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Report number E1-99-1 ; JINR-E1-99-1
Title Transmutation of $^{129}I$ and $^{237}Np$ using spallation neutrons produced by 1.5, 3.7 and 7.4 GeV protons
Author(s) Ochs, M ; Wan, J S ; Schmidt, T ; Langrock, E J ; Vater, P ; Brandt, R ; Adam, J ; Bamblevski, V P ; Bradnova, V ; Gelovani, L K ; Gridnev, T G ; Kalinnikov, V G ; Krivopustov, M I ; Kulakov, B A ; Sosnin, A N ; Perelygin, V P ; Pronskikh, V S ; Stegailov, V I ; Tsoupko-Sitnikov, V M ; Modolo, G ; Odoj, R ; Phlippen, P W ; Zamani-Valassiadou, M ; Adloff, J C ; Debeauvais, M ; Hashemi-Nezhad, S R ; Guo Shi Lun ; Li, L ; Wang, Y L ; Dwivedi, K K ; Zhuk, I V ; Boulyga, S F ; Lomonosova, E M ; Kievitskaja, A F ; Rakhno, I L ; Chigrinov, S E ; Wilson, B
Publication 1999
Imprint 12 Jan 1999
Number of pages 31
Published in: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res.
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Other source Inspire


 Záznam vytvorený 1999-10-11, zmenený 2015-05-22

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