CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 7th International Workshop on Semiconductor Pixel Detectors for Particles and Imaging
Related conference title(s) Pixel 2014
Date(s), location 1 - 5 Sep 2014, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
Conference contact email: [email protected]
Corporate author(s) Collective
Imprint 2015
Note Organisers: International Advisory Committee:; Chris Damerell (RAL, UK); Roland Horisberger (PSI, Switzerland); Harris Kagan (Ohio State); Simon Kwan (FNAL, USA); Hans-Günther Moser (MPI, Germany); Leonardo Rossi (INFN Genova, Italy); Tadayuki Takashi (JAXA/ISAS, Japan); Renato Turchetta (RAL, UK); Norbert Wermes (Univ. Bonn, Germany); Peter Denes (LBNL, USA); Local Organizing Committee:; K.K. Gan (Ohio State); Richard Kass (Ohio State); Robert Orr (Toronto); Wendy Taylor (York); Richard Teuscher (IPP/Toronto); William Trischuk (Toronto)
In: JINST 10 (2015)
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Free keywords Particle physics applications ; X-ray imaging and applications ; Pixel Technologies ; Radiation Effects ; Front end electronics and readout ; Ultra light mechanics and cooling ; Data reconstruction and algorithms

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C14-09-01.3
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

VeloPix: the pixel ASIC for the LHCb upgrade (C01057)
by Poikela, Tuomas
Firmware development and testing of the ATLAS IBL Back Of Crate card (C02035)
by Stramaglia, Maria Elena
Characterization of thin irradiated epitaxial silicon sensors for the CMS phase II pixel upgrade (C02040)
by Centis Vignali, Matteo
Upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System (C03012)
by Keil, M
The CLIC Vertex Detector (C03025)
by Dannheim, D
MAPS development for the ALICE ITS upgrade (C03030)
by Yang, P
Operational experience with the ALICE Pixel Detector (C03032)
by Cavicchioli, C
Firmware development and testing of the ATLAS Pixel Detector / IBL ROD card (C03037)
by Gabrielli, Alessandro
Measurements on HV-CMOS Active Sensors After Irradiation to HL-LHC fluences (C04007)
by Ristic, B.
The pixel detector for the CMS phase-II upgrade (C04019)
by Dinardo, Mauro
A Leakage Current-based Measurement of the Radiation Damage in the ATLAS Pixel Detector (C04024)
by Gorelov, Igor V.
The VELO Upgrade (C04031)
by Jans, Eddy
Performance tests during the ATLAS IBL Stave Integration (C04036)
by Jentzsch, Jennifer
Radiation Experience with the CMS Pixel Detector (C04039)
by Veszpremi, Viktor
Experience on 3D Silicon Sensors for ATLAS IBL (C05001)
by Darbo, G.
Low power, high resolution MAPS for particle tracking and imaging (C05004)
by Giubilato, P
Physics performance with the ALICE silicon tracker (C05005)
by Manzari, V
Simulation of the Dynamic Inefficiency of the CMS Pixel Detector (C05006)
by Bartók, Márton
Physics performance and upgrade for Run II of the ATLAS pixel detector (C05011)
by Miglioranzi, S
Evaporative CO$_2$ microchannel cooling for the LHCb VELO pixel upgrade (C05014)
by de Aguiar Francisco, Oscar A
Operational Experience with the CMS Pixel Detector (C05016)
by Karancsi, János
The RD50 activity in the context of future pixel detector systems (C05020)
by Casse, G
Near Future Upgrades for the CMS Pixel Detector (C05023)
by Kumar, Ashish
The CMS pixel readout chip for the Phase 1 Upgrade (C05029)
by Hits, Dmitry
Irradiation and testbeam of KEK/HPK planar p-type pixel modules for HL-LHC (C06008)
by Nakamura, K
Measurements and TCAD simulation of novel ATLAS planar pixel detector structures for the HL-LHC upgrade (C06009)
by Nellist, C.
The Pixel Detector of the ATLAS Experiment for LHC Run-2 (C06012)
by Pernegger, Heinz
Diamond pixel detector for beam profile monitoring in COMET experiment at J-PARC (C06016)
by C̆erv, M.
Beam test results of the dependence of signal size on incident particle flux in diamond pixel and pad detectors (C07009)
by Wallny, R
Physics Performance with the CMS Pixel Detector
by Meier, Frank
Radiation Experience with the ATLAS Pixel Detector
by Gorelov, I
IBL Modules Construction Experience and Developments for Future Upgrade
by Motohashi, Kazuki
Simulation of the Dynamic Inefficiency of the CMS Pixel Detector
by Bartok, Marton
VeloPix : The Pixel ASIC for the LHCb VELO Upgrade
by Poikela, Tuomas
The VELO Upgrade
by Jans, Eddy
Performance tests during the IBL Stave Integration
by Jentzsch, J
IBL Modules Construction Experience and Developments for Future Upgrade
by Motohashi, K
The Pixel Detector of the ATLAS Experiment for LHC Run-2
by Pernegger, H
The VELO Pixel Upgrade
by Jans, Eddy
Evaporative CO$_2$ microchannel cooling for the LHCb VELO Pixel Upgrade
by De Aguiar Francisco, Oscar Augusto
Experience on 3D Silicon Sensors for ATLAS IBL
by Darbo, G
Pixel module production and qualification for the Phase 1 Upgrade of CMS
by Minano Moya, Mercedes

Show contributions in CDS

 Record creato 2014-02-25, modificato l'ultima volta il 2021-09-20

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Scarica documentoConference home page
Scarica documentoe-proceedings