CERN Accelerating science

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Observation and resonant x-ray optical interpretation of multi-atom resonant photoemission effects in O 1s emission from NiO / Mannella, N ; Arenholz, E ; Fadley, C S ; Hussain, Z ; Kay, A W ; Mun, B S ; Ohldag, H ; Sell, B C ; VanHove, M A ; Watanabe, M et al.
SLAC-REPRINT-2006-177.- Stanford, CA : SLAC, 2006 - Published in : Phys. Rev. B 74 (2006) 165106
Matrix string partition functions / Kostov, Ivan K ; Vanhove, P
1998 - Published in : Phys. Lett. B 444 (1998) 196-203
Nodal quasiparticle in pseudogapped colossal magnetoresistive manganites / Mannella, N ; Devereaux, T P ; Hussain, Z ; Mitchell, J F ; Nagaosa, N ; Shen, Z X ; Yang, W L ; Zaanen, J ; Zheng, H ; Zhou, X J
SLAC-REPRINT-2005-252.- Stanford, CA : SLAC, 2005 - Published in : Nature 438 (2005) 474
Polarization measurement and vertical aperture optimization for obtaining circularly polarized bend-magnet radiation / Kortright, J B ; Rice, M ; Hussain, Z ; Padmore, H A ; Adamson, A M ; Huff, W R A ; Young, A T ; Moler, E J ; Kellar, S A ; Ynzunza, R X et al.
LBL-38212.- Berkeley, CA : Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., 1995 - 15 p. Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : 9th National Conference on Synchrotron-radiation Instrumentation, Argonne, IL, USA, 17 - 20 Oct 1995, pp.3363 - CERN library copies
Frontiers in Number Theory, Geometry and Physics / Cartier, P ; Julia, B ; Moussa, P ; Vanhove, P
- 2003.
Fulltext from SPhT Saclay
Injection method using the third order resonance at TARN II / Tomizawa, M ; Arakaki, Y ; Chida, K ; Watanabe, S ; Watanabe, T ; Katayama, T ; Yoshizawa, M ; Noda, A
INS-980.- Tokyo : Tokyo Univ. Inst. Nucl. Stud., 1993 - 4 p. External link: Published version from JACoW
In : 15th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 17 - 20 May 1993, pp.41 - Please contact the library if you need to access this document.
High-resolution beamline 9.3.2 in the energy range 30-1500 eV at the Advanced Light Source : design and performance / Hussain, Z ; Huff, W R A ; Kellar, S A ; Moler, E J ; Heimann, P A ; McKinney, W ; Cummings, C ; Lauritzen, T ; McKean, J P ; Palomares, F J et al.
LBL-37762; LSBL-284.- Berkeley, CA : Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab., 1995 - 19 p. Access to fulltext document: TIF PDF;
In : 9th National Conference on Synchrotron-radiation Instrumentation, Argonne, IL, USA, 17 - 20 Oct 1995, pp.3372 - CERN library copies
High resolution soft X-ray bending magnet beamline 9.3.2 with circularly polarized radiation capability at the Advanced Light Source / Hussain, Z ; Huff, W R A ; Kellar, S A ; Moler, E J ; Heimann, P A ; McKinney, W R ; Padmore, H A ; Fadley, C S ; Shirley, D A
LBL-37657 ; LSBL-277.
- 1995. - 8 p.
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Flaring coronal structures / Watanabe, T
In : IAU Colloquium 144 : Solar Coronal Structures, Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia, 20 - 24 Sep 1993, pp.227-234
Chemical tuning of the electronic properties in a periodic surfactant-templated nanostructured semiconductor / Korlann, S D ; Kirsch, B L ; Mun, B S ; Riley, A E ; Tolbert, S H
SLAC-REPRINT-2005-230.- Stanford, CA : SLAC, 2005 - Published in : J. Am. Chem. Soc.: 127 (2005) , pp. 12516

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