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For all other inquiries...

Local Ithaca: 607-330-4373
Toll Free: 888-255-7512

Studios:  888-639-5613

WITH Radio
407 College Avenue, PMB #345
Ithaca NY 14850

For Programming questions or comments, you can email Audience Services.

For other questions or comments, you can contact us here

Need to reach a particular staff member?

Visit our Staff page.

Interested in Submitting Music for Airplay?
Please send TWO compact discs (no cassettes or tapes, please) to:


Music Director
407 College Avenue, PMB #345
Ithaca NY 14850

We will also accept uncompressed digital downloads. For information, please contact [email protected]

We regret that, due to the large volume of material we receive, we cannot confirm the receipt or the airplay of unsolicited material.