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Validation of high efficiency klystron technology / Alonso Arias, Paz (CERN) ; Chauchet, Alan (CERN) ; Marrelli, Chiara (Lund U.) ; Syratchev, Igor (CERN) ; Webber, Maggie (CERN) ; Boronat, Marça (CERN) ; Jones, Matthew (Daresbury) ; Catalan-Lasheras, Nuria (CERN) ; González-Antón, Sergio (CERN) ; Zaib, Un Nisa (Beijing, GUCAS)
The delivery of high RF power---from hundreds of kW to MW---by klystrons, is linked with a high overall energy consumption. A research programme led by CERN in collaboration with the industry is being conducted to understand what limits klystron efficiency and how to develop high-efficiency klystrons. [...]
2024 - 3 p. - Published in : JACoW LINAC 2024 (2024) THPB015 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 32nd Linear Accelerator Conference (LINAC 2024), Chicago, Illinois, United States, 25 - 30 Aug 2024, pp.THPB015
High-power, high-efficiency FELs / Sessler, Andrew M
LBL-27035.- Berkeley, CA : CERN, 1990 - 16 p. Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : CAS - CERN Accelerator School and Daresbury Laboratory : Course on Synchrotron Radiation and Free-electron Lasers, Chester, UK, 6- 13 Apr 1989, pp.335-349 (CERN-1990-003)
High-Efficiency Klystron Tests at the CERN Xbox3 Facility / Webber, Margaret Mcguinn
Klystrons are a type of radio-frequency amplifier widely used in high-energy physics. [...]
- 2024
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High-efficiency ultra-trace detection of 85Kr / Li, X ; Schüssler, H A
2001 Source files restricted to CERN users: ZIP;
In : 3rd International Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses, Haemeenlinna, Finland, 2 - 7 Jul 2001, pp.489
Rigid-Beam Model of a High-Efficiency Magnicon / Rees, D E ; Humphries, S ; Tallerico, P J
1993 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 15th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 17 - 20 May 1993, pp.1199
Subharmonic Triple Buncher for a High-Efficiency Free Electron Laser / Fraser, J S
1983 External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 10th Particle Accelerator Conference, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 21 - 23 Mar 1983, pp.3115
Exploratory Study on High-Efficiency High-Power W-Band Klystron Based on Kladistron Technology / Cai, J C (UESTC, Chengdu) ; Su, Z X (UESTC, Chengdu) ; Peauger, F (CERN) ; Xu, J (UESTC, Chengdu) ; Burt, G (Lancaster U. (main)) ; Yue, L N (UESTC, Chengdu) ; Yin, H R (UESTC, Chengdu) ; Zhao, G Q (UESTC, Chengdu) ; Xiang, W W (UESTC, Chengdu) ; Wei, Y Y (UESTC, Chengdu)
To achieve tens of kilowatt (kW) output power, ${W}$ -band klystron usually employs a large beam tunnel to accommodate high current. The deteriorated effective impedance of the cavity could be reenhanced by adopting extended interaction (EI) cavities. [...]
2023 - 6 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 51 (2023) 386-391
Scaling Procedures and Post-Optimization for the Design of High-Efficiency Klystrons / Cai, Jinchi (CERN) ; Syratchev, Igor (CERN) ; Lui, Zening (Tsinghua U., Beijing)
A semianalytical parametric scaling procedure (PSP) for klystron design has been developed. The PSP allows existing klystron designs to be scaled to different operating frequencies, beam power, and perveance, while maintaining the electron bunching and deceleration processes. [...]
2019 - 7 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 66 (2019) 1075-1081
High-Efficiency Klystron Design for the CLIC Project / Mollard, Antoine (CEA) ; Marchand, Claude (CEA) ; Peauger, Franck (CEA) ; Plouin, Juliette (CEA) ; Beunas, Armel (Thales Electron Devices) ; Marchesin, Rodolphe (Thales Electron Devices)
The CLIC project requests new type of RF sources for the high power conditioning of the accelerating cavities. We are working on the development of a new kind of high-efficiency klystron to fulfill this need. [...]
CERN-ACC-2017-0040.- Geneva : CERN, 2017 - Published in : 10.1109/IVEC.2016.7561812 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 17th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, Monterey, CA, USA, 19 - 21 Apr 2016, pp.7561812
Beam Optics Study on a Two-Stage Multibeam Klystron for the Future Circular Collider / Cai, Jinchi (UESTC, Chengdu) ; Nisa, Zaib un (CERN) ; Syratchev, Igor (CERN) ; Burt, Graeme (Lancaster U.)
The two-stage (TS) multibeam klystron (MBK) technology has recently attracted significant research attention due to its compactness and high-efficiency (HE) performance. However, there is still a lack of scientific research on the beam optics for such microwave power sources integrated with a postacceleration (PA) gap. [...]
2022 - 9 p. - Published in : IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 69 (2022) 4563-4571

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