)

Images: copyright and fair use (PDF)

Books, Series, Journals

Fabrizio Serra editore is always looking to publish new books, new or existing series, journals which complement its extensive portfolio in Education, Area Studies, Geography, Humanities and Social Sciences, Business and Economics, Biomedicine, Bioscience, Physics and Engineering, etc.
With over eighty years' publishing experience, international offices for marketing and promotion and over 180 series and 150 journals in print, the most Online too, Fabrizio Serra editore is a leading publisher of academic books, series, journals.
All Fabrizio Serra editore series and journals have their own web pages with editorial contacts, guidelines for authors and recent and past tables of contents.
For guidance in constructing a new book, serie, journal proposal, please see our following help-sheet. When your proposal is complete, if you need further guidance or if you would like to see what Fabrizio Serra editore can do for your new or existing book, serie, journal, please contact our Publishing Director:

Prof. Fabrizio Serra
Publishing Director

Pisa offices:
Fabrizio Serra editore
Via Santa Bibbiana 28
I 56127 Pisa

Roma offices:
Fabrizio Serra editore
Via Carlo Emanuele I 48
I 00185 Roma


What to include in a Book, Series, Journal Proposal

1. Names and addresses of proposers, with telephone, fax and e-mail addresses. Brief curriculum vitae of each proposer.

2. Description of the book, series, journal, including the following:

2.1. title (note if tentative);

2.2. editor(s) and affiliation(s);

2.3. aims and scope (1-2 pages). Should explain the purpose of the publication and what topics would be covered. If appropriate, mention topics that would not be included;

2.4. brief description (150-200 words) for promotional purposes;

2.5. for book roughly length in thousand words, number of tables and illustrations (with the completed typescript, if possible);

2.6. economical and financial aids for the publication.

3. Overview of existing publications in the field. Why is a new publication needed? What sort of competition would existing publications pose for both contributors and buyers or/and subscribers? Details of their circulation and price are helpful.

4. List of 10-15 previously published papers, with bibliographic information, that would be appropriate to the book, serie, journal.

5. List of 10-15 topics or "dream" paper titles that would be appropriate for the book, serie, journal.

6. Anticipated launch date.

7. Names and addresses of researchers in the topic who can be contacted to discuss this proposal (with our editorial and marketing evaluation-board of editors).

8. Promotion (for journals). To reach individuals that might contribute and subscribe to the members of what organisations, professional or scholarly societies should brochures and call for papers be sent? Please include Italian, European, North American and other international organisations.

9. Editorial Board (for journals): Names and affiliations. Note whether list is of potential members, whether informally or formally accepted invitation to serve. Comment on composition and role of the board.

10. Editorial operation (for journals). Where would manuscripts be sent by contributors? Who would oversee the review process. What kind of peer-review system would be employed?

11. Production (for journals). What frequency, trim size, number of pages per year, and general design are envisioned.

12. Market (for journals) Who would subscribe to such a publication? What number of individuals would be potential subscribers? What number of libraries or other institutions would be potential subscribers? What annual subscription rates are proposed?