CERN Accelerating science

Report number arXiv:0710.2863 ; CERN-PH-TH-2007-175
Title First quenched results for the matrix elements of the B(B(s)) mixing parameter in the static limit from tmQCD
Author(s) Palombi, Filippo (CERN) ; Papinutto, Mauro (CERN) ; Pena, Carlos (Madrid, Autonoma U. ; Madrid, IFT) ; Wittig, Hartmut (Mainz U., Inst. Kernphys.)
Collaboration ALPHA Collaboration
Publication 2007
Imprint 16 Oct 2007
Number of pages 14
In: PoS LATTICE 2007 (2007) 366
In: 25th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Regensburg, Germany, 30 Jul - 4 Aug 2007, pp.366
DOI 10.22323/1.042.0366
Subject category Particle Physics - Lattice
Abstract We report on a non-perturbative study of the scale-dependent renormalization factors of a multiplicatively renormalizable basis of Delta B=2 parity-odd four-fermion operators in quenched lattice QCD. We also present some preliminary results of the matrix elements related to the mixing parameter of the B_s-meson. In our lattice formulation, the heavy quark is treated in the static approximation, while the strange one belongs to a doublet of twisted mass fermions at full twist, i.e. with twist angle alpha=pi/2. In this framework, the parity-even Delta B=2 four-fermion operators responsible for the mixing are rotated onto a linear combination of parity-odd operators in the above-mentioned basis. Their physical matrix elements between static B_s-mesons are extracted from lattice correlators with Schroedinger functional boundary conditions. We observe a suppression of excited state contributions to the B_{B_s} mixing parameter and speculate about possible explanations.
Copyright/License CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 Записът е създаден на 2007-10-16, последна промяна на 2023-04-14

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LATTICE 2007_366 - Сваляне на пълен текстPDF
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