Apply for SCOPE Accreditation | World Obesity Federation

Apply for SCOPE Accreditation

To apply for SCOPE Accreditation, please complete the form below.

Applications must be submitted no later than one month before the first day of an event.

SCOPE Accreditation Application Form

SCOPE Accreditation Application Form

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As listed here.
After clicking 'Submit', your application will be submitted for review by World Obesity's Clinical Care Committee. Please allow up to four weeks to receive feedback on your application.

If your application is successful, World Obesity will provide a PowerPoint slide on SCOPE to be included in your presentation(s). By clicking 'Submit', you agree to include this slide.

Each application will be subject to an application fee. The remaining fee will be charged upon approval of the accreditation. Full breakdown of costs available here

Technical issues
Once you have pressed 'Submit' please wait a few moments and do not refresh or navigate away from the page.
Any issues, or to send additional files, please email [email protected].

This programme is partially supported by an unrestricted medical education grant from Novo Nordisk A/S.
Novo Nordisk has had no input into the content of the training.