CERN Accelerating science

Internal Note
Report number CERN-ALEPH-94-069 ; CERN-ALEPH-MINIV-94-003
Title Test Beam Results from Prototypes of the Upgraded ALEPH Vertex Detector
Author(s) Coyle, P ; Bagliesi, G ; Barber, G ; Batignani, G ; Bencheikh, A ; Bosi, F ; Bonissent, A ; Bosisio, L ; Bozzi, C ; Bujosa, G ; Calvet, D ; Cameron, W ; Carr, J ; Carpinelli, M ; Cattaneo, M ; Creanza, D ; De, P ; Dulinski, W ; Diaconu, C ; D'Auria, S ; Dell'Orso, R ; Dornan, Peter John ; Elmer, P ; Focardi, E ; Forti, F ; Giorgi, M ; Maggi, G ; Nash, J ; Nitzsche, S ; Orejudos, W ; O'Shea, V ; Parrini, G ; Payre, P ; Price, D ; Raine, C ; Raso, G ; Rizzo, G ; Silvestris, L ; Shmith, K ; Spagnolo, P ; Stacey, A ; Tempesta, P ; Tonelli, G ; Turchetta, R ; Verdini, P ; Walsh, J
Submitted by 11 May 1994
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LEP ; ALEPH

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