Present Status of the KEKB B-Factory (p. 1) |
by Koiso, H |
Status report pf Spring-8 (p. 4) |
by Kumagai, N |
Construction of the RIKEN superconducting ring cyclotron (p. 7) |
by Goto, A |
Status of the 12-GeV KEK-PS upgrade project for the long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment (p. 10) |
by Sato, H |
RI beam for medical use at HIMAC (p. 13) |
by Kanazawa, M |
Relaxation mechanism due to effusion of Rb polarization (p. 16) |
by Yonehara, K |
The effect of an electrode in plasma chamber of RIKEN 18GHz ECRIS (Electron cyctron resonance ion source (p. 19) |
by Higurashi, Y |
Unexpected reduction of spin-exchange cross section for fast 3He+ ion incident on Rb atom (p. 22) |
by Arimoto, Y |
A new laser-stripping method for the proton storage ring of neutron science (double lasers and undulator charge exchange: DoLUCE) (p. 25) |
by Suzuki, Y |
Present status of the RIKEN ring cyclotron (RRC) (p. 28) |
by Kase, M |
Current status report of femtosecond triplet electron linac at nucl. Eng. Res. Lab university of TOKYO (p. 31) |
by Uesaka, M |
R&d Status Of The C-band Rf-system Development For E+e- Linear Collider In Japan (p. 34) |
by Matsumoto, Hiroshi |
Present status of LEBRA at Nihon University (p. 37) |
by Sato, I |
Hexacolor problem of electron beam from the Lineac at LNS at the (p. 40) |
by Miyamoto, A |
Study on recirculating beam transport and RF instability for the energy-recovery experiment at JAERI FEL (p. 42) |
by Hajima, R |
Non linear resonance analysis of halo-formation excited by beam-core breathing (p. 45) |
by Shimosaki, Y |
Studies On The Beam Orbit Change In Atf Damping Ring (p. 48) |
by Urakawa, Junji |
Activities of accelerator and beam physics research at nuclear science research facility ICR, Kyoto University (p. 51) |
by Noda, A |
The synchrotron radiation facility at Hiroshima University, HiSOR (p. 54) |
by Goto, K |
Present status of RF gun for highly brilliant electron beam production in Kyoto University (p. 57) |
by Masuda, K |
Frequency variable RFQ operated with TE 110 mode (p. 60) |
by Sawada, K |
Accel-decel strong focusing method for a tandem accelerator (p. 63) |
by Sagara, K |
Present Status of KEKB Vacuum System (p. 66) |
by Suetsugu, Y |
Configurations of magnet/power supplies for a rapid-cycling synchrotron (p. 69) |
by Zhang, F |
Application Of Spin-echo Nmr To Gradient Magnetic Field Measurement (p. 72) |
by Hiramatsu, S |
Considerations of leakage flux effect on a long time-constant of a transient Eddy current in solid-iron electromagnets (p. 75) |
by Sato, K |
Investigation of temperature dependence of magnetic field for stabilization of the JAERI AVF cyclotron beam (p. 78) |
by Okumura, S |
EFAG (fixed-field alternating gradient) Proton Synchrotron (p. 81) |
by Mori, Y |
Performance of beam position monitor system for KEKB (p. 84) |
by Tejima, M |
Construction of pulsed MeV positron source (p. 87) |
by Maekawa, M |
Secondary-electron-emission type of beam profile monitor for the HIMAC-injector (6MeV/u) (p. 90) |
by Higashi, A |
Acceleration of a single-bunch electron beam at charges exceeding 70 nC with the ISIR linear accelerator (p. 93) |
by Okuda, S |
Bunch Shaping By RF Voltage Modulation With A Band-limited White Signal (p. 96) |
by Toyama, T |
A construction and commissioning of synchrotron radiation monitor for KEK B-factory (p. 99) |
by Mitsuhashi, T |
Bunch rotation using sawtooth RF (p. 102) |
by Muramatsu, R |
Compact X-ray source using electron linac and multilayer target with ultra-short period (p. 104) |
by Yamada, K |
Design of CW microtrons using a 500 MHz RF cavity for industrial application (p. 107) |
by Tanaka, H |
Construction of plasma micro-undulator by laser interference and resonant (p. 110) |
by Kobayashi, N |
Emission of SASE-FEL in the infrared region and measurement of its characteristics (p. 113) |
by Kato, R |
JAERI superconducting RF linac based free electron laser program (p. 116) |
by Minehara, E J |
Construction and tuning of an APPLE-2 type variable polarizing undulator in the Spring- 8 storage ring (p. 119) |
by Shimada, T |
MeV/u APF-IH linac for practical use (p. 121) |
by Hattori, T |
Proton accelerator employed VpxB mechanism and wakefield by an intense electromagnetic wave (p. 124) |
by Ito, H |
Cocktail beam acceleration technique at JAERI AVF cyclotron (I) (p. 127) |
by Yokota, W |
Development of the multitracer technique by using riken ring cyclotron (p. 130) |
by Enomoto, S |
Analysis of X-ray emission from caesium sputter ion source by EGS4 simulation (p. 132) |
by Kawanishi, T |
Bulk shielging estimation on 1GeV electron synchrotron radiation facility (p. 135) |
by Imoto, T |
Development and application of pulse radiolysis systems in time region from femtosecond tp picosecond (p. 138) |
by Tagawa, S |
The first operation of laser electron photon facility in SPring-8 (p. 141) |
by Ahn, J K |
Commissioning of new SUBARU (p. 144) |
by Ando, A |
Accelerator Complex for the Joint Project of KEK/JHF and JAERI/NSP (p. 147) |
by Yamazaki, Y |
Proposal of radioactive isotope and nuclear structure study facility (RINSS) (p. 152) |
by Fan, M |
MUSES project at RIKEN RI beam factory (p. 155) |
by Wakasugi, M |
Present status of the electron accelerator facility at the ETL (p. 159) |
by Mikado, T |
Present status of the smallest storage ring development 1999 (p. 162) |
by Yamada, H |
Extraction system of the electron storage and stretcher ring, KSR (p. 165) |
by Sugimura, T |
Status report on RIKEN heavy ion Linac (p. 168) |
by Ikezawa, E |
Status report on the JAERI AVF cyclotron (p. 171) |
by Tamura, H |
A status report of the RCNP cyclotrons (p. 174) |
by Ninomiya, S |
Beam commissioning of stretcher-booster ring in Tohoku University (p. 177) |
by Hinode, F |
Commissioning of an electron ring, KSR at Kyoto University (p. 180) |
by Shirai, T |
Construction of the IRC for RIKEN RI-Beanm factory (p. 183) |
by Mitsumoto, T |
Development of new picosecond pulse radiolysis by using laser photocathode RF gun (p. 185) |
by Yoshida, Y |
New method for trace element analysis using the electron cyclotron resonance ion source and heavy ion linac (p. 188) |
by Kidera, M |
Performance of the electron gun for the JNC high power linac (p. 191) |
by Yamazaki, Y |
Performance test of a photocathode RF Gun (p. 194) |
by Sakai, F |
Present status of the SF-ECR ion source for the SF cyclotron (p. 197) |
by Ohshiro, Y |
Ion optics for optically pumped polarized H ion source (p. 200) |
by Takeuchi, T |
Development of laser ion source at RIKEN (p. 203) |
by Takeuchi, T |
Recent developments of RIKEN ECRISs 918 GHz ECRIS and liquid He Free SC- ECRIS) (p. 206) |
by Nakagawa, T |
Beam generation test for HYPERNANOGAN and modification of 18GHz ECR ion source at JAERI Takasaki (p. 209) |
by Nara, T |
RF reference line for KEKB (p. 212) |
by Ebihara, K |
High gradient field generation by multi-harmonic superposition (p. 215) |
by Iwashita, Y |
Development of the RF system for the smallest storage ring (p. 218) |
by Sakai, Y |
Design of the RIKEN-SRC RF system (p. 221) |
by Sakamoto, N |
Model test of the RIKEN-IRC main resonator (p. 224) |
by Sakamoto, N |
Model test of a resonator for flat-top acceleration system in the RIKEN AVF cyclotron (p. 227) |
by Kohara, S |
High power test of an X-band klystron in KEK (p. 230) |
by Matsumoto, S |
Construction of the charge-state multiplier system for the RIKEN RI-beam factory (p. 233) |
by Kamigait, O |
Study of RF control system for superconducting cavity (p. 236) |
by Chishiro, E |
Development of 100kW RF amplifier for the RIKEN charge state multiplier (p. 239) |
by Murakami, Y |
Robinson instability under cavity voltage feed-back â observation at the Spring-8 storage ring (p. 242) |
by Nakamura, T |
Robinson instability under cavity voltage feed-back (p. 245) |
by Nakamura, T |
Super wide band cavity with an All-pass network (p. 248) |
by Tamura, H |
Study of adiabatic condition on beam compression with barrier bucket (p. 251) |
by Fujieda, M |
Mode Converters For Microwave-fel Application (p. 254) |
by Ozaki, T |
High power RF test of the L-band CW klystron (p. 257) |
by Hirano, K |
Development of a traveling wave resonant ring of JNC high-power high-duty electron linac (p. 260) |
by Nomura, M |
Development of FINEMET-cores loaded wide-band RF cavity for a high intensity proton ring (p. 263) |
by Noda, F |
Development of 1.2MW high power water load (p. 266) |
by Arisumi, Y |
Development of the industrial electron accelerator ridgetron (p. 269) |
by Hayashizaki, N |
A 100kV FET switch for a klystron anode modulator (p. 272) |
by Okamura, K |
Power supply system for 324 MHz klystron of the JHF proton linear accelerator (p. 275) |
by Ono, M |
Acceleration experiments of in-terminal ECR ion source for JAERI tandem accelerator (p. 278) |
by Matsuda, M |
Vaccuum system for the RIKEN superconducting ring cyclotron (p. 281) |
by Sugii, K |
Influence of external magnetic field on the performance of cold cathode gauges (p. 284) |
by Sugii, K |
Vacuum system for the ion cooler ring TARN2 (p. 287) |
by Chida, K |
The Present Status of the Vacuum System in KSR (p. 290) |
by Tongu, H |
Vacuum design of RF-resonator for the RIKEN intermediate-stage ring cyclotron (p. 293) |
by Hiasa, T |
Hybrid permanent magnets for accelerator applications (p. 296) |
by Endo, K |
A study of a low-ripple power supply for electromagnets with a demountable common mode filter (p. 299) |
by Sato, K |
Magnet system of the synchrotron for Hyogo hadron therapy center (p. 302) |
by Matsui, J |
Combined function magnet for compact proton synchrotron (p. 305) |
by Morita, A |
An application of digital signal processing for measurements of cyclic magnetic field (p. 307) |
by Aoki, T |
A study on a high performance dipole magnet for an accelerator (p. 310) |
by Ninomiya, S |
A study on a high performance quadrupole magnet for an accelerator (p. 313) |
by Ninomiya, S |
Design of magnet rearrangement and power supply for the Spring-8 storage ring long straight section (p. 316) |
by Takebe, H |
Measurement of the AVF cyclotron magnetic field by NMR (p. 319) |
by Kibayashi, M |
Design of the Sector Magnets for the Riken Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 322) |
by Kawaguchi, T |
RF test results of an L-band single-cell niobum cavity installed in a horizontal cryostat (p. 325) |
by Ota, T |
Modeling of a superconducting cavity de-tuned by the Lorentz pressure (p. 328) |
by Tsukishima, C |
Development of 7T superconducting wiggler magnet-manufacture of reinforced Nb$_{3}$Sn coil and experiment with a cooling structure (p. 331) |
by Kurusu, T |
Design Study of the Injection and Extraction Systems for the Riken Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 334) |
by Okuno, H |
Skyshine dose estimation from large storage ring of electrons (p. 337) |
by Kosako, T |
Dose estimation from activated radionuclides at the e-/e+ converter of linear accelerator using QAD code (p. 340) |
by Sugiura, N |
Measurements of time dependent distribution of leakage neutrons from the earth shield of KEK 12-GeV Ps (p. 343) |
by Ban, S |
Shielding design of the cancer therapy facility using compact proton synchrotron (p. 346) |
by Makita, Y |
Shielding Design of RIKEN RI Beam Factory (p. 349) |
by Uwamino, Y |
Development of a pulse radiolysis system by using femtosecond white light continuum (p. 352) |
by Saeki, A |
Present status of the solar 3He(3He,2p) fusion experiment (p. 355) |
by Kume, K |
Behavior of various elements in selenium-deficient rats using the multitracer technique (p. 358) |
by Hirunuma, R |
Screening for metals exhibiting altered accumulation in Cd-resistant metallothionein null cells using a multitracer technique (p. 361) |
by Yanagiya, T |
Development of the slow positron beam at ISIR in Osaka University (p. 364) |
by Honda, Y |
Design and R&D of accelerator components for the VSX light source (p. 373) |
by Koseki, T |
Design study of high brilliant 1 GeV compact SR Ring (p. 376) |
by Shibuya, S |
Evaluation of optical resonator for the JAERI far-infrared free Electron laser (p. 379) |
by Nagai, R |
Status of compact SR Ring âワAURORA-2Sâ (p. 382) |
by Miyade, H |
Study to improve longitudinal lasing stability of the UVSOR-FEL deteriorated by unstable optical cavity (p. 385) |
by Koda, S |
Status of the free electron laser experiments with the storage ring NIJI-IV in 1999 (p. 388) |
by Sei, N |
Development of monochromatic X-ray source using the linac for FEL at Nihon university (p. 391) |
by Hayakawa, Y |
Radiation from the FEL undulator at Nihon universyty (p. 394) |
by Nakazawa, H |
Development of EM software for the dynamic excitation of steering magnets in an APPLE type undulator (p. 397) |
by Hiramatsu, Y |
Development of EMA software for the periodic movement of magnet arrays in an APPLE type undulator (p. 400) |
by Hiramitsu, Y |
Xy-coupling Correction At Kek Photon Factory (p. 403) |
by Katoh, Masahiro |
Design of a 1.8 GeV synchrotron Light source (p. 406) |
by Katoh, M |
Measurement of longitudinal coupling impedance at KEKB (p. 409) |
by Ieiri, T |
Simulation study on low emittance beam tuning in KEK-ATF damping ring (p. 412) |
by Kubo, K |
Electron beam instability and stabilization by dilute plasma in the dielectric-loaded slab-symmetric waveguide (p. 415) |
by Kirihara, N |
Preliminary design of a new central region for the RIKEN AVF cyclotron (p. 418) |
by Kim, J W |
Beam orbit distortion caused by temperature fluctuation of cooling water at Spring-8 storage ring (p. 420) |
by Kumagai, K |
COD correction of the VSX light source (p. 423) |
by Harada K |
Observation of transverse instabilities using bunch-by-bunch beam diagnostic system in KEK-PF (p. 426) |
by Mochihashi, A |
Observation Of Quadrupole Mode Frequency And Its Connection With Beam Loss (p. 429) |
by Uesugi, T |
Lattice design of the synchrotrons for the KEK/JAERI joint project (p. 432) |
by Machida, S |
Analysis of the injection and extraction systems for the RIKEN superconducting ring cyclotron (p. 435) |
by Fujishima, S |
Design studies on beam transport system of RIKEN RI beam factory (p. 438) |
by Fukunishi, N |
A plan of a new control system for the RIKEN ring cyclotron using EPICS system (p. 441) |
by Kaji, M |
Two years of the synchrotron radiation source HiSOR (p. 444) |
by Goto, K |
The accelerator control system for the Hyogo hadron therapy center (p. 447) |
by Kokubo, T |
Construction of personal computer control system for the JAERI AVF cyclotron (p. 450) |
by Agamatsu, T |
Cocktail beam acceleration technique at JAERI AVF cyclotron (II) (p. 453) |
by Ishibori, I |
Effect of phase relation between ripples of ring dipole and quadrupole magnets on time structure of the slow extracted beam (p. 456) |
by Noda, A |
Kekb Beam Loss Monitors (p. 459) |
by Flanagan, John W |
Development Of Automatic Beam-size Measurement System For Kekb (p. 462) |
by Flanagan, John W |
Design of JHF-MEBT with RF-chopper (p. 465) |
by Fu, S |
Direct beam injection lines to PF and AR rings (p. 468) |
by Endo, K |
Beam energy measurement by the time-of-flight technique (p. 471) |
by Okumura, S |
Emittance measurements of FEL Linac at Nihon University (p. 473) |
by Yokoyama, K |
Study on bunch compression by use of the wake fields (p. 476) |
by Kato, R |
Basic design of beam diagnostic device for the injection line of the JAERI tandem accelerator (p. 479) |
by Hanashima, S |
An all-digital low level RF system based on FPGA technology (p. 481) |
by Maruyama, A |
Photon couting method for high flux pulsed laser-compton backscattered photons based on Poisson model (p. 484) |
by Kii, T |
Secondary emittion monitor with electron multiplier (p. 486) |
by Kanazawa, M |
Heavy ion microbeam project in RIKEN ring cyclotron - 2 (p. 492) |
by Komiyama Kobayashi, M |
An experimental study of slow extraction by kicks of Rf quadrupole and Rf dipole electric field (p. 495) |
by Sato, K |
Fast orbit feedback control system for the VXS ring (p. 498) |
by Satoh, M |
Polarized beam acceleration in the synchrotron (p. 501) |
by Sato, H |
Measurement of the beam size at SR center of Ritsumeika University by the SR interferometer (p. 504) |
by Yamamoto, Y |
Beam position monitor of the synchrotron at Hyogo hadron Therapy center (p. 507) |
by Yamamoto, Y |
Electron jet generation by laser plasma (p. 510) |
by Dewa, H |
Test of non-destructive beam profile monitor at HIMAC (p. 513) |
by Ogawa, H |
Observation of the injection beam behavior at the photon factory storage ring (p. 516) |
by Kobayashi, Y |
Energy analysis of a H beam using detached electrons (p. 519) |
by Shinto, K |
Measurement of beam parameters on the synchrotron light source HiSOR (p. 522) |
by Masaki, F |
Vertical beam size measurement of the Spring-8 storage ring by visible synchrotron radiation interferometer (p. 525) |
by Masaki, M |
Numerical analysis of the electron beam micro-pulses width measurement method using standing waves (p. 528) |
by Nisiyama, S |
Tune measurement of the Spring-8 booster synchrotron (p. 531) |
by Aoki, T |
Excitation of betatron oscillation under finite chromaticity (p. 534) |
by Nakamura, T |
Energy spread measurement of the Spring-8 storage ring with chromatic sideband peak height of betatron oscillation spectrum (p. 537) |
by Nakamura, T |
Observation of single-bunch instabilities in the Spring-8 storage ring (p. 540) |
by Nakamura, T |
Single-bunch instabilities in the Spring-8 strong ring: comparison with simulation based on estimated impedance (p. 543) |
by Nakamura, T |
Measurement of single bunch impurity in Spring-8 storage ring using a light shutter system (p. 546) |
by Tamura, K |
Electron coolers in MUSES project (p. 549) |
by Tanabé, T |
Timing System For Multi-bunch/multi-train Operation At Atf-dr (p. 552) |
by Naito, T |
Bunch By Bunch Feedback Systems For Kekb Rings (p. 555) |
by Tobiyama, M |
Beam dump for high power electron beam at JNC (p. 558) |
by Takei, H |
Wideband Beam Dccts With Parallel Feedback Circuits (p. 561) |
by Hiramatsu, S |
Experimental studies of discharge under magnetic field for the electron gun design of the ACR Electron-cooler (p. 564) |
by Rizawa, T |
Beam tuning with a real-time spectrum analyzer at HIMAC synchrotron (p. 567) |
by Izumiya, H |
Plasma cathode using single-T3 laser beam-wakefield wavebreaking in plasmas (p. 570) |
by Hafz, N |
Infrared free electron laser facilities employing a 150-MeV linac injector for saga 1-GeV synchrotron (p. 573) |
by Tomimasu, T |
Design manufacture, and performance test of the injector for hyogo hadrontherapy center (p. 367369) |
by Sawada, K |