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$\Delta$I = 4 bifurcation and the sdg interacting boson model / Liu, Y X ; Sun Hong Zhou ; Zhao, E G
- 1995. - 12 p.
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Pion-nucleus scattering and the {spdf} interacting boson model / Liu, Y X ; Zhang Yu Shun ; Sun Hong Zhou ; Zhao, E G
ASITP-93-79.- Beijing : Acad. Sin. Inst. Theor. Phys., 1994 - 21 p. - Published in : J. Phys. G 20 (1994) 579-592
Low energy effective Hamiltonian for $\Delta$I = 1 nuclear parity violation and nucleonic strangeness / Dai, J ; Savage, M J ; Liu, J ; Springer, R
MAD-PH-660 ; ORNL-CCIP-91-10 ; RU-91-30.
- 1991. - 11 p.
CERN library copies
Strong interactions and the $\Delta$I = 1/2 rule in weak nonleptonic decays / Donoghue, J F ; Golowich, E ; Holstein, Barry R
1976. - 26 p.
The $\Delta$I = 1/2 rule and CP violation in the standard model / Buras, Andrzej J
MPI-PAE-PTH-78-87.- München : Max-Planck Inst. Phys., 1988 - 14 p.
In : 4th LEAR Workshop, Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland, 6 - 13 Sep 1987, pp.581-594
QCD, QFD, $\Delta$I = 1/2 Rule and the Vector Dominance Model / Ebata, Takeshi (Tohoku Univ., Sendai)
- 1981. - 26 p.
SU(2)$\bigotimes$ U(1)$\bigotimes$ U(1)' weak interaction model and $\Delta$I = 1/2 enhancement / Kang, K ; Kim, J E
COO-3130-327 ; COO-3130-TA-327.
- 1976. - 32 p.
The effect of quadrupole and octupole deformations on low-lying energy levels / Liu, Y X ; Sun Hong Zhou ; Zhao, E G
ASITP-93-03.- Beijing : Acad. Sin. Inst. Theor. Phys., 1994 - 10 p. - Published in : J. Phys. G 20 (1994) 1771-1778
Implications of the TeV flavor physics for the $\Delta$I = 1/2 rule and BR$_{l}$(B) / Kagan, A L
- 1994. - 65 p.
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Explaining $\Delta$I = 1/2 rule and the existence of $K^{0}_{s}, K^{0}_{L}$ - a new four-quark scheme / Recami, E ; Ziino, G
- 1976. - 6 p.

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