You're reading the documentation for a version of ROS 2 that has reached its EOL (end-of-life), and is no longer officially supported.
If you want up-to-date information, please have a look at Jazzy.
Examples and tools for ROS1-to-ROS2 migration
Examples of node/component level migrations
Rviz has been ported https://github.com/ros2/rviz.git
Autoware algorithms https://gitlab.com/AutowareAuto/AutowareAuto
Examples of system level migrations
Turtlebot has been ported to ROS 2 https://discourse.ros.org/t/tb3-introducing-ros2-tutorials/5959
Toyota’s Jaguar 4x4 https://roscon.ros.org/2018/presentations/ROSCon2018_supercharging_the_jaguar4x4.pdf
Useful tools
Launch File migrator that converts a ROS 1 XML launch file to a ROS 2 Python launch file: https://github.com/aws-robotics/ros2-launch-file-migrator
Amazon has exposed their tools for porting ROS 1 robots to ROS 2 https://github.com/awslabs/ros2-migration-tools/tree/master/porting_tools