CERN Accelerating science

Conference title Meeting of the American Physical Society
Related conference title(s) Particles and fields, 1977
Date(s), location 6 - 8 Oct 1977, Argonne, IL, USA
Editor(s) Schreiner, P A (ed.) ; Thomas, G H (ed.) ; Wicklund, A B (ed.)
Corporate author(s) American Physical Society. New York. Division of Particles and Fields
Imprint New York, NY : AIP, 1978 - 501 p.
Series (AIP conference proceedings ; 43)
(Particles and fields series ; 13)
Subject category Particle Physics
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

The production of high transverse momentum pi /sup 0/'s at the CERN ISR (p. 239)
by Pope, B G
Gluon contribution to hadronic J/ psi production (p. 467)
by Glück, M

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 Element opprettet 1990-09-19, sist endret 2021-07-30

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