CERN Accelerating science

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Appendix IX : Superconducting beam transport elements / Ašner, A
CERN-SI-NoRP0214 - 1971. - 3 p.

Report about different types of 30 cm - aperture quadrupole lenses / Asner, A ; Wilson, E J N
CERN-ENG-Int-EE-62-20.- Geneva : CERN, 1962 - 16 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Meeting - minutes of the study group for different quadrupoles and magnets - 5 juin 1962 / Asner, A
CERN-ENG-Int-EE-62-13.- Geneva : CERN, 1962 - 3 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Technical Note N°92 : Calculation of Eddy curent effects in the vacuum chambers of the BOOSTER Synchrotron quadrupole and bending magnets / Asner, A
MPS-Int-MA-67-11 ; CERN-MPS-Int-MA-67-11.
- 1967. - 17 p.
Full text
Compte rendu de la réunion sur l'aménagement du hall 167 / Asner, A
- 1970. - 1 p.
Full text
First proposal for a new air-cooled PFW system for a high intensity PS, yielding independent correcting quadrupole, sextupole and octupole fields / Asner, A ; Lohmann, KH ; Schmitt, J
- 1972.
Full text
Proposal for a simplified and cheaper full aperture Kicker system for the CPS / Asner, A ; Brückner, A
- 1971.
Full text
Proposal for a new PS fast ejection system towards the West hall and the ISR (second draft as discussion basis) / Asner, A
MPS-SI-Note-MAE-69-1 ; CERN-MPS-SI-Note-MAE-69-1.
- 1969. - 9 p.
Full text
Proposal of a new kicker system for fast ejection towards the ISR and the West Hall / Asner, A
MPS-SI-Note-MAE-68-4 ; CERN-MPS-SI-Note-MAE-68-4.
- 1968.
Full text
Some temperature problems in magnets with cylindrical symmetry / Asner, A ; Leroy, D
- 1972. - 8 p.
Full text

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