Accueil > Determination of KEK 150 MeV FFAG parameters from ray-tracing in TOSCA field maps |
Internal Note and Preprint | |
Report number | CERN-NUFACT-NOTE-140 ; CARE-Note-2004-030-BENE ; CEA-DAPNIA-2004-188 ; CERN-NEUTRINO-FACTORY-NOTE-140 |
Title | Determination of KEK 150 MeV FFAG parameters from ray-tracing in TOSCA field maps |
Author(s) | Aiba, M (KEK FFAG, Tsukuba) ; Méot, F (CEA DAPNIA/SACM, Saclay) |
Corporate author(s) | CERN. Geneva |
Publication | 2004 |
Imprint | 25 Oct 2004 |
Number of pages | 12 |
Subject category | Accelerators and Storage Rings |
Abstract | Various optical parameters of the KEK 150 MeV FFAG are determined from ray-tracing in the 3-D TOSCA field maps of the radial sector triplet that constitutes a lattice cell. Two numerical integration methods are compared. |
Submitted by | [email protected] |