Veterin�rn� medic�na, 2023 (vol. 68), issue 5

Detection of�Coxiella burnetii and characterisation by�multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis in�bovine bulk tank milk samplesOriginal Paper

B Yanmaz, EK Ozgen

Vet Med - Czech, 2023, 68(5):185-190 | DOI: 10.17221/87/2022-VETMED  

Coxiella burnetii is�the aetiological agent of�Q�fever, which is�highly prevalent in�Turkiye, but information on�the genetic profiles of�the bacterium is�limited. This study aimed to�investigate the presence of�C.�burnetii in�bovine bulk tank milk (BTM) samples by�polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and to�investigate the genotypes by�means of�multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA). A�total of�25�markets that sold raw cow’s milk were analysed by�conventional PCR analysis. An�MLVA analysis was performed at�six loci, namely MS23, MS24, MS27, MS28, MS33, and MS34, to�determine the genotypic variations of�C.�burnetii...

Antimicrobial properties of�Limosilactobacillus reuteri strains for control of�Escherichia coli and Salmonella strains, diarrhoea cause in�weaning pigsOriginal Paper

Y Yoo, J Lee, J Cho, Y Yoon

Vet Med - Czech, 2023, 68(5):191-199 | DOI: 10.17221/112/2022-VETMED  

This study aimed to�use lactic acid bacteria isolated from piglet faeces to�develop probiotics, allowing for the effective control of�Escherichia coli and Salmonella. Lactic acid bacteria were isolated from the faeces of�suckling piglets and identified by�16S rRNA sequencing, then examined for haemolysis; gelatinase activity; and resistance to�acid, bile, and pancreatin. The antimicrobial activity of�selected lactic acid bacteria isolates was examined for 8�E.�coli and 7�Salmonella strains. One-hundred and sixty-four lactic acid bacteria isolates were identified from 118 piglet faecal samples, and 13�lactic acid bacteria...

In vitro evaluation of�the composition and acaricidal efficacy of�Urtica fissa leaf ethyl acetate extract against Sarcoptes scabiei mitesOriginal Paper

F Liao, T Bao, G Tao, Y Hu, C Han

Vet Med - Czech, 2023, 68(5):200-207 | DOI: 10.17221/6/2023-VETMED  

In�veterinary medicine, natural products provide an�alternative to�chemical agents for mite management. In�the present study, the acaricidal efficacy of�Urtica fissa leaf ethyl acetate extract against Sarcoptes scabiei mites was examined. The chemical composition of�the extract was determined using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis. The ethyl acetate extract was found to�be extremely toxic to�mites at�a�concentration of�100�mg/ml (m/v), killing all S.�scabiei within two hours. The median lethal time (LT50) values for ethyl acetate extract concentrations of�25, 50, and 100�mg/ml against S.�scabiei were...

Beta-lactam, aminoglycoside, and quinolone resistance in�Escherichia coli strains isolated from shrimps and mussels in�the Marmara SeaOriginal Paper

B Celik, B Ergul, AI Kekec, B Halac, B Maslak, B Diren Sigirci, B Basaran Kahraman, AF Bagcigil, K Metiner, S Ak

Vet Med - Czech, 2023, 68(5):208-217 | DOI: 10.17221/105/2022-VETMED  

The purpose of�the study was to�examine the prevalence of�Escherichia coli in�shrimps and mussels, and to�determine the distribution of�β-lactam, aminoglycoside, quinolone, and multi-drug resistance phenotypically and genotypically in�E.�coli isolates obtained from mussels and shrimps in�Istanbul. Faecal samples were collected from mussels (n�=�96) and shrimps (n�=�96) from the Marmara Sea coastline and fish markets in�Istanbul. For the detection of�antibiotic susceptibilities, seven antibiotic groups were used. β-lactamase, aminoglycoside, and quinolone genes were also determined. A�total of�34 (17.7%, 15�shrimps,...

Long-term exposure to�polycyclic musk tonalide�– A�potential threat to�juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio)?Original Paper

J Cahova, J Blahova, L Plhalova, P Marsalek, V Doubkova, M Hostovsky, L Divisova, J Mares, C Faggio, Z Svobodova

Vet Med - Czech, 2023, 68(5):218-224 | DOI: 10.17221/40/2023-VETMED  

Polycyclic musk compounds are commonly used in�personal care products to�replace expensive natural fragrances. Due to�their huge consumption, they have become a�part of�the aquatic environment. In�the present study, a�two-month exposure effect of�tonalide on�juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio) was investigated. We�determined the vitellogenin concentration to�define the potential endocrine-disrupting effect of�tonalide and also analysed selected indices to�evaluate the induction of�oxidative stress. The environmentally relevant concentration of�tonalide (i.e., 500�ng/l) caused a�significant decrease in�the catalase activity (P�<�0.05)...

Long-term adjuvant metronomic chemotherapy in a dog with recurrent maxillofacial osteosarcomaCase Report

MJ Jung, KY Yoon, YM Kim, JS Lee, JW Choi, JH Kim, HY Yoon, JH Kim

Vet Med - Czech, 2023, 68(5):225-230 | DOI: 10.17221/43/2022-VETMED  

Osteosarcoma (OSA) is the most common malignant bone tumour in dogs; however, OSA of the maxilla is uncommon compared to appendicular OSA. Oral melanoma also commonly occurs in dogs with frequent distant metastasis. The role of adjuvant chemotherapy has been questioned in maxillary OSA and melanoma. A 17-year-old English Cocker Spaniel was referred with a growing mass on the right maxilla and a right lower lip mass. Osteosarcoma was diagnosed after partial maxillectomy, and the right lower lip mass was diagnosed as oral melanoma. Metronomic chemotherapy (MC) was performed, and the number of doses was tapered due to side effects at 5 weeks after...