CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 12th Symposium on Accelerator Science and Technology
Related conference title(s) SAST '99
Date(s), location 27 - 29 Oct 1999, Wako, Japan
Corporate author(s) Collective
Imprint Tokyo : Saitama Univ. Inst. Phys. Chem. Res. Cosmic Rad., 1999 - 575 p.
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Free keywords RF systems ; Superconducting cyclotrons ; beam diagnostics ; monitors

Corresponding record in: SLACCONF
Contributions in Inspire: C99-10-27.2
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Present Status of the KEKB B-Factory (p. 1)
by Koiso, H
Status report pf Spring-8 (p. 4)
by Kumagai, N
Construction of the RIKEN superconducting ring cyclotron (p. 7)
by Goto, A
Status of the 12-GeV KEK-PS upgrade project for the long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment (p. 10)
by Sato, H
RI beam for medical use at HIMAC (p. 13)
by Kanazawa, M
Relaxation mechanism due to effusion of Rb polarization (p. 16)
by Yonehara, K
The effect of an electrode in plasma chamber of RIKEN 18GHz ECRIS (Electron cyctron resonance ion source (p. 19)
by Higurashi, Y
Unexpected reduction of spin-exchange cross section for fast 3He+ ion incident on Rb atom (p. 22)
by Arimoto, Y
A new laser-stripping method for the proton storage ring of neutron science (double lasers and undulator charge exchange: DoLUCE) (p. 25)
by Suzuki, Y
Present status of the RIKEN ring cyclotron (RRC) (p. 28)
by Kase, M
Current status report of femtosecond triplet electron linac at nucl. Eng. Res. Lab university of TOKYO (p. 31)
by Uesaka, M
R&d Status Of The C-band Rf-system Development For E+e- Linear Collider In Japan (p. 34)
by Matsumoto, Hiroshi
Present status of LEBRA at Nihon University (p. 37)
by Sato, I
Hexacolor problem of electron beam from the Lineac at LNS at the (p. 40)
by Miyamoto, A
Study on recirculating beam transport and RF instability for the energy-recovery experiment at JAERI FEL (p. 42)
by Hajima, R
Non linear resonance analysis of halo-formation excited by beam-core breathing (p. 45)
by Shimosaki, Y
Studies On The Beam Orbit Change In Atf Damping Ring (p. 48)
by Urakawa, Junji
Activities of accelerator and beam physics research at nuclear science research facility ICR, Kyoto University (p. 51)
by Noda, A
The synchrotron radiation facility at Hiroshima University, HiSOR (p. 54)
by Goto, K
Present status of RF gun for highly brilliant electron beam production in Kyoto University (p. 57)
by Masuda, K
Frequency variable RFQ operated with TE 110 mode (p. 60)
by Sawada, K
Accel-decel strong focusing method for a tandem accelerator (p. 63)
by Sagara, K
Present Status of KEKB Vacuum System (p. 66)
by Suetsugu, Y
Configurations of magnet/power supplies for a rapid-cycling synchrotron (p. 69)
by Zhang, F
Application Of Spin-echo Nmr To Gradient Magnetic Field Measurement (p. 72)
by Hiramatsu, S
Considerations of leakage flux effect on a long time-constant of a transient Eddy current in solid-iron electromagnets (p. 75)
by Sato, K
Investigation of temperature dependence of magnetic field for stabilization of the JAERI AVF cyclotron beam (p. 78)
by Okumura, S
EFAG (fixed-field alternating gradient) Proton Synchrotron (p. 81)
by Mori, Y
Performance of beam position monitor system for KEKB (p. 84)
by Tejima, M
Construction of pulsed MeV positron source (p. 87)
by Maekawa, M
Secondary-electron-emission type of beam profile monitor for the HIMAC-injector (6MeV/u) (p. 90)
by Higashi, A
Acceleration of a single-bunch electron beam at charges exceeding 70 nC with the ISIR linear accelerator (p. 93)
by Okuda, S
Bunch Shaping By RF Voltage Modulation With A Band-limited White Signal (p. 96)
by Toyama, T
A construction and commissioning of synchrotron radiation monitor for KEK B-factory (p. 99)
by Mitsuhashi, T
Bunch rotation using sawtooth RF (p. 102)
by Muramatsu, R
Compact X-ray source using electron linac and multilayer target with ultra-short period (p. 104)
by Yamada, K
Design of CW microtrons using a 500 MHz RF cavity for industrial application (p. 107)
by Tanaka, H
Construction of plasma micro-undulator by laser interference and resonant (p. 110)
by Kobayashi, N
Emission of SASE-FEL in the infrared region and measurement of its characteristics (p. 113)
by Kato, R
JAERI superconducting RF linac based free electron laser program (p. 116)
by Minehara, E J
Construction and tuning of an APPLE-2 type variable polarizing undulator in the Spring- 8 storage ring (p. 119)
by Shimada, T
MeV/u APF-IH linac for practical use (p. 121)
by Hattori, T
Proton accelerator employed VpxB mechanism and wakefield by an intense electromagnetic wave (p. 124)
by Ito, H
Cocktail beam acceleration technique at JAERI AVF cyclotron (I) (p. 127)
by Yokota, W
Development of the multitracer technique by using riken ring cyclotron (p. 130)
by Enomoto, S
Analysis of X-ray emission from caesium sputter ion source by EGS4 simulation (p. 132)
by Kawanishi, T
Bulk shielging estimation on 1GeV electron synchrotron radiation facility (p. 135)
by Imoto, T
Development and application of pulse radiolysis systems in time region from femtosecond tp picosecond (p. 138)
by Tagawa, S
The first operation of laser electron photon facility in SPring-8 (p. 141)
by Ahn, J K
Commissioning of new SUBARU (p. 144)
by Ando, A
Accelerator Complex for the Joint Project of KEK/JHF and JAERI/NSP (p. 147)
by Yamazaki, Y
Proposal of radioactive isotope and nuclear structure study facility (RINSS) (p. 152)
by Fan, M
MUSES project at RIKEN RI beam factory (p. 155)
by Wakasugi, M
Present status of the electron accelerator facility at the ETL (p. 159)
by Mikado, T
Present status of the smallest storage ring development 1999 (p. 162)
by Yamada, H
Extraction system of the electron storage and stretcher ring, KSR (p. 165)
by Sugimura, T
Status report on RIKEN heavy ion Linac (p. 168)
by Ikezawa, E
Status report on the JAERI AVF cyclotron (p. 171)
by Tamura, H
A status report of the RCNP cyclotrons (p. 174)
by Ninomiya, S
Beam commissioning of stretcher-booster ring in Tohoku University (p. 177)
by Hinode, F
Commissioning of an electron ring, KSR at Kyoto University (p. 180)
by Shirai, T
Construction of the IRC for RIKEN RI-Beanm factory (p. 183)
by Mitsumoto, T
Development of new picosecond pulse radiolysis by using laser photocathode RF gun (p. 185)
by Yoshida, Y
New method for trace element analysis using the electron cyclotron resonance ion source and heavy ion linac (p. 188)
by Kidera, M
Performance of the electron gun for the JNC high power linac (p. 191)
by Yamazaki, Y
Performance test of a photocathode RF Gun (p. 194)
by Sakai, F
Present status of the SF-ECR ion source for the SF cyclotron (p. 197)
by Ohshiro, Y
Ion optics for optically pumped polarized H ion source (p. 200)
by Takeuchi, T
Development of laser ion source at RIKEN (p. 203)
by Takeuchi, T
Recent developments of RIKEN ECRISs 918 GHz ECRIS and liquid He Free SC- ECRIS) (p. 206)
by Nakagawa, T
Beam generation test for HYPERNANOGAN and modification of 18GHz ECR ion source at JAERI Takasaki (p. 209)
by Nara, T
RF reference line for KEKB (p. 212)
by Ebihara, K
High gradient field generation by multi-harmonic superposition (p. 215)
by Iwashita, Y
Development of the RF system for the smallest storage ring (p. 218)
by Sakai, Y
Design of the RIKEN-SRC RF system (p. 221)
by Sakamoto, N
Model test of the RIKEN-IRC main resonator (p. 224)
by Sakamoto, N
Model test of a resonator for flat-top acceleration system in the RIKEN AVF cyclotron (p. 227)
by Kohara, S
High power test of an X-band klystron in KEK (p. 230)
by Matsumoto, S
Construction of the charge-state multiplier system for the RIKEN RI-beam factory (p. 233)
by Kamigait, O
Study of RF control system for superconducting cavity (p. 236)
by Chishiro, E
Development of 100kW RF amplifier for the RIKEN charge state multiplier (p. 239)
by Murakami, Y
Robinson instability under cavity voltage feed-back †observation at the Spring-8 storage ring (p. 242)
by Nakamura, T
Robinson instability under cavity voltage feed-back (p. 245)
by Nakamura, T
Super wide band cavity with an All-pass network (p. 248)
by Tamura, H
Study of adiabatic condition on beam compression with barrier bucket (p. 251)
by Fujieda, M
Mode Converters For Microwave-fel Application (p. 254)
by Ozaki, T
High power RF test of the L-band CW klystron (p. 257)
by Hirano, K
Development of a traveling wave resonant ring of JNC high-power high-duty electron linac (p. 260)
by Nomura, M
Development of FINEMET-cores loaded wide-band RF cavity for a high intensity proton ring (p. 263)
by Noda, F
Development of 1.2MW high power water load (p. 266)
by Arisumi, Y
Development of the industrial electron accelerator ridgetron (p. 269)
by Hayashizaki, N
A 100kV FET switch for a klystron anode modulator (p. 272)
by Okamura, K
Power supply system for 324 MHz klystron of the JHF proton linear accelerator (p. 275)
by Ono, M
Acceleration experiments of in-terminal ECR ion source for JAERI tandem accelerator (p. 278)
by Matsuda, M
Vaccuum system for the RIKEN superconducting ring cyclotron (p. 281)
by Sugii, K
Influence of external magnetic field on the performance of cold cathode gauges (p. 284)
by Sugii, K
Vacuum system for the ion cooler ring TARN2 (p. 287)
by Chida, K
The Present Status of the Vacuum System in KSR (p. 290)
by Tongu, H
Vacuum design of RF-resonator for the RIKEN intermediate-stage ring cyclotron (p. 293)
by Hiasa, T
Hybrid permanent magnets for accelerator applications (p. 296)
by Endo, K
A study of a low-ripple power supply for electromagnets with a demountable common mode filter (p. 299)
by Sato, K
Magnet system of the synchrotron for Hyogo hadron therapy center (p. 302)
by Matsui, J
Combined function magnet for compact proton synchrotron (p. 305)
by Morita, A
An application of digital signal processing for measurements of cyclic magnetic field (p. 307)
by Aoki, T
A study on a high performance dipole magnet for an accelerator (p. 310)
by Ninomiya, S
A study on a high performance quadrupole magnet for an accelerator (p. 313)
by Ninomiya, S
Design of magnet rearrangement and power supply for the Spring-8 storage ring long straight section (p. 316)
by Takebe, H
Measurement of the AVF cyclotron magnetic field by NMR (p. 319)
by Kibayashi, M
Design of the Sector Magnets for the Riken Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 322)
by Kawaguchi, T
RF test results of an L-band single-cell niobum cavity installed in a horizontal cryostat (p. 325)
by Ota, T
Modeling of a superconducting cavity de-tuned by the Lorentz pressure (p. 328)
by Tsukishima, C
Development of 7T superconducting wiggler magnet-manufacture of reinforced Nb$_{3}$Sn coil and experiment with a cooling structure (p. 331)
by Kurusu, T
Design Study of the Injection and Extraction Systems for the Riken Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (p. 334)
by Okuno, H
Skyshine dose estimation from large storage ring of electrons (p. 337)
by Kosako, T
Dose estimation from activated radionuclides at the e-/e+ converter of linear accelerator using QAD code (p. 340)
by Sugiura, N
Measurements of time dependent distribution of leakage neutrons from the earth shield of KEK 12-GeV Ps (p. 343)
by Ban, S
Shielding design of the cancer therapy facility using compact proton synchrotron (p. 346)
by Makita, Y
Shielding Design of RIKEN RI Beam Factory (p. 349)
by Uwamino, Y
Development of a pulse radiolysis system by using femtosecond white light continuum (p. 352)
by Saeki, A
Present status of the solar 3He(3He,2p) fusion experiment (p. 355)
by Kume, K
Behavior of various elements in selenium-deficient rats using the multitracer technique (p. 358)
by Hirunuma, R
Screening for metals exhibiting altered accumulation in Cd-resistant metallothionein null cells using a multitracer technique (p. 361)
by Yanagiya, T
Development of the slow positron beam at ISIR in Osaka University (p. 364)
by Honda, Y
Design and R&D of accelerator components for the VSX light source (p. 373)
by Koseki, T
Design study of high brilliant 1 GeV compact SR Ring (p. 376)
by Shibuya, S
Evaluation of optical resonator for the JAERI far-infrared free Electron laser (p. 379)
by Nagai, R
Status of compact SR Ring â€ワAURORA-2S” (p. 382)
by Miyade, H
Study to improve longitudinal lasing stability of the UVSOR-FEL deteriorated by unstable optical cavity (p. 385)
by Koda, S
Status of the free electron laser experiments with the storage ring NIJI-IV in 1999 (p. 388)
by Sei, N
Development of monochromatic X-ray source using the linac for FEL at Nihon university (p. 391)
by Hayakawa, Y
Radiation from the FEL undulator at Nihon universyty (p. 394)
by Nakazawa, H
Development of EM software for the dynamic excitation of steering magnets in an APPLE type undulator (p. 397)
by Hiramatsu, Y
Development of EMA software for the periodic movement of magnet arrays in an APPLE type undulator (p. 400)
by Hiramitsu, Y
Xy-coupling Correction At Kek Photon Factory (p. 403)
by Katoh, Masahiro
Design of a 1.8 GeV synchrotron Light source (p. 406)
by Katoh, M
Measurement of longitudinal coupling impedance at KEKB (p. 409)
by Ieiri, T
Simulation study on low emittance beam tuning in KEK-ATF damping ring (p. 412)
by Kubo, K
Electron beam instability and stabilization by dilute plasma in the dielectric-loaded slab-symmetric waveguide (p. 415)
by Kirihara, N
Preliminary design of a new central region for the RIKEN AVF cyclotron (p. 418)
by Kim, J W
Beam orbit distortion caused by temperature fluctuation of cooling water at Spring-8 storage ring (p. 420)
by Kumagai, K
COD correction of the VSX light source (p. 423)
by Harada K
Observation of transverse instabilities using bunch-by-bunch beam diagnostic system in KEK-PF (p. 426)
by Mochihashi, A
Observation Of Quadrupole Mode Frequency And Its Connection With Beam Loss (p. 429)
by Uesugi, T
Lattice design of the synchrotrons for the KEK/JAERI joint project (p. 432)
by Machida, S
Analysis of the injection and extraction systems for the RIKEN superconducting ring cyclotron (p. 435)
by Fujishima, S
Design studies on beam transport system of RIKEN RI beam factory (p. 438)
by Fukunishi, N
A plan of a new control system for the RIKEN ring cyclotron using EPICS system (p. 441)
by Kaji, M
Two years of the synchrotron radiation source HiSOR (p. 444)
by Goto, K
The accelerator control system for the Hyogo hadron therapy center (p. 447)
by Kokubo, T
Construction of personal computer control system for the JAERI AVF cyclotron (p. 450)
by Agamatsu, T
Cocktail beam acceleration technique at JAERI AVF cyclotron (II) (p. 453)
by Ishibori, I
Effect of phase relation between ripples of ring dipole and quadrupole magnets on time structure of the slow extracted beam (p. 456)
by Noda, A
Kekb Beam Loss Monitors (p. 459)
by Flanagan, John W
Development Of Automatic Beam-size Measurement System For Kekb (p. 462)
by Flanagan, John W
Design of JHF-MEBT with RF-chopper (p. 465)
by Fu, S
Direct beam injection lines to PF and AR rings (p. 468)
by Endo, K
Beam energy measurement by the time-of-flight technique (p. 471)
by Okumura, S
Emittance measurements of FEL Linac at Nihon University (p. 473)
by Yokoyama, K
Study on bunch compression by use of the wake fields (p. 476)
by Kato, R
Basic design of beam diagnostic device for the injection line of the JAERI tandem accelerator (p. 479)
by Hanashima, S
An all-digital low level RF system based on FPGA technology (p. 481)
by Maruyama, A
Photon couting method for high flux pulsed laser-compton backscattered photons based on Poisson model (p. 484)
by Kii, T
Secondary emittion monitor with electron multiplier (p. 486)
by Kanazawa, M
Heavy ion microbeam project in RIKEN ring cyclotron - 2 (p. 492)
by Komiyama Kobayashi, M
An experimental study of slow extraction by kicks of Rf quadrupole and Rf dipole electric field (p. 495)
by Sato, K
Fast orbit feedback control system for the VXS ring (p. 498)
by Satoh, M
Polarized beam acceleration in the synchrotron (p. 501)
by Sato, H
Measurement of the beam size at SR center of Ritsumeika University by the SR interferometer (p. 504)
by Yamamoto, Y
Beam position monitor of the synchrotron at Hyogo hadron Therapy center (p. 507)
by Yamamoto, Y
Electron jet generation by laser plasma (p. 510)
by Dewa, H
Test of non-destructive beam profile monitor at HIMAC (p. 513)
by Ogawa, H
Observation of the injection beam behavior at the photon factory storage ring (p. 516)
by Kobayashi, Y
Energy analysis of a H beam using detached electrons (p. 519)
by Shinto, K
Measurement of beam parameters on the synchrotron light source HiSOR (p. 522)
by Masaki, F
Vertical beam size measurement of the Spring-8 storage ring by visible synchrotron radiation interferometer (p. 525)
by Masaki, M
Numerical analysis of the electron beam micro-pulses width measurement method using standing waves (p. 528)
by Nisiyama, S
Tune measurement of the Spring-8 booster synchrotron (p. 531)
by Aoki, T
Excitation of betatron oscillation under finite chromaticity (p. 534)
by Nakamura, T
Energy spread measurement of the Spring-8 storage ring with chromatic sideband peak height of betatron oscillation spectrum (p. 537)
by Nakamura, T
Observation of single-bunch instabilities in the Spring-8 storage ring (p. 540)
by Nakamura, T
Single-bunch instabilities in the Spring-8 strong ring: comparison with simulation based on estimated impedance (p. 543)
by Nakamura, T
Measurement of single bunch impurity in Spring-8 storage ring using a light shutter system (p. 546)
by Tamura, K
Electron coolers in MUSES project (p. 549)
by Tanabé, T
Timing System For Multi-bunch/multi-train Operation At Atf-dr (p. 552)
by Naito, T
Bunch By Bunch Feedback Systems For Kekb Rings (p. 555)
by Tobiyama, M
Beam dump for high power electron beam at JNC (p. 558)
by Takei, H
Wideband Beam Dccts With Parallel Feedback Circuits (p. 561)
by Hiramatsu, S
Experimental studies of discharge under magnetic field for the electron gun design of the ACR Electron-cooler (p. 564)
by Rizawa, T
Beam tuning with a real-time spectrum analyzer at HIMAC synchrotron (p. 567)
by Izumiya, H
Plasma cathode using single-T3 laser beam-wakefield wavebreaking in plasmas (p. 570)
by Hafz, N
Infrared free electron laser facilities employing a 150-MeV linac injector for saga 1-GeV synchrotron (p. 573)
by Tomimasu, T
Design manufacture, and performance test of the injector for hyogo hadrontherapy center (p. 367369)
by Sawada, K

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