CERN Accelerating science

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REMOTE: Geodetic metrology for future accelerators - Towards the alignment of future colliders / Mainaud Durand, Helene (speaker) (CERN)
Abstract Geodetic metrology for colliders has always been a challenge for surveyors, due to the high number and diversity of components to align, the very specific measurement environment and the non-standard alignment tolerances. This led to the development of new methods and instrumentation, the push for accuracy of the existing ones, and their automation. This lecture will describe the steps needed to perform the alignment of components inside a collider, from the geodetic infrastructure to the final smoothing inside the tunnel. [...]
2022 - 3499. Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme, 2021-2022 External link: Event details In : REMOTE: Geodetic metrology for future accelerators - Towards the alignment of future colliders
REMOTE: Geodetic metrology for future accelerators - Facing the future challenges in the domain of accelerator alignment / Sosin, Mateusz (speaker) (CERN) ; Gayde, Jean-Christophe (speaker) (CERN)
Abstract In particle accelerators, high radiation levels, ultra-high vacuum, cryogenic temperatures of the measured components and high electro-magnetic noise push accelerator surveyors to look for more robust, safe and accurate solutions of alignment. For example, for the High-Luminosity LHC project at CERN, a range of new and cost-optimized solutions using Fourier analysis-based Frequency Sweeping Interferometry (FSI) and capacitive technologies are under development. [...]
2022 - 3522. Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme, 2021-2022 External link: Event details In : REMOTE: Geodetic metrology for future accelerators - Facing the future challenges in the domain of accelerator alignment
REMOTE: Geodetic metrology for future accelerators - Geodetic infrastructure for new accelerator projects, / Weyer, Benjamin (speaker) (CERN)
Abstract  The geodetic infrastructure is a key part of new accelerator projects, for both site investigations, civil engineering and metrology works. This lecture will present requirements and particularities of such projects and current applications for the Future Circular Collider (FCC). [...]
2022 - 3482. Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme, 2021-2022 External link: Event details In : REMOTE: Geodetic metrology for future accelerators - Geodetic infrastructure for new accelerator projects,
PACMAN (Particle Accelerator Components Metrology and Alignment to the Nanometer scale) / Caalan-Lasheras, Nuria (CERN) ; Mainaud Durand, Helene (CERN) ; Modena, Michele (CERN)
2013 - Published in : ICFA Beam Dyn. Newsl.: 62 (2013) , pp. 95-102 External link: Fulltext from ICFA
REMOTE: Geodetic metrology for future accelerators - Geodetic techniques for determining position and orientation with high accuracy / Wieser, Andreas (speaker) (ETH Zurich)
Abstract A core service of applied geodesy are the determination of coordinates and orientation with respect to chosen reference frames and the derivation of information including quality indicators therefrom. This is required for digitizing the 3d world, for transferring plans and models from the virtual space into the real one, and for reliably quantifying deformations and rigid body motion over time. [...]
2022 - 3533. Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme, 2021-2022 External link: Event details In : REMOTE: Geodetic metrology for future accelerators - Geodetic techniques for determining position and orientation with high accuracy
REMOTE: Geodetic metrology for future accelerators - Introduction to Geodesy / Guillaume, Sébastien (speaker) (HEIG-VD)
Abstract This lecture will introduce some basics in mathematical and physical geodesy. First, the mathematical foundations of the most common coordinate systems (cartesian, ellipsoidal and projective) used in geodesy are presented. [...]
2022 - 4821. Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme, 2021-2022 External link: Event details In : REMOTE: Geodetic metrology for future accelerators - Introduction to Geodesy
The CLIC Alignment Studies: Past, Present and Future / Mainaud Durand, H (CERN)
Geodetic, survey and alignment challenges of the FCC-ee / Mainaud Durand, H (CERN) ; Watrelot, L (CERN ; LSPM, Paris) ; Weyer, B (CERN)
At CERN, each generation of particle accelerators led to theimplementation of new geodetic, survey and alignment methodologiesfollowing the increasing accuracy requirements and the evolution ofsurvey instruments. The Future Circular Collider (FCC), representingthe next generation of particle accelerator, will in its turnrequire new development to ensure the accomplishment of theconstruction of the 91 km tunnel and the correct positioning of themachine components. [...]
2024 - 6 p. - Published in : JINST 19 (2024) T02006 Fulltext: PDF;
1st International Workshop on Accelerator Alignment - IWAA 1989   31 Jul - 2 Aug 1989  - Stanford, CA, USA  .-
Stanford, CA : SLAC, 1990 - 315 p. SLAC-375
High precision geodetic metrology for the alignment of particle accelerators / Mayoud, Michel
In : Joint US-CERN-Japan International School of Frontiers of Accelerator Technology, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 3 - 9 Nov 1994, pp.717-730

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