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Formulating a policy

In all countries, data producers face expanding demand for microdata. Determining the best way to disseminate these data is a challenge. The challenge is technical, as data producers have to implement procedures for the documentation, cataloging, and dissemination of the data. The challenge is also legal and ethical; while data producers are often well aware of the power and importance of microdata, they have to balance this demand with the need to keep respondent information confidential. This is a requirement of a country’s statistical and privacy legislation and is often an undertaking given to respondents when the information is collected. This imposes the establishment of formal policies and procedures defining the conditions of access to microdata.

In all countries, data producers face growing demand for microdata. Determining the best way to disseminate these data is a challenge. Formal policies and procedures defining the conditions of access to microdata must be formulated. This guide provides an overview of such policies and procedures, and documents existing best practices.

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Les producteurs de données de tous pays sont confrontés à une demande croissante de microdonnées. Décider de la meilleure façon de diffuser ces données constitue un véritable défi. Cela implique l’établissement de politiques et de procédures définissant les conditions d’accès aux microdonnées. Le présent document contient une description générale de ces politiques et de ces procédures, et recense les bonnes pratiques en la matière.
