Woman Interprets a Fetus during Brazilian Senate Debate

Nyedja Gennari screamed and simulated the fetus's despair, saying it wanted to stay alive, while senators watched

São Paulo

In a debate this Monday (17) in the Senate about the Federal Council of Medicine's prohibition on fetal assistolia, a procedure for terminating pregnancies in cases of legally permitted abortion, a storyteller interpreted a fetus screaming during the procedure.

Nyedja Gennari (FOTO: Reprodução/TV Senado) - Reprodução/TV Senado/Reprodução/TV Senado

Nyedja Gennari screamed and simulated the fetus's despair, saying it wanted to stay alive, while senators watched.

A teacher, Nyedja has a project of personalized stories performed at political events, weddings, and companies.

See video:


In addition, she is a special advisor to the deputy governor of the Federal District, Celina Leão.

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