CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 43rd IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium
Related conference title(s) NSS '96
Date(s), location 2 - 9 Nov 1996, Anaheim, CA, USA
Editor(s) Del Guerra, Alberto (ed.)
Imprint Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 1997 - 3 v.
ISBN 0780335341 (v.1)
078033535X (v.2)
0780335368 (v.3)
9780780335349 (v.1)
9780780335356 (v.2)
9780780335363 (v.3)
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

A new intense neutron generator and high-resolution detector for well logging applications (p. 29)
by Celata, C M
SCTA - A Rad-Hard BiCMOS Analogue Readout ASIC for the ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker (p. 46)
by Anghinolfi, Francis
Results from the STAR TPC system test (p. 112)
by Betts, W
On the integration of high performance ATM-based event builders (p. 157)
by Bizeau, C
A sequential processing strategy for the ATLAS event selection (p. 162)
by Bystrický, J
Silicon tracking at high-luminosity colliders (p. 168)
by Seiden, A
Beam test of the ATLAS silicon detector modules with binary readout in the CERN H8 beam in 1996 (p. 175)
by Albiol, F
Performance of a double-sided silicon microstrip detector with a wide-pitch N-side readout using a field-plate and a multi P-stop structure (p. 181)
by Saitô, Y
Performance of CVD diamond microstrip detectors under particle irradiation (p. 205)
by Zoeller, M M
Thin-gap gas chambers for the DELPHI endcaps (p. 270)
by Adam, W
A flexible demonstrator system for the ATLAS level-1 calorimeter trigger (p. 311)
by Brawn, I P
A 64-channel pixel readout chip for dynamic X-ray imaging (p. 351)
by Rönnqvist, C
A New Resistive Plate Chamber with Secondary Electron Emitters and Two-Dimensional Microstrip Readout (p. 362)
by Crotty, Ian
Amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon heterojunctions for nuclear radiation detector applications (p. 389)
by Walton, J T
S-LINK, a data link interface specification for the LHC era (p. 465)
by Van der Bij, H C
Measurement of the spatial resolution of wide-pitch silicon strip detectors with large incident angle (p. 553)
by Kawasaki, T
The SPGS-module : thermal measurements and simulations with a Silicon detector - Pyrolytic Graphite Sandwich(p. 581)
by Dubbs, T
Limitations of the pulse-shape technique for particle discrimination in planar Si detectors (p. 687)
by Pausch, G
Power supply system for the tracker detector of the AMS experiment (p. 692)
by Menichelli, M
Scintillation and kinetic parameters of $PbWO_{4}$ scintillators (p. 763)
by Britvich, G I
Use of silicon and GaAs pixel detectors for digital autoradiography (p. 835)
by Amendolia, S R
D0 muon readout electronics design
by Baldin, B Yu
Comprehensive Modeling of Silicon Microstrip Detectors
by Bilei, G M

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 Element opprettet 1997-03-19, sist endret 2021-08-10