CERN Accélérateur de science

CERN Document Server 32 notices trouvées  1 - 10suivantfin  aller vers la notice: La recherche a duré 1.22 secondes. 
Future development of the target control system / Brooks, C B
CERN-MPS-Int-VA-61-12.- Geneva : CERN, 1961 - 7 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Multiparticle identification with ISIS : Tests with the full aperture ISIS 1 / Allison, W W M ; Brooks, C B ; Lyons, L ; MacPherson, A ; Romaya, A M ; Shield, P D
Results are reported of a successful test of ISIS 1 in a particle beam. ISIS 1 is a full aperture (4 m*2 m) prototype of the particle identifier ISIS (Identification of Secondaries by Ionisation Sampling) , proposed for the European Hybrid Spectrometer (EHS) at the SPS at CERN. [...]
1979 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods 163 (1979) 331-41
The identification of secondary particles by ionisation sampling (ISIS) / Allison, W W M ; Brooks, C B ; Bunch, J N ; Cobb, J H ; Lloyd, J L ; Pleming, R W
A large volume multi-wire proportional chamber employing drift paths of up to 2m in an unconventional geometry is described. This device will distinguish between kaons, pions and protons for all secondaries from 5 GeV/c to over 100 GeV/c and obtain over 300 transverse position measurements on each track to an accuracy of approximately 2mm. [...]
1974 - Published in : Nucl. Instrum. Methods 119 (1974) 499-507
PEPR for BEBC? / Willder, S S ; Brooks, C B
CERN, CERN, 1970 Published version from CERN: PDF;
In : International Conference on Data-Handling Systems in High-Energy Physics, v 1, Cambridge, UK, 23 - 25 Mar 1970, pp.89-104 (CERN-1970-021-V-1)
Transmission of light in deep sea water at this site of the ANTARES neutrino telescope / ANTARES Collaboration
- 2004. - 40 p.
Addendum to the proposal for the european hybrid spectrometer part B : charged particle identification / Montanet, Lucien ; Allison, W W ; Bénot, M ; Brooks, C B (et al.)
CERN-SPSC-78-93 ; SPSC-P-42-Add-5-S.
- 1978. - 2 p.
ATLAS beam test results / Beringer, J ; Borer, K ; Dawson, I ; Dowell, John D ; Homer, R James ; Kenyon, Ian Richard ; Oglesby, S J ; Shaylor, H R ; Wilson, J A ; Carter, J R et al.
In : International Symposium on Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors, Hiroshima, Japan, 10 - 13 Oct 1995, pp.205-210
Future development of the target control system / Brooks, C B
- 1961 - mult..
Contained ν events observed in Soudan 2 / Allison, W W M ; Alner, G J ; Ambats, I ; Ayres, D S ; Balka, L J ; Barr, Giles David ; Barrett, W L ; Benjamin, D ; Bode, C ; Border, P M et al.
- 1993. - 3 p.
CERN library copies
Status of the Soudan 2 detector experiment / Allison, W W M ; Alner, G J ; Ambats, I ; Ayres, D S ; Balka, L J ; Barr, Giles David ; Barrett, W L ; Benjamin, D ; Bode, C ; Border, P M et al.
- 1993. - 4 p.
CERN library copies

CERN Document Server : 32 notices trouvées   1 - 10suivantfin  aller vers la notice:
Voir aussi: noms d'auteurs similaires
9 Brooks, C
1 Brooks, C A
1 Brooks, C F
1 Brooks, C L
1 Brooks, C M
1 Brooks, C.B
1 Brooks, CB
5 Brooks, Ch
4 Brooks, Chad
1 Brooks, Charles B
8 Brooks, Charles J
2 Brooks, Charles L
6 Brooks, Charlotte
1 Brooks, Christopher J
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