
News Archive

Aug 12, 2009 - DVD CCA vs Kaleidescape Appeal Decision

Following the decision of the California Court of Appeal, Sixth Appellate District in DVD Copy Control Association, Inc. v. Kaleidescape, Inc., William Sloan Coats of White & Case LLP, counsel to the DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA), issued the following statement:

"The DVD CCA appreciates the Sixth Court of Appeal's thorough review of the issues in question in this case and welcomes its decision to reverse the trial court judgment. The Appellate Court recognized what we have maintained all along, Kaleidescape had agreed to a complete contract that mandated certain requirements with which devices must conform in order to be Content Scramble System (CSS) compliant. We look forward to returning to the trial court to obtain an injunction requiring Kaleidescape to comply with its contractual obligations under the CSS License Agreement and Specifications."


Aug 11, 2009 - RealNetworks Preliminary Injunction

Following Judge Marilyn Patel's decision in U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, Reginald Steer of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP, counsel to the DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA), issued the following statement:

"The DVD CCA is grateful for Judge Patel's thorough review and thoughtful decision in this matter. The association, which represents the interests of the personal computer, consumer electronics and content industries as well as DVD consumers, is committed to enabling high quality entertainment to be available for use at home and elsewhere. The ability to make that entertainment available depends upon a set of guidelines upon which all participants in these industries can rely."


Feb 3, 2009 - DVD Forum has formally approved two additional formats

DVD CCA has been informed that the DVD Forum has formally approved two additional formats currently meeting the requirements of the definition of CSS Recordable DVD that are effective for use under the terms of DVD CCA's Managed Recording Amendment:

  • DVD Specifications for Download Disc (DVD-Download) Version 1.x
  • DVD Specifications for Download Disc for Dual Layer (DVD-Download for DL)Version 2.x
  • DVD Specifications for Download Disc for Dual Layer (DVD-Download for DL)Version 3.x

DVD CCA's November 15, 2007 Notice To All Licensees Concerning Managed Recording Amendment has been modified accordingly to reflect this development.

See CSS Managed Recording Notice.

All interested parties are encouraged to go the DVD Forum website for additional information. http://www.dvdfllc.co.jp/license/l_newlicense.html

Oct 8, 2008 - CSS Procedural Specification Updated

An updated version of the CSS Procedural Specifications is available now. A downloadable copy is available by completing the on-line inquiry form.

Dec 17, 2007 - DVD CCA Files Opening Brief in Appeal of Kaleidescape Decision

The DVD CCA filed its opening appellate brief with the California Court of Appeal in its case against Kaleidescape for breach of the CSS license agreement. This brief demonstrates that, under long-settled principles of California law, the trial court erred in its interpretation of the CSS licensing agreement and in limiting the remedies for Kaleidescape?s alleged breaches of that agreement.

Summary of the DVD CCA argument

Nov 15, 2007 - Managed Recording using CSS Update

The Board of Directors of the DVD CCA is pleased to announce the Effective Dates on which CSS Licensees may commence commercial release of Manufacture-on-Demand ("MOD") as described below and Electronic Sell Through ("ST") as described below using CSS Recordable DVDs in accordance with the terms and requirements of the CSS Managed Recording Amendment to the CSS Procedural Specifications ("Managed Recording Amendment").

Before commencing such commercial activities, however, each CSS Licensee that engages in MOD, EST or the manufacture of CSS Recordable DVDs must first supply to the DVD CCA a signed written commitment in the form of the Acknowledgment attached to this Notice that such CSS Licensee shall comply with the terms of the consumer notification program set forth in the Acknowledgment.

This Notice sets forth the Effective Dates, summarizes the consumer notification requirements, and describes DVD CCA's testing programs for playback compatibility and voluntary listing opportunities with respect to playback compatibility.

Please Note: This Notice does not constitute notice to implement the CSS Signature as set forth in the Managed Recording Amendment and provided for in Section of the CSS Procedural Specifications.

Jul 11, 2007

The Board of Directors of the DVD Copy Control Association ("DVD CCA") resolved at its June 20, 2007 meeting to reinstate the previous license fee amounts, effective for payments invoiced on or after October 1, 2007.

Jun 26, 2007 - DVD Copy Control Association vs Kaleidescape case - FAQ

DVD Copy Control Association vs Kaleidescape case - FAQ

Feb 7, 2007 - CSS Procedural Specification Updated

An updated version of the CSS Procedural Specifications is available now. A downloadable copy is available by completing the on-line inquiry form.

Aug 3, 2006 - Managed Recording using CSS

DVD CCA to Enable Retailers and Later, Consumers to Create Protected DVDs Compatible with Existing DVD Players.

Managed Recording Press Release

Apr 18, 2006

The DVD CCA Board of Directors authorized continuing a fee reduction to apply to invoices issued by DVD CCA through September 30, 2007. There is no assurance that any reduction will be warranted or approved past that date.

Oct 26, 2005

This Request for Expressions of Interest ("Request") is issued by the DVD Copy Control Association ("DVD CCA") to evaluate technologies for the purpose of selecting a technology for use in marking audio-visual content to convey certain content control information ("CCI") and the detection thereof. The selected technology will be used to enhance the Content Scramble System ("CSS") copy protection system with respect to audio-visual content. Deadline for a completed response to this Request is January 6, 2006.

Sep 13, 2005

The DVD CCA Board of Directors authorized the one year fee reduction to apply to all invoices issued by DVD CCA commencing October 1, 2005 and continuing through September 30, 2006. All invoices issued by DVD CCA prior to October 1 will have the normal fees. The invoice to be issued to your company during the period October 1 , 2005 - September 30 , 2006 will reflect the fee reduction.

Aug 10, 2005 - CSS Procedural Specification Updated

An updated version of the CSS Procedural Specification is available now. A downloadable copy is available by completing the on-line inquiry form.

Jun 22, 2005 - CSS Procedural Specification Updated

An updated version of the CSS Procedural Specification is available now. A downloadable copy is available by completing the on-line inquiry form.

Jan 24, 2005 - CSS Procedural Specification Updated

An updated version of the CSS Procedural Specification is available now. A downloadable copy is available by completing the on-line inquiry form.

Dec 16, 2004 - CSS Procedural Specification Updated

An updated version of the CSS Procedural Specification is available now. A downloadable copy is available by completing the on-line inquiry form.

Nov 29, 2004 - CSS Procedural Specification Updated

An updated version of the CSS Procedural Specification is available now. A downloadable copy is available by completing the on-line inquiry form.

Oct 5, 2004 - CSS Procedural Specification Updated

An updated version of the CSS Procedural Specification is available now. A downloadable copy is available by completing the on-line inquiry form.

Dec 15, 2003 - CSS Procedural Specification Updated

An updated version of the CSS Procedural Specification is available now. A downloadable copy is available by completing the on-line inquiry form.

Aug 12, 2002

The Interim Board of Directors of the DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA)ended its term July 31,2002 without selecting a new embedded data (watermarking)copy protection technology. The new 12-member board, which began its term on August 1, will now consider what steps will be taken next in this process. All of the research and work done to date in the evaluation and selection process will be available for the new board's consideration.

In recent months, a committee of the DVD CCA Board of Directors has been evaluating technologies with the goal of providing an enhanced copy protection system for DVDs containing audio-visual content, consistent with the terms of the CSS License Agreement. An enhanced system could be expected to benefit consumers of DVDs by expanding the entertainment options available to them.

Apr 18, 2001

A request for expressions of interest ("Request") has been issued by DVD Copy Control Association ("DVD CCA") pursuant to its reactivation of the process of evaluating technologies for the purpose of selecting a technology for use in marking audio-visual content to convey certain copy control information.

This Request for expressions of interest follows the Notice to Interested Parties ("Notice") announced initially at the Copy Protection Technical Working Group ("CPTWG") meeting on March 21, 2001, and then posted on DVD CCA's website on March 23, 2001.

Response to the Notice is not a pre-requisite for responding to this Request. Parties that respond to this Request will hereinafter be referred to as "Respondents".

Mar 21, 2001

DVD Copy Control Association ("DVD CCA"), as licensor of the CSS Technology, hereby notifies interested parties that it is reactivating the process of evaluating technologies for use in marking audio-visual content to convey certain copy control information.

A full copy of the NOTICE TO INTERESTED PARTIES is now available from this website.

Nov 3, 2000 - CSS License and Procedural Specification Updated

An updated version of the CSS License and Procedural Specification is available now. A downloadable copy is available by completing the on-line inquiry form. Any company who has signed a previous version of the final license may, if they wish, execute this version and have DVD CCA replace their previous version. This is not mandatory.

The terms used in this version of the CSS license are harmonized with the terms used in the CSS Procedural Specification.

Please note that as of November 1, 2000, the DVD CCA annual administrative fee is $15,000 per license category (except for Associate Licenses which are $5,000). If a company is exercising the option to replace this version with a prior version, no increase in fee is due if the annual administration fee has been paid.