CERN Accelerating science

Title Status and Perspectives for FCC-ee Detector Background Studies
Author(s) Ciarma, Andrea (Frascati) ; Boscolo, Manuela (Frascati) ; Fransesini, Francesco (Frascati) ; Raimondi, Pantaleo (CERN) ; Abramov, Andrey (SLAC) ; Andrè, Kevin (SLAC) ; Hofer, Michael (SLAC)
Publication 2024
Number of pages 8
In: PoS EPS-HEP2023 (2024) 614
In: 2023 European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2023), Hamburg, Germany, 20 - 25 Aug 2023, pp.614
DOI 10.22323/1.449.0614
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract The Future Circular Collider electron-positron (FCC-ee) is a proposed high-energy lepton collider that aims to reach unprecedented precision in the measurements of fundamental particles. Several beam related processes produce particles in the Machine-Detector Interface (MDI) region, which can adversely affect the measurements’ accuracy. This work presents the beam-induced backgrounds studies at FCC-ee. The turnkey software Key4hep is used to estimate the occupancy levels induced by beam-beam interactions, beam losses due to failure scenarios, and the Synchrotron Radiation (SR) in the CLIC-Like Detector (CLD). Dedicated software are used to produce the primary particles for each of these processes: GuineaPig++ for the beam-beam interactions, X-Suite for the beam losses coming from particle transport, and BDSIM for the SR photons.
Copyright/License CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 Rekord stworzony 2024-05-30, ostatnia modyfikacja 2024-05-30

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