






繼承中古英語 equinoxequinoxeequynox (一年中晝夜等長的兩個時段之一,二分點;黃道十二宮中的白羊座或天秤座,在這兩個星座中,太陽穿過天體赤道)[1]來自古法語 equinoceequinoxe (現代法語 équinoxe)或來自詞源中世紀拉丁語 ēquinoxiumēquinoctium,來自拉丁語 aequinoctium (二分點),來自aequus (同等) + nox (夜晚) (源頭衍生自原始印歐語 *nókʷts (夜晚)) + -ium (構成抽象名詞的後綴)[2][3]這個拉丁語詞彙,被後來衍生的中古英語和現代英語所採用,取代了古英語 efnniht (現代英語 evennight)。

罕見的另一個複數形式equinoctesequinox視為一個拉丁語詞彙;拉丁語 nox (夜晚)的複數是noctēs





equinox (複數 equinoxes (罕用) equinoctes)

  1. 分點二分點晝夜平分點春分秋分
    近義詞: (罕用) evennight
    • Template:RQ:Bentley Confutation of Atheism
    • 1793年9月22日, Edward Williams, “Ode on Converting a Sword into a Pruning Hook”, 出自 Poems, Lyric and Pastoral. [], London: [] J[ohn] Nichols;  [], 出版於 1794, →OCLC, footnote *,頁號s 160–161:
      The four grand and ſolemn Bardic days are, of ancient uſage, the tvvo equinoxes, and the tvvo ſolſtices; the nevv and full moons are alſo, ſubordinately, ſolemn Bardic days: []
    • Template:RQ:Emerson Complete Works
    • Template:RQ:Tennyson Poems 1842
    • 1848, Charles Richard Weld, 章號 V, 出自 A History of the Royal Society, with Memoirs of the Presidents. [], 卷 I, London: John W[illiam] Parker, [], →OCLC頁號 100:
      21. Report the experiments, if conveniently they may, at both the solstices and equinoctes. / 22. Observe accurately the time of the sun’s rising on the top of the hill and below, and note the difference.
    • 1854, John Williams, “Pro-consul. b.c. 55.”, 出自 The Life of Julius Cæsar, London, New York, N.Y.: G[eorge] Routledge & Co., [], →OCLC頁號 195:
      For [Julius] Cæsar says, that on the night of the fourth day after his landing there was a full moon. He had before mentioned that the summer was far spent, and the æquinox not come, hence, the full moon must have been either in July or August.
    • 2005, Clive [L. N.] Ruggles, “Equinoxes”, 出自 Ancient Astronomy: An Encyclopedia of Cosmologies and Myth, Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, →ISBN頁號 148:
      The word equinox is generally taken to refer to the days when, at every point on the earth, day and night are of equal length. But this definition of the equinox is a bit misleading. Since it gets light before the sun rises and remains light after the sun sets, the actual period of darkness at the equinox will be substantially less than twelve hours, the exact amount depending on latitude and how one defines the boundary between twilight and night. [] In practice, one cannot determine the equinox by measuring the length of time between sunrise and sunset.
    • 2006, John T. Koch, “calendar, Celtic”, 出自 Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia, 卷 I, Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, →ISBN, §4 (The Seasons),頁號 332,列號 1:
      [] Midsummer’s Day falls near the beginning of summer meteorologically, but was the midpoint of summer in the traditional calendar. Though Midsummer’s Day celebrations are common in the modern Celtic countries, there is no evidence that the ancient Celts celebrated either the solstices or the equinoctes.
  2. (比喻義) 二十四小時晝夜等長的情況
  3. (天文學) 太陽的視路徑和地球赤道面相交的兩個空間點之一
  4. (棄用)
    1. (罕用) 一種強風,被認為在春分前後頻繁出現,現在知道是一種誤解;春分大風
    2. (天文學) 天體赤道重合地球赤道
      近義詞: (棄用) equinoctial line














  1. ē̆quinox, n.” in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.
  2. 對照“equinox, n.”, OED Online Paid subscription required, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, March 2022
  3. equinox, n.”, Dictionary.com Unabridged, Dictionary.com, LLC, 1995–present, reproduced from Stuart Berg Flexner, editor in chief, Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 2nd edition, New York, N.Y.: Random House, 1993, ISBN 978-0-679-42441-3







借自法語 équinoxe,來自拉丁語 aequinoctium





equinox m (複數 equinoxen)

  1. 晝夜平分點
    近義詞: dag-en-nachteveningequinoctiumnachtevening

