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繼承中古英語 governergovernereguvernere,源自古法語 gouvreneur;等同於 govern +‎ -er



governer (複數 governers)

  1. governor的棄用形式
    • [1529], [John Frith], A Pistle to the Christen Reader: The Revelation of Antichrist. Antithesis / Wherin Are Compared To Geder Christes Actes and Oure Holye Father the Popes., [Antwerp]: [Johannes Hoochstraten]:
      And oute of theſe caves and dennes are they called to be governers and curattes of chirches / when they ſeme to chouſe the beſt.
    • 1553, Eras[mus] Sarcerius, 譯者 Rychard Tauerner, Commõ Places of Scripture Ordrely and after a Compendious Forme of Teaching, Set Forth with No Litle Laboure, [], London: [] Nycolas Hyll for Robert Toye, [], folio xc, verso:
      Fynallye the holye ghoſte maye alſo be ſayde a cauſe of thys lybertye, foꝛaſmuche as he is the gouerner and pꝛeſeruer therof.
    • a. 1587, Philippe Sidnei [i.e., Philip Sidney], “(please specify the page number)”, 出自 The Covntesse of Pembrokes Arcadia [The New Arcadia], London: [] [John Windet] for William Ponsonbie, 出版於 1590, →OCLC; republished in Albert Feuillerat 編, The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia (Cambridge English Classics: The Complete Works of Sir Philip Sidney; I), Cambridge, Cambridgeshire: University Press, 1912, →OCLC:
      O wretched mankind (ſaid I then to my ſelfe) in whom witte (which ſhould be the gouerner of his welfare) becomes the traitor to his bleſſednes.
    • 1589, Zacharias Vrsinus, 譯者 Henry Parry, The Summe of Christian Religion: Delivered by Zacharias Vrsinus in His Lectures vpon the Catechisme, Authorised by the Noble Prince Fredericke throughout His Dominions: [], Oxford, Oxon: [] Ioseph Barnes, [],頁號 748:
      And whẽ alſo he ſaieth, Of many, hereby is cõfirmed, that by the name of the church, wherof Chriſt ſpeaketh Mat. 18. is not vnderſtoode the cõmon multitude, but the chief governers of the church.







繼承拉丁語 gubernāregubernō 的現在時主動不定式分詞,源自古希臘語 κυβερνάω (kubernáō)




  1. 引導掌舵
  2. 統治治理



這個動詞變位為以-er結尾的第一組動詞。原本會規則變化成 *-rns、*-rnt 的詞形被修改成以 rzrt 結尾。古法語的變位因時代和地域而異。以下變位僅供參考。


  • 中古法語: gouverner
  • 諾曼語: gouvèrner
  • 中古英語: governen