CERN Accelerating science

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Structural formation yield of GeV centers from implanted Ge in diamond / Wahl, Ulrich (IST, Lisbon (main)) ; Correia, João Guilherme (IST, Lisbon (main)) ; Costa, Ângelo (Leuven U.) ; Lamelas, Afonso (Aveiro U.) ; Amaral, Vítor (Aveiro U.) ; Johnston, Karl (CERN) ; Magchiels, Goele (Leuven U.) ; Tunhuma, Shandirai Malven (Leuven U.) ; Vantomme, André (Leuven U.) ; Pereira, Lino M C (Leuven U.)
In order to study the structural formation yield of germanium-vacancy (GeV) centers from implanted Ge in diamond, we have investigated its lattice location by using the β$^{−}$ emission channeling technique from the radioactive isotope $^{75}$Ge (t$_{1/2}$ = 83 min) produced at the ISOLDE/CERN facility. $^{75}$Ge was introduced via recoil implantation following 30 keV ion implantation of the precursor isotope $^{75}$Ga (126 s) with fluences around 2 × 10$^{12}$–5 × 10$^{13}$ cm$^{−2}$. [...]
2024 - 16 p. - Published in : Mat. Quant. Tech. 4 (2024) 025101 Fulltext: PDF;
Transition metal impurities on the bond-centered site in Ge / Decoster, S (Leuven U.) ; Cottenier, S (Leuven U. ; RWTH Aachen U. ; U. Gent) ; De Vries, B (Leuven U.) ; Emmerich, H (RWTH Aachen U.) ; Wahl, U (ITN, Sacavem) ; Correia, J G (ITN, Sacavem) ; Vantomme, A (Leuven U.) /EC-SLI Collaboration
We report on the lattice location of ion implanted Fe, Cu, and Ag impurities in germanium from a combined approach of emission channeling experiments and ab initio total energy calculations. Following common expectation, a fraction of these transition metals (TMs) was found on the substitutional Ge position. [...]
CERN-OPEN-2013-004.- Leuven : Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, 2009 - 4 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 102 (2009) 065502 Fulltext: PDF;
Direct Structural Identification and Quantification of the Split-Vacancy Configuration for Implanted Sn in Diamond / Wahl, Ulrich (Universidade de Lisboa (PT)) ; Martins Correia, Joao (Universidade de Lisboa (PT)) ; Villarreal, Renan (KU Leuven) ; Bourgeois, Emilie (Hasselt University) ; Gulka, Michal (Hasselt University) ; Nesladek, Milos (Hasselt University) ; Vantomme, André (KU Leuven) ; Da Costa Pereira, Lino Miguel (KU Leuven (BE)) /EC-SLI Collaboration ; IS368 Collaboration
We demonstrate formation of the ideal split-vacancy configuration of the Sn-vacancy center upon implantation into natural diamond. Using beta-emission channeling following low fluence 121Sn implantation (2E12 atoms/cm2, 60 keV) at the ISOLDE facility at CERN, we directly identified and quantified the atomic configurations of the Sn-related centers. [...]
CERN-ISOLDE-2021-002.- 2020 - 7 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) 045301 Postprint: PDF; Supplemental material: PDF;
Lattice location study of ion implanted Sn and Sn-related defects in Ge / Decoster, S (Leuven U.) ; Cottenier, S (Ghent U.) ; Wahl, U (ITN, Sacavem) ; Correia, J G (ITN, Sacavem) ; Vantomme, A (Leuven U.) /EC-SLI Collaboration
In this work, we present a lattice location study of Sn in Ge. From emission channeling experiments, we determined the exact lattice location of ion implanted $^{121}$Sn atoms and compared the results to predictions from density-functional calculations. [...]
CERN-OPEN-2013-007.- Leuven : Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, 2010 - 6 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 155204 Fulltext: PDF;
Experimental evidence of tetrahedral interstitial and bond-centered Er in Ge / Decoster, S (Leuven U.) ; De Vries, B (Leuven U.) ; Wahl, U (ITN, Sacavem ; Lisbon U., CFNUL) ; Correia, J G (ITN, Sacavem) ; Vantomme, A (Leuven U.) /EC-SLI Collaboration
We report on an emission channeling study of the lattice site location of implanted Er in Ge together with its thermal stability. We found direct experimental evidence of Er atoms located on the tetrahedral (T) interstitial site and on the bond-centered (BC) site, with a maximum total occupancy after annealing at 400 °C. [...]
CERN-OPEN-2013-003.- Leuven : Instituut voor Kern en Stralingsfisica, 2008 - 3 p. - Published in : Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 (2008) 141907 Fulltext: PDF;
Lattice site and thermal stability of transition metals in germanium / Augustyns, Valérie
Although the first transistor was based on germanium, current chip technology mainly uses silicon due to its larger abundance, a lower price and higher quality silicon-oxide [...]
CERN-THESIS-2013-116 - 57 p.

Diluted manganese on the bond-centered site in germanium / Decoster, S (Leuven U.) ; Vantomme, A (Leuven U.) ; Cottenier, S (Gent U.) ; Wahl, U (ITN, Sacavem) ; Correia, JG (ITN, Sacavem) ; Pereira, LMC (Leuven U.) ; Lacasta, C (Valencia U., IFIC) ; Da Silva, MR (Lisbon U.)
The functional properties of Mn-doped Ge depend to large extent on the lattice location of the Mn impurities. Here, we present a lattice location study of implanted diluted Mn by means of electron emission channeling. [...]
CERN-OPEN-2013-008.- Leuven : Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, 2010 - 3 p. - Published in : Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 (2010) 151914 Article: PDF;
Lattice location and thermal stability of implanted nickel in silicon studied by on-line emission channeling / Silva, Daniel José (Porto U.) ; Wahl, Ulrich (IST/ITN, Lisbon) ; Correia, Joaõ Guilherme (IST/ITN, Lisbon) ; Pereira, Lino Miguel da Costa (Leuven U.) ; Amorim, Lígia Marina (Leuven U.) ; da Silva, Manuel Ribeiro (Lisbon U., CFNUL) ; David-Bosne, Eric (IST/ITN, Lisbon ; Aveiro U.) ; Araújo, João Pedro (Porto U.) /EC-SLI Collaboration
We have studied the lattice location of implanted nickel in silicon, for different doping types (n, n$^{+}$ and p$^{+}$). By means of on-line emission channeling, $^{65}$Ni was identified on three different sites of the diamond lattice: ideal substitutional sites, displaced bond-center towards substitutional sites (near-BC) and displaced tetrahedral interstitial towards anti-bonding sites (near-T). [...]
CERN-OPEN-2014-018.- Porto, Portugal : Porto U., 2013 - 10 p. - Published in : J. Appl. Phys. 115 (2013) 023504 Preprint: PDF;
Magnesium-Vacancy Optical Centers in Diamond / Corte, Emilio ; Andrini, Greta ; Nieto Hernández, Elena ; Pugliese, Vanna ; Costa, Ângelo ; Magchiels, Goele ; Moens, Janni ; Tunhuma, Shandirai Malven ; Villarreal, Renan ; Pereira, Lino M. C. et al.
We provide the first systematic characterization of the structural and photoluminescence properties of optically active centers fabricated upon implantation of 30–100 keV Mg+ ions in synthetic diamond. The structural configurations of Mg-related defects were studied by the electron emission channeling technique for short-lived, radioactive 27Mg implantations at the CERN-ISOLDE facility, performed both at room temperature and 800 °C, which allowed the identification of a major fraction of Mg atoms (∼30 to 42%) in sites which are compatible with the split-vacancy structure of the MgV complex. [...]
- Published in : ACS Photonics 10 (2023) 101-110 Fulltext: MgV_SupportingInformation - PDF; ACSPhotonics_2023_10_0101 - PDF;
Lattice location study of implanted In in Ge / Decoster, S (Leuven U.) ; De Vries, B (Leuven U.) ; Wahl, U (ITN, Sacavem) ; Correia, J G (ITN, Sacavem) ; Vantomme, A (Leuven U.) /EC-SLI Collaboration
We report on emission channeling experiments to determine the lattice location and the thermal stability of implanted $^{111}$In atoms in Ge. The majority of the In atoms was found on the substitutional site, which is a thermally stable site at least up to 500 °C. [...]
CERN-OPEN-2013-005.- Leuven : Instituut voor Kern-en Stralingsfysica, 2009 - 4 p. - Published in : J. Appl. Phys. 105 (2009) 083522 Fulltext: PDF;

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