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Europe, 1890-1945

Europe, 1890-1945 is a new approach to teaching and learning early twentieth century European history at A level. It meets the needs of teachers and students studying for today's revised AS and A2 exams. In a unique style, Europe, 1890-1945 focuses on the key topics within the period. Each topic is then comprehensively explored to provide background information, essay writing advice and examples, source work, and historical skills exercises. From 1890 to 1945, the key topics featured include: * the origins and impact of the First World War* the Russian Revolution and the rise of Stalin* the Weimar Republic and the rise of Hitler* Mussolini and Fascist Italy* Stalin and the Soviet Union, 1928-41
eBook, English, 2003
Routledge, London, 2003
1 online resource
9781315012858, 9781136406607, 9781136406539, 9781136406676, 1315012855, 1136406603, 1136406530, 1136406670
Print version:
Half Title
Series Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
1.1 Map of Europe, 1914
1.2 Map of Europe, 1919-39
2.1 Alliances in 1914
2.2 Assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo, 28 June 1914
2.3 Declarations of war
2.4 Map showing the sides in the First World War
2.5 The signing of the Treaty of Versailles, 1919
2.6 The end of three empires and the emergence of the successor states, 1918-21 2.7 Map illustrating the end of three empires and the emergence of the successor states, 1918-21
3.1 The 1905 Revolution
3.2 Russian political parties from 1906
3.3 Russian revolutionary movements
3.4 The Bolshevik Revolution, October 1917
3.5 Lenin and Trotsky
3.6 Social classes in Russia, 1900
4.1 Map of Germany, 1871-1918
4.2 Kaiser Wilhelm II
4.3 The German constitutions of 1871 and 1919
4.4 The political parties of imperial and Weimar Germany
4.5 The triangular economic relationship following the Dawes Plan (1924)
reparations and loans, 1924-9 4.6 Gustav Stresemann
4.7 Paul von Hindenburg
5.1 Mussolini in civilian clothes in the 1920s
5.2 Mussolini in uniform in the 1930s
5.3 The origins of fascism
5.4 The significance of the fasces symbol
5.5 Map of Italian expansion, 1919-40
5.6 'The man who took the lid off', 1935
5.7 View foils with text
5.8 German troops in Austria in 1938
5.9 'In the melting pot again', 1936
6.1 Hitler and Hindenburg in 1933
6.2 The systems of indoctrination and coercion in the Third Reich
6.3 The SS/Gestapo 6.4 The effect of bombing in the Second World War
the ruins of Hamburg
7.1 Lenin and Stalin together
7.2 The rise of Stalin and his changing ideas: a possible interpretation
7.3 The Soviet secret police
7.4 A collective farm in the 1930s
7.5 Map of the Soviet Union in 1950
7.6 An official Soviet cartoon of 1937
Trotsky washing his hands in the blood of Soviet Russia
8.1 The League of Nations in session
8.2 Signing the Locarno Pact of 1925
Austen Chamberlain, Gustav Stresemann and Monsieur Briand are present
8.3 Neville Chamberlain at Munich, 1938 8.4 'The Treaty of Versailles sends Germany to the Guillotine'
Series Introduction
1 An Introduction to the Period
2 The Era of the First World War, 1890-1919
3 Russia, 1855-1917
4 Imperial and Weimar Germany, 1890-1933
5 Italy, 1918-45
6 Nazi Germany, 1933-45
7 Russia and the Soviet Union, 1918-53
8 International Relations, 1919-39
9 General Conclusion: From AS to A2
Biographies of Important Personalities
Glossary of Key Terms
Select Bibliography
Index Free eBook from the Internet Archive Additional information and access via Open Library