EOS software evolution enabling LHC Run 3
/ Caffy, Cedric (CERN) ; Amadio, Guilherme (CERN) ; Guenther, Jaroslav (CERN) ; Lekshmanan, Abhishek (CERN) ; Mascetti, Luca (CERN) ; Peters, Andreas (CERN) ; Reis, Manuel (CERN) ; Simon, Michal Kamil (CERN) ; Sindrilaru, Elvin (CERN) ; Smith, David (CERN)
EOS has been the main storage system at CERN for more than a decade, continuously improving in order to meet the ever evolving requirements of the LHC experiments and the whole physics user community. In order to satisfy the demands of LHC Run-3, in terms of storage performance and tradeoff between cost and capacity, EOS was enhanced with a set of new functionalities and features that we will detail in this paper.First of all, we describe the use of erasure coded layouts in a large-scale deployment which enables an efficient use of available storage capacity, while at the same time providing end-users with better throughput when accessing their data. [...]
2024 - 8 p.
- Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 295 (2024) 01022
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 26th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics, Norfolk, Virginia, Us, 8 - 12 May 2023, pp.01022
XRootD Client: A robust technology for LHC Run-3 and beyond
/ Amadio, Guilherme (CERN) ; Caffy, Cedric (CERN) ; Hanushevsky, Andrew Bohdan (SLAC) ; Simon, Michał Kamil (CERN) ; Smith, David (CERN)
During the LHC era the XRootD framework has proven to be a critical component of numerous data management and software defined storage solutions (most importantly EOS, the CERN storage technology used for the LHC experiments), and as such grew into one of the most strategic storage technologies in the High Energy Physics (HEP) community. Over the last year significant developments in the area of the XRootD client have been introduced, making it even more reliable and robust, as well as easier to debug. [...]
2024 - 7 p.
- Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 295 (2024) 01056
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 26th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics, Norfolk, Virginia, Us, 8 - 12 May 2023, pp.01056
LHC Data Storage: Preparing for the Challenges of Run-3
/ Arsuaga-Rios, Maria (CERN) ; Bahyl, Vladimír (CERN) ; Batalha, Manuel (CERN) ; Caffy, Cédric (CERN) ; Cano, Eric (CERN) ; Capitoni, Niccolo (CERN) ; Contescu, Cristian (CERN) ; Davis, Michael (CERN) ; Alvarez, David Fernandez (CERN) ; Guenther, Jaroslav (CERN) et al.
The CERN IT Storage Group ensures the symbiotic development and operations of storage and data transfer services for all CERN physics data, in particular the data generated by the four LHC experiments (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb).In order to accomplish the objectives of the next run of the LHC (Run-3), the Storage Group has undertaken a thorough analysis of the experiments’ requirements, matching them to the appropriate storage and data transfer solutions, and undergoing a rigorous programme of testing to identify and solve any issues before the start of Run-3.In this paper, we present the main challenges presented by each of the four LHC experiments. We describe their workflows, in particular how they communicate with and use the key components provided by the Storage Group: the EOS disk storage system; its archival back-end, the CERN Tape Archive (CTA); and the File Transfer Service (FTS). [...]
2021 - 10 p.
- Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 251 (2021) 02023
Fulltext: PDF;
In : 25th International Conference on Computing in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP), Online, Online, 17 - 21 May 2021, pp.02023
Exploring the virtues of XRootD5: Declarative API
/ Simon, Michal Kamil (speaker) (CERN)
Across the years, being the backbone of numerous data management solutions used within the WLCG collaboration, the XRootD framework and protocol became one of the most important building blocks for storage solutions in the High Energy Physics (HEP) community. The latest big milestone for the project, release 5, introduced multitude of architectural improvements and functional enhancements, including the new client side declarative API, which is the main focus of this study. [...]
2021 - 725.
Conferences; 25th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics
External links: Talk details; Event details
In : 25th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics
EOS architectural evolution and strategic development directions
/ Bitzes, Georgios (CERN) ; Luchetti, Fabio (CERN) ; Manzi, Andrea (CERN) ; Patrascoiu, Mihai (CERN) ; Peters, Andreas Joachim (CERN) ; Simon, Michal Kamil (CERN) ; Sindrilaru, Elvin Alin (CERN)
EOS [1] is the main storage system at CERN providing hundreds of PB of capacity to both physics experiments and also regular users of the CERN infrastructure. Since its first deployment in 2010, EOS has evolved and adapted to the challenges posed by ever-increasing requirements for storage capacity, user-friendly POSIX-like interactive experience and new paradigms like collaborative applications along with sync and share capabilities.Overcoming these challenges at various levels of the software stack meant coming up with a new architecture for the namespace subsystem, completely redesigning the EOS FUSE module and adapting the rest of the components like draining, LRU engine, file system consistency check and others, to ensure a stable and predictable performance. [...]
2020 - 10 p.
- Published in : EPJ Web Conf. 245 (2020) 04009
Fulltext from publisher: PDF;
In : 24th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Adelaide, Australia, 4 - 8 Nov 2019, pp.04009