CERN Accelerating science

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Measurement of the neutron component in a shower generated in a lead target by relativistic nuclear beam / Chultem, D ; Damdinsuren, T ; Dyachenko, V M ; Enkhgin, L ; Lomova, L A ; Perelygin, V P ; Tolstov, K D
E1-94-407 ; JINR-E1-94-407.
- 1994. - 28 p.
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Monitoring system for relativistic particles and nuclei / Damdinsuren, C ; Dyachenko, V M ; Kozma, P ; Tolstov, K D
E1-89-291 ; JINR-E1-89-291.
- 1989. - 15 p.
CERN library copies
Generation of neutrons in a lead target by protons, deuterons, alpha particles with 4.5-gev/c per nucleon momentum / Voronkov, V A ; Dyachenko, V M ; Kostin, V Y ; Migalenya, V Y ; Nikityuk, N M ; Sidorenko, V V ; Tolstov, K D
- 1988. - 4 p.
Investigation of temperature and neutron fields in lead medium during the interaction with relativistic protons / Brandt, R ; Beljakov, D V ; Bisplinghoff, B ; Dyachenko, V M ; Zarubin, P I ; Kaznovskij, S P ; Kaznovskij, S P ; Krivopustov, M I ; Langrok, E J ; Modolo, D et al.
- 1999. - 24 p.
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Q$_{GG}$-systematics of fragment yields / Kozma, P ; Damdinsuren, C ; Chultem, D
E1-88-433 ; JINR-E1-88-433.
- 1988. - 4 p.
CERN library copies
Nuclear reactions of tantalum with 3.65 AGeV $^{12}$C-ions and 3.65 GeV protons / Kozma, P ; Damdinsuren, C ; Chultem, D ; Tumendemberel, B
E1-89-252 ; JINR-E1-89-252.
- 1989. - 22 p.
CERN library copies
Yields of radionuclides formed in the interaction of 3.65 AGeV $^{12}$C-ions and protons with $^{nat}$Pb / Damdinsuren, C ; Ilyushchenko, V I ; Kozma, P ; Chultem, D
E1-89-481 ; JINR-E1-89-481.
- 1989. - 10 p.
CERN library copies
Investigation of Space and Energy Distributions of Neutrons Generated in Lead Target and Uranium Blanket of the Electronuclear System "Energy plus Transmutation" under Irradiation with Protons at 1.5 GeV / Zhuk, I V ; Kievits, M K ; Krivopustov, M I ; Sosnin, A N ; Chultem, D ; Vestmaer, V ; Tumendelger, T ; Zaveryukha, O S ; Pavlyuk, A B
The work contains the results of space-energy distributions of neutrons in U/Pb assembly, consisting of extended lead target and the model of natural uranium blanket irradiated with relativistic protons at 1.5 GeV. [...]
JINR-P1-2002-184 ; P1-2002-184.
- 2002. - 29 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Negative pion capture in atomic nuclei near the closed neutron shell at N = 82 / Butsev, V S ; Chultem, D ; Zhivotov, I N
- 1981. - 14 p. CERN library copies
Homology in vertebrales bone mineral structure / Batdemberel, G ; Sangaa, D ; Chultem, D
- 1999. - 11 p.
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