


經濟制裁 (英文Economic sanctions) 係一種喺經濟上嘅懲罰,可以針對一個國家組織、或者[1][2]。佢一般都係一種外交手法,就係用打擊經濟,嚟鼓勵或者避免一啲喺行為上嘅改變[3][4]




  1. Drezner, Daniel W. (2021). "The United States of Sanctions". Foreign Affairs (美國英文). ISSN 0015-7120.
  2. Biersteker, Thomas J.; Tourinho, Marcos; Eckert, Sue E. (2016), Tourinho, Marcos; Eckert, Sue E.; Biersteker, Thomas J. (編), "The effectiveness of United Nations targeted sanctions", Targeted Sanctions: The Impacts and Effectiveness of United Nations Action, Cambridge University Press, pp. 220–247, ISBN 978-1-107-13421-8
  3. Drezner, Daniel W. (2003). "The Hidden Hand of Economic Coercion". International Organization. 57 (3): 643–659. doi:10.1017/S0020818303573052. ISSN 0020-8183. JSTOR 3594840. S2CID 154827129.
  4. Pape, Robert A. (1997). "Why Economic Sanctions Do Not Work". International Security. 22 (2): 90–136. doi:10.2307/2539368. ISSN 0162-2889. JSTOR 2539368.
  5. Farrell, Henry; Newman, Abraham L. (2019). "Weaponized Interdependence: How Global Economic Networks Shape State Coercion". International Security. 44 (1): 42–79. doi:10.1162/isec_a_00351. ISSN 0162-2889. S2CID 198952367.
  6. Drezner, Daniel W. (2011). "Sanctions Sometimes Smart: Targeted Sanctions in Theory and Practice". International Studies Review. 13 (1): 96–108. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2486.2010.01001.x. ISSN 1521-9488. JSTOR 23016144.
  7. Drezner, Daniel W. (2024). "Global Economic Sanctions". Annual Review of Political Science (英文). 27 (1). doi:10.1146/annurev-polisci-041322-032240. ISSN 1094-2939.
  8. Drezner, Daniel W. (2022). "How not to sanction" (PDF). International Affairs (英文). 98 (5): 1533–1552. doi:10.1093/ia/iiac065. ISSN 0020-5850. 原著喺2022-12-09歸檔.
  9. Giumelli, Francesco (November 2015). "Understanding United Nations targeted sanctions: an empirical analysis". International Affairs. 牛津大學出版社. 91 (6): 1351–1368. doi:10.1111/1468-2346.12448.