President Ray Cross:

“While I respect the right of the UW-Madison Faculty Senate to voice its concerns, I disagree with the resolution approved today. As president of the System and a faculty member, it is critically important that I advocate for UW-Madison and all UW System institutions. My role also requires me to work in partnership with an array of stakeholders, including faculty and the state Legislature. I take these duties very seriously. This state and its people are counting on us, working together, to help improve and expand quality of life and economic prosperity. I will continue working with faculty at UW-Madison and other institutions and partners throughout the state to advance the UW System for the good of all of Wisconsin.”

Board of Regents President Regina Millner:

“The Board of Regents has total confidence in President Ray Cross. Most Regents will be disappointed by this overreaction to the Board’s decision to put in place very reasonable and fair tenure and layoff policies – something the legislature directed us to do as part of the state budget. These policies align with our peer institutions and allow us to remain competitive for the recruitment and retention of quality faculty. As to tenure protection, prior to this new policy, post tenure reviews were not consistent or robust on the Madison campus or throughout the UW System. The new policy brings an enhanced degree of accountability, something that is long overdue, and codifies a new level of fiscal responsibility.”

Media Contact

Alex Hummel UW System (608) 262-4463 [email protected]