CERN Accelerating science

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Studies and Mitigation of Collective Effects in FCC-ee / Migliorati, Mauro (U. Rome La Sapienza (main) ; INFN, Rome) ; Antuono, Chiara (CERN ; U. Rome La Sapienza (main)) ; Behtouei, Mostafa (Frascati) ; Carideo, Emanuela (CERN ; U. Rome La Sapienza (main) ; INFN, Rome) ; Spataro, Bruno (Frascati) ; Zhang, Yuan (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Zobov, Mikhail (Frascati)
In order to achieve a high luminosity in the future electron-positron circular collider (FCC-ee), very intense multi-bunch colliding beams should have nanometer scale transverse beam sizes at the collision points. For this purpose the emittances of the colliding beams are chosen to be very small, comparable to those of the modern synchrotron light sources, while the stored beam currents should be close to the best values achieved in the last generation of particle factories. [...]
2022 - 4 p. - Published in : JACoW IPAC 2022 (2022) 1583-1586 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2022), Bangkok, Thailand, 12 - 17 Jun 2022, pp.1583-1586
Combined Effect of Beam-Beam Interaction and Beam Coupling Impedance in Future Circular Colliders / Zhang, Yuan (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys. ; Beijing, GUCAS) ; Carideo, Emanuela (CERN ; Rome U. ; INFN, Rome) ; Migliorati, Mauro (Rome U. ; INFN, Rome) ; Wang, Na (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Zobov, Mikhail (Frascati)
The future large scale electron-positron colliders, such as FCC-ee in Europe and CEPC in China, will rely on the crab waist collision scheme with a large Piwinski angle. Differently from the past generation colliders both luminosity and beam-beam tune shifts depend on the bunch length in such a collision scheme. [...]
JACoW, 2021 - 6 p. - Published in : JACoW IPAC 2021 (2021) 25-30 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2021), Online, 24 - 28 May 2021, pp.25-30
Development of 36 GHz RF Systems for RF Linearisers / Castilla, Alejandro (CERN ; Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech. ; Lancaster U.) ; Behtouei, Mostafa (Frascati) ; Burt, Graeme (Lancaster U. ; Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech.) ; Cai, Jinchi (CERN ; Cockcroft Inst. Accel. Sci. Tech. ; Lancaster U.) ; Cross, Adrian W (Strathclyde U.) ; Latina, Andrea (CERN) ; Liu, Xingguang (CERN) ; Nix, Laurence J R (Strathclyde U.) ; Spataro, Bruno (Frascati) ; Syratchev, Igor (CERN) et al.
As part of the deign studies, the CompactLight project plans to use an injector in the C-band. Which constitutes a particular complication for the harmonic system in charge of linearising the beam’s phase space, since it means its operation frequency could be higher than the standard X-band RF technologies. [...]
Geneva : JACoW, 2021 - 6 p. - Published in : JACoW IPAC '21 (2021) 4518-4523 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2021), Online, 24 - 28 May 2021, pp.4518-4523
Collective Effects Issues for FCC-ee / Migliorati, M (U. Rome La Sapienza (main) ; INFN, Rome) ; Belli, E (U. Rome La Sapienza (main) ; INFN, Rome ; CERN) ; Castorina, G (Frascati) ; Persichelli, S (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Spataro, B (Frascati) ; Zobov, M (Frascati)
The Future Circular Collider study, hosted by CERN to design post-LHC particle accelerator options in a worldwide context, represents a great challenge under several aspects, which require R&D; on beam dynamics and new technologies. One very critical point is represented by collective effects, generated by the interaction of the beam with self-induced electromagnetic fields, called wake fields, which could produce beam instabilities, thus reducing the machines performance and limiting the maximum stored current. [...]
eeFACT-2016-TUT3AH1.- 2017 - 8 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-eeFACT2016-TUT3AH1 Fulltext: fulltext - PDF; tut3ah1 - PDF;
In : 58th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Luminosity Circular e+e-Colliders, Daresbury, United Kingdom, 24 - 27 Oct 2016, pp.TUT3AH1
Impedance modelling and collective effects in the Future Circular e$^{+}$e$^{−}$ Collider with 4 IPs / Migliorati, M. (U. Rome La Sapienza (main) ; INFN, Rome) ; Antuono, C. (INFN, Rome ; U. Rome La Sapienza (main) ; CERN) ; Carideo, E. (U. Rome La Sapienza (main) ; INFN, Rome ; CERN) ; Zhang, Y. (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Zobov, M. (LNF, Dafne Light)
The FCC-ee impedance model is being constantly updated closely following the vacuum chamber design and parameters evolution. In particular, at present, a thicker NEG coating of 150 nm (instead of previous 100 nm) has been suggested by the vacuum experts, and a more realistic impedance model of the bellows has been investigated. [...]
arXiv:2204.04616.- 2022-08-25 - 16 p. - Published in : EPJ Tech. Instrum. 9 (2022) 10 Fulltext: document - PDF; 2204.04616 - PDF;
Transverse and Longitudinal Single Bunch Instabilities in FCC-ee / Carideo, Emanuela (CERN ; INFN, Rome ; Rome U.) ; De Arcangelis, Daniele (Rome U. ; INFN, Rome) ; Migliorati, Mauro (Rome U. ; INFN, Rome) ; Quartullo, Danilo (CERN) ; Zimmermann, Frank (CERN) ; Zobov, Mikhail (Frascati)
Improving the accuracy of the impedance model of an accelerator is important for keeping beam instabilities and power loss under control. Here, by means of the PyHEAD- TAIL tracking code, we first review the longitudinal mi- crowave instability threshold for FCC-ee by taking into ac- count the longitudinal impedance model evaluated so far. [...]
Geneva : JACoW, 2021 - 4 p. - Published in : JACoW IPAC 2021 (2021) 3153-3156 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 12th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2021), Online, 24 - 28 May 2021, pp.3153-3156
Coupling Impedances and Collective Effects for FCC-ee / Belli, Eleonora (U. Rome La Sapienza (main)) ; Castorina, Giovanni (Frascati) ; Migliorati, Mauro (Rome U.) ; Novokhatski, Alexander (SLAC) ; Persichelli, Serena (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Spataro, Bruno (Frascati) ; Zobov, Mikhail (Frascati)
A very important issue for the Future Circular Collider (FCC) is represented by collective effects due to the self-induced electromagnetic fields, which, acting back on the beam, could produce dangerous instabilities. In this paper we will focus our work on the FCC electron-positron machine: in particular we will study some important sources of wake fields, their coupling impedances and the impact on the beam dynamics. [...]
IPAC-2017-THPAB020.- 2017 - 4 p. - Published in : 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-THPAB020 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 14 - 19 May 2017, pp.THPAB020
FCC-ee Collective Effects and their mitigation / Carideo, Emanuela (CERN ; INFN, Rome) ; Zimmermann, Frank (CERN) ; Zobov, Mikhail (LNF, Dafne Light) ; Migliorati, Mauro (INFN, Rome)
The high luminosity foreseen in the future electron-positron circular collider (FCC-ee) necessitates very intense multi-bunch colliding beams with very small transverse beam sizes at the collision points. This requires emittances comparable to those of the modern synchrotron light sources. [...]
2022 - 6 p. - Published in : PoS: ICHEP2022, pp. 046
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 41st International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP 2022), Bologna, Italy, 6 - 13 Jul 2022, pp.046
Studies of FCC-ee Single Bunch Instabilities with an Updated Impedance Model / Migliorati, M (INFN, Rome ; Rome U.) ; Behtouei, M (Frascati) ; Carideo, E (INFN, Rome ; Rome U. ; CERN) ; Rajabi, A (DESY) ; Zhang, Y (Beijing, Inst. High Energy Phys.) ; Zobov, M (Frascati)
The ongoing FCC-ee collider design aims at optimizing beam parameters and developing the different accelerators systems. For this reason, the coupling impedance modeling is in evolution following the design of the collider vacuum chamber and hardware components. [...]
2024 - 8 p. - Published in : J. Phys. : Conf. Ser.: 2687 (2024) , no. 6, pp. 062010
- Published in : JACoW IPAC: 2023 (2023) , pp. WEPL165 Fulltext: PublicationJACoW - PDF; PublicationIOP - PDF;
In : 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2023), Venice, Italy, 7 - 12 May 2023, pp.062010
Wakefields excited in the FCC-ee collimation system / Behtouei, M. (Frascati) ; Carideo, E. (U. Rome La Sapienza (main) ; CERN) ; Zobov, M. (Frascati) ; Migliorati, M. (U. Rome La Sapienza (main) ; INFN, Rome)
The purpose of this paper is to calculate the longitudinal and transverse wakefields of the FCC collimators by using the electromagnetic codes ECHO3D and IW2D. We cross-checked our results using CST particle studio for long bunches, and found them to be in good agreement. [...]
arXiv:2304.02416.- 2024-02-06 - 14 p. - Published in : JINST 19 (2024) P02014 Fulltext: 2304.02416 - PDF; document - PDF;

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