CERN Accelerating science

CERN Document Server Encontrados 327 registros  1 - 10siguientefinal  ir al registro: La búsqueda tardó 0.54 segundos. 
MuCol Milestone Report No. 5: Preliminary Parameters / MuCoL Collaboration
This document is comprised of a collection of updated preliminary parameters for the key parts of the muon collider. [...]
Fermilab Library Server - Fulltext - Fulltext
Cover not available Interim report for the International Muon Collider Collaboration / Accettura, Carlotta
The International Muon Collider Collaboration (IMCC) [1] was established in 2020 following the recommendations of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (ESPP) and the implementation of the European Strategy for Particle Physics-Accelerator R&D Roadmap by the Laboratory Directors Group [2], [...]
arXiv:2407.12450 ; CERN-2024-002 - Geneva : CERN, 2024-09-30 - 150. (CERN Yellow Reports: Monographs ; 2/2024)

AA Long Term Note No. 26 : Summary of the antiproton collector study December 13-14, 1982 / Wilson, E J N ; Fang, S X ; Autin, B ; Delahaye, J P
CERN-PS-AA-Long-Term-Note-26.- Geneva : CERN, 1982 - 10 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Some considerations on the magnets of circular accelerators / Baconnier, Y ; Delahaye, J P
CERN-PS-PSR-Note-85-15.- Geneva : CERN, 1985 - 6 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Bilan 89 et prospectives 90 du groupe "Production de Leptons" / Delahaye, J P
CERN-PS-LP-Note-90-04.- Geneva : CERN, 1990 - 24 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Consignes d'operation changements de cycle booster / Delahaye, J P
CERN-MPS-BR-Note-75-13.- Geneva : CERN, 1975 - 12 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Modifications du Booster pendant le gaud ariet 1976 / Delahaye, J P
CERN-PS-BR-Note-76-5.- Geneva : CERN, 1976 - 12 p. Fulltext: PDF;
Etude des modifications de la ligne de transfert BR-PS pour assurer la recombinaison a 10 ou 5 paquets / Delahaye, J P
CERN-PS-BR-Note-76-20.- Geneva : CERN, 1976 - 24 p. Fulltext: PDF;
PSB beam observation and measurements / Agoritsas, V ; Baribaud, G ; Battisti, S ; Benincasa, G ; Carter, C ; Cennini, P ; Christiansen, C ; Delahaye, J P ; Donnat, J ; Frammery, B et al.
CERN-PS-BR-CO-EI-MU-OP-79-22.- Geneva : CERN, 1979 - 23 p. Fulltext: PDF;
La recombinaison des faisceaux issus des quatre anneaux du CERN PS booster : Améliorations - evolution - mesures / Delahaye, J P
CERN-PS-BR-79-12.- Geneva : CERN, 1979 - 49 p. Fulltext: PDF;

CERN Document Server : Encontrados 327 registros   1 - 10siguientefinal  ir al registro:
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1 Delahaye, J
1 Delahaye, J - P
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72 Delahaye, JP
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12 Delahaye, Jean-Paul
30 Delahaye, Jean-Pierre
1 Delahaye, Julie
1 Delahaye, Julien
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