API Documentation

This page contains documentation for using web services provided by Nomisma and how to access machine readable serializations through REST and content negotiation.


avgAxis XML JSON
avgDiameter XML JSON
avgWeight XML JSON
closingDate XML JSON
getLabel XML JSON
getFindspots GeoJSON
getHoards GeoJSON
getMints GeoJSON
dieCounts JSON

Average Axis

Get average axis for given SPARQL query.
Webservice Type : REST
Url : nomisma.org/avgAxis?
Parameters : constraints (following predicate - object format. multiple contraints separated by ' AND '. See examples below), format ('json' or 'xml', default 'xml')
Result : returns a decimal number in a response wrapper.
Examples: http://nomisma.org/apis/avgAxis?constraints=dcterms:source nm:ric AND nmo:hasMint nm:rome AND nmo:hasDenomination nm:denarius
http://nomisma.org/apis/avgWeight?constraints=nmo:hasTypeSeriesItem <http://numismatics.org/ocre/id/ric.1(2).aug.1A>

Average Diameter

Get average diameter for given SPARQL query.
Webservice Type : REST
Url : nomisma.org/avgDiameter?
Parameters : constraints (following predicate - object format. multiple contraints separated by ' AND '. See examples below), format ('json' or 'xml', default 'xml')
Result : returns a decimal number in a response wrapper.
Examples: http://nomisma.org/apis/avgDiameter?constraints=dcterms:source nm:ric AND nmo:hasMint nm:rome AND nmo:hasDenomination nm:denarius
http://nomisma.org/apis/avgDiameter?constraints=nmo:hasTypeSeriesItem <http://numismatics.org/ocre/id/ric.1(2).aug.1A>

Average Weight

Get average weight for given SPARQL query.
Webservice Type : REST
Url : nomisma.org/apis/avgWeight?
Parameters : constraints (following predicate - object format. multiple contraints separated by ' AND '. See examples below), format ('json' or 'xml', default 'xml')
Result : returns a decimal number in a response wrapper.
Examples: http://nomisma.org/apis/avgWeight?constraints=dcterms:source nm:ric AND nmo:hasMint nm:rome AND nmo:hasDenomination nm:denarius
http://nomisma.org/apis/avgWeight?constraints=nmo:hasTypeSeriesItem <http://numismatics.org/ocre/id/ric.1(2).aug.1A>

Closing Date

Get the closing date of a hoard based on coin type URIs provided in the request parameter.
Webservice Type : REST
Url : nomisma.org/apis/closingDate?
Parameters : identifiers (coin type URIs divided by a pipe '|'), format ('json' or 'xml', default 'xml')
Result : returns an integer which represents the year. Negative numbers refer to B.C. dates.
Examples: http://nomisma.org/apis/closingDate?identifiers=http://numismatics.org/crro/id/rrc-385.4|http://numismatics.org/crro/id/rrc-409.2|http://numismatics.org/ocre/id/ric.1(2).aug.1A

Get Findspots

Get all individual find spots for a given skos:Concept defined by the id parameter or for a given coin type (nmo:TypeSeriesItem) defined by the coinType parameter
Webservice Type : REST
Url : nomisma.org/apis/getFindspots?
Parameters : id (of Nomisma ID) OR coinType (full URI for a coin type) OR symbol (full URI for a symbol [monogram, mint mark, etc.])
Result : returns geoJSON for features (points or polygons)
Examples: apis/getFindspots?id=denarius, apis/getFindspots?coinType=http://numismatics.org/crro/id/rrc-408.1a, apis/getFindspots?symbol=http://numismatics.org/ocre/symbol/monogram.ric.10.marcian.1

Get Hoards

Get all hoards associated with a given skos:Concept defined by the id parameter or for a given coin type (nmo:TypeSeriesItem) defined by the coinType parameter. If the skos:Concept is a hoard, then only one point is returned.
Webservice Type : REST
Url : nomisma.org/apis/getHoards?
Parameters : id (of Nomisma ID) OR coinType (full URI for a coin type) OR symbol (full URI for a symbol [monogram, mint mark, etc.])
Result : returns geoJSON for features (points or polygons)
Examples: apis/getHoards?id=denarius, apis/getHoards?coinType=http://numismatics.org/crro/id/rrc-408.1a, apis/getHoards?symbol=http://numismatics.org/ocre/symbol/monogram.ric.10.marcian.1

Get Mints

Get all minting locations (may be nmo:Mint or nmo:Region) associated with a given skos:Concept defined by the id parameter. If the skos:Concept is a mint or region, then only one point or polygon is returned.
Webservice Type : REST
Url : nomisma.org/apis/getMints?
Parameters : id (of Nomisma ID) OR symbol (full URI for a symbol [monogram, mint mark, etc.])
Result : returns geoJSON for features (points or polygons)
Examples: apis/getMints?id=denarius, apis/getMints?symbol=http://numismatics.org/ocre/symbol/monogram.ric.10.marcian.1

Get Label

Get the label of a Nomisma ID given its URI and language code.
Webservice Type : REST
Url : nomisma.org/apis/getLabel?
Parameters : uri (of Nomisma ID), lang (two-letter ISO language code), format ('json' or 'xml', default 'xml')
Result : returns the label in given language, or English as default.
Examples: apis/getLabel?uri=http://nomisma.org/id/ar&lang=fr


Aggregate RDF for Nomisma ids. The default stream is in RDF/XML, but Turtle and JSON-LD are available.
Webservice Type : REST
Url : nomisma.org/apis/getRdf?
Parameters : identifiers (Nomisma ids divided by a pipe '|'), format ('xml', 'ttl', 'json'; default 'xml')
Result : RDF/XML, RDF/TTL. Other RDF formats will be supported eventually.
Examples: apis/getRdf?identifiers=rome|augustus|av|aureus

Die Counts

The Die Counts API delivers a JSON response with available named graphs that correspond to die studies and formulas.
Webservice Type : REST
Url : nomisma.org/apis/dieCounts
Parameters : The calculation formula (e.g., 'esty') is appended to the URL pattern, and the 'dieStudy' parameter corresponds to a named graph URI reflecting the scholar, and the 'type' parameter corresponds to a coin type URI.
Result : JSON response, according to JSend.
Examples: apis/dieCounts, apis/dieCounts/esty?dieStudy=https%3A%2F%2Ffanyv88.com%3A443%2Fhttp%2Fnomisma.org%2Feditor%2Frschaefer&type=https%3A%2F%2Ffanyv88.com%3A443%2Fhttp%2Fnumismatics.org%2Fcrro%2Fid%2Frrc-383.1

OpenRefine Reconciliation Service

Service URI: http://nomisma.org/apis/reconcile

Nomisma supports the following reconciliation services for OpenRefine:

  • Main Reconciliation Service
  • Preview API
  • Entity Suggestion API (for autosuggest on matching terms)

All API responses are in JSON. Please see the API documentation and usage documentation for more details. The blog post, Nomisma launches OpenRefine reconciliation service, contains further information about this particular implementation in Nomisma.