[Alligator] The photo at right is one of the best-known residents of South Florida, the Alligator. This photo was taken in the Shark Valley area of Everglades National Park on Feb. 2, 2000.


Fall 2023
Course Page Archives
ECO 3101: Intermediate Microeconomics
ECO 7405/6405: Mathematical Methods of Economic Analysis
ECO 7115: Micro Theory I

Capital Theory Book

My capital theory book with Bob Becker, Capital Theory, Equilibrium Analysis and Recursive Utility is published by Blackwell. It is available from amazon.com. The ISBN is 1-557-86413-6. You can read the preface, and peruse the table of contents here. The book contains a large number of worked examples. The major ones are listed in the list of examples. The errata sheet was last updated June 30, 1998.

Professional Items

You will find here my curriculum vitae in PDF format, a set of abstracts and links to my published papers, downloadable copies of four working papers, and the information on the book Bob Becker and I have written, Capital Theory, Equilibrium Analysis and Recursive Utility.

Other Items of Interest

Selected Florida International University Pages

Contact Info

Email: [email protected].

John H. Boyd III
Department of Economics
Florida International University
Miami, FL 33199