CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-THESIS-2023-296
Title Nuclear Structure Near Doubly Magic Nuclei
Author(s) Nies, Lukas (University of Greifswald (DE))
Publication 134.
Thesis note PhD : Greifswald U. : 2023-07-24
Thesis supervisor(s) Schweikhard, Lutz
Note Presented 15 Dec 2023
Subject category Nuclear Physics - Experiment ; Nuclear Physics - Theory
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN ISOLDE ; ISOLTRAP
Abstract Research into nuclear physics has enjoyed a long and rich history since the earliest experiments began investigating atomic constituents. The discovery of the atomic nucleus in the early 20th century started a complex field of research that has undergone many transformations with the advancements of modern technology. Today, atomic nuclei are not only studied to advance our understanding of the strong force but also to gain more information on the synthesis of elements in the universe, to exploit nuclear decay to investigate the weak interaction, and to search for physics beyond the standard model. In this work, we will study the strong force in atomic nuclei, i.e. the way nucleons (protons and neutrons) arrange themselves in a many-body system governed by the repulsive Coulomb interaction and the attractive strong interaction. In particular, we will focus on nuclear structure near nuclei with a ``magic number'' of $Z$ protons and $N$ neutrons, so-called doubly-magic nuclei, exhibiting a particularly stable configuration with respect to neighboring nuclei. Within the nuclear shell model, similar to the atomic shells, the magic numbers indicate shell closures accompanied by energy gaps. Nuclei at double-shell closures and their direct vicinity provide an important playground to benchmark nuclear theories and models that aim to predict the intricate interplay of the nucleons that lead to enhanced nuclear binding energies, significant changes in charge radii and transition strengths, etc. Of particular interest are nuclear isomers, long-lived excited states, in which the nucleon configuration with respect to its ground state is altered, resulting in a modification of their properties despite having the same number of protons and neutrons. The main part of this work consists of three publications, which report on nuclear structure investigations through mass measurements and laser spectroscopy near the doubly magic nuclei $^{78}_{28}$Ni$_{50}$, $^{100}_{50}$Sn$_{50}$, and $^{208}_{82}$Pb$_{126}$. The nuclides investigated in this work include neutron-deficient indium isotopes, neutron-rich zinc isotopes, and neutron-rich mercury isotopes.

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 Záznam vytvorený 2023-12-19, zmenený 2024-11-21

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