CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server 10 záznamov nájdených  Hľadanie trvalo 0.71 sekúnd. 
Investigation of Neutron Spectra and Transmutation of ^{129}I, ^{237}Np and Other Nuclides with 1.5 GeV Protons from the Dubna Nuclotron Using the Electronuclear Setup "Energy plus Transmutation" / Krivopustov, M I ; Adam, J ; Balabekyan, A R ; Batusov, Yu A ; Bielewicz, M ; Brandt, R ; Chaloun, P ; Chultem, D ; Dwivedi, K K ; Elishev, A F et al.
Experiments which are part of the scientific program "Investigations of physical aspects of electronuclear method of energy production and transmutation for radioactive waste of atomic energetics using relativistic beams from the JINR Synchrophasotron/Nuclotron" (project "Energy plus Transmutation") are described. [...]
E1-2004-79 ; JINR-E1-2004-79.
- 2004. - 33 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Influence of Different Moderator Materials on Characteristics of Neutron Fluxes Generated under Irradiation of Lead Target with Proton Beams / Sosnin, A N ; Sosnin, A N ; Polanski, A ; Petrochenkov, S A ; Golovatyuk, V M ; Krivopustov, M I ; Bamblevski, V P ; Westmeier, W ; Odoj, R ; Brandt, R et al.
Neutron fields generated in extended heavy (Z\geq 82) targets under irradiation with proton beams at energies in the range of 1 GeV are investigated. [...]
- 2002. - 9 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Transmutation of $^{239}$Pu and Other Nuclides Using Spallation Neutrons Produced by Relativistic Protons Reacting with Massive U- and Pb-Targets / Adam, J ; Balabekyan, A R ; Bamblevski, V P ; Barabanov, M Yu ; Bradnova, V ; Chaloun, P ; Hella, K M ; Kalinnikov, V G ; Krivopustov, M I ; Kulakov, B A et al.
Experimental studies on the transmutation of some long-lived radioactive waste nuclei, such as ^{129}I, ^{237}Np, and ^{239}Pu, as well as on natural uranium and lanthanum (all of them used as sensors) were carried out at the Synchrophasotron of the Laboratory for High Energies (JINR, Dubna). [...]
E1-2001-136 ; JINR-E1-2001-136.
- 2001. - 24 p.
Fulltext from JINR Dubna
Transmutation studies using SSNTD and radiochemistry and the associated production of secondary neutrons / Brandt, R ; Ochs, M ; Wan, J S ; Schmidt, T ; Langrock, E J ; Vater, P ; Adam, J ; Bamblevski, V P ; Bradnova, V ; Gelovani, L K et al.
Experiments using 1.5 GeV, 3.7 GeV and 7.4 GeV protons from the Synchrophasotron, LHE, JINR, Dubna, Russia, on extended Pb- and U- targets were carried out using SSNTD and radiochemical sensors for the study of secondary neutron $9 fluences. We also carried out first transmutation studies on the long-lived radwaste nuclei /sup 129/I and /sup 237/Np. [...]
1999 - Published in : Radiat. Meas. 31 (1999) 497-506
Transmutation of $^{129}I$ and $^{237}Np$ using spallation neutrons produced by 1.5, 3.7 and 7.4 GeV protons / Ochs, M ; Wan, J S ; Schmidt, T ; Langrock, E J ; Vater, P ; Brandt, R ; Adam, J ; Bamblevski, V P ; Bradnova, V ; Gelovani, L K et al.
E1-99-1 ; JINR-E1-99-1.
- 1999. - 31 p.
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ATLAS detector and physics performance : Technical Design Report, 2 / Airapetian, A.
CERN-LHCC-99-015 ATLAS-TDR-15. - Geneva : CERN, 1999. - 966 p. (Technical design report. ATLAS ; 15)

ATLAS detector and physics performance : Technical Design Report, 1 / Airapetian, A.
CERN-LHCC-99-014 ATLAS-TDR-14. - Geneva : CERN, 1999. - 460 p. (Technical design report. ATLAS ; 14)

Transmutation of radioactive waste by means of relativistic heavy ions / Wan, J S ; Ochs, M ; Brandt, R ; Schmidt, T ; Langrock, E J ; Vater, P ; Abdullaev, I G ; Adam, J ; Bamblevski, V P ; Bradnova, V et al.
1998 - Published in : Kerntech.: 63 (1998) , no. 4, pp. 167-77
Transmutation of radioactive waste with the help of relativistic heavy ions / Brandt, R ; Wan, J S ; Ochs, M ; Schmidt, T ; Langrock, E J ; Vater, P ; Abdullaev, I G ; Adam, J ; Bamblevski, V P ; Bradnova, V et al.
E1-97-349 ; JINR-E1-97-349.
- 1997. - 27 p.
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Further evidences for enhanced nuclear cross-sections observed in 44 GeV carbon ion interactions with copper / Brandt, R ; Abdullaev, I G ; Adloff, J C ; Bersina, I G ; Bisplinghoff, B ; Bradnova, V ; Butsev, V S ; Cui, H H ; Debeauvais, M ; Dwivedi, K K et al.
E1-95-502 ; JINR-E1-95-502.
- 1996. - 36 p.
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